Program Sessions

A collaborative approach to activating youth leadership by improving positive learning and life outcomes

The starting point to developing youth leadership

The program engages young people in their life planning to increase positive learning and life outcomes. It coaches youth to:

  • Co-design their planning to formulate a personal vision that inspires them

  • Develop their vision into goals

  • Unpack goals into smaller achievable steps to build their confidence in goal setting and goal achieving

  • Grow their voice to enable them to make positive choices in planning their future

  • Nurture their inner leader through contributing meaningfully to their communities

What do sessions cover?

Launching your leadership session

* Identify your unique Character Strengths

* Creating your vision using our creative Pictability tool amongst other ideas

* Prioritise goals

* Take the first steps: working on your first short term goal

Clarifying your direction session

* Unpack goals through our Goal 2 Action coaching tool

* Implement the Keys to Citizenship approach in your life

* Achieve your first short term goal

Expanding your horizons session

* Turn relationships into partnerships

* Practice wellbeing to flourish

* Achieve your second short term goal

Following up

* Evaluate your success so far and what changes you may want to make

* Embed strength-based learning into everyday experiences

* Sustain progress by constructing your tool kit from the program tools that work best for you

* Plan your future long term goals

Keys2Lead is based on a robust positive psychology curriculum.

It can be facilitated flexibly over a shorter time with longer sessions or shorter sessions over a longer period of time, depending on circumstances and logistics. In total the program is 15 hours long.

Participants use the following bespoke tools, which we co-designed with past participants:

  • A Vision Board tool to set out their inspiring future

  • A Keys to Lead board to build their confidence in goal setting

  • A Goal to Action tool to unpack their goals into smaller more achievable steps

  • A Wall of Honour leaderboard to ensure goals cover all areas of a future of contribution and participation

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