What next?

The training that participants undergo during the Keys to Lead workshop is Level 1 - it is the starting level of their leadership journey.

Level 1 training: Individual capacity development [recap] [10hrs]

The training engages young people in their life-planning to increase positive learning and life outcomes. It coaches youth to:

  • Co-design their planning to formulate a personal vision that inspires them

  • Develop their vision into goals

  • Unpack goals into smaller achievable steps to build their confidence in goal setting and goal achieving

  • Grow their voice to enable them to make positive choices in planning their future

  • Nurture their inner leader through contributing meaningfully to their communities

Level 2 training: Sector capacity development [12 hrs]

When an organisation wishes to develop future leaders, we have an additional group program. This level coaches them to deepen the knowledge about themselves that they have gained from Level 1 with a focus on preparing them to take on different future leadership roles in their communities.

Following this Level 2 training, we review participants' outcomes as well as our notes on how they contributed to and participated in their groups, if they shared with and/or listened to others etc... We work from a matrix by which we rate potential participants to our Level 2 training. We are open to discussing future candidates with organisations and take into account additional knowledge that would contribute to an emerging leader suitability - for instance prior life experiences etc...

Level 3 training: Keys2Lead facilitator program [45hrs]

Level 3 is an intensive program to develop:

  • deepening basic knowledge on workshop core concepts

  • person-centered facilitation skills,

  • participant-observer research skills to pay attention to the group's dynamics

  • technical skills to collect the data that allows for outcome analysis

Contact us (email below) for more information!