What is Social Media?

How Do Adolescents Use Social Media?

Social media is a broad term that encompasses websites and applications that enable users to create and share content electronically. Increased access to technology allows adolescents to use social media extensively. In fact, "95% of teens now report they have a smartphone or access to one. These mobile connections are in turn fueling more-persistent online activities: 45% of teens now say they are online on a near-constant basis" (Anderson & Jiang, 2018).

Negative teen responses to social media use include that too much use may lead to mental health issues and unrealistic views of others' lives.

“It provides a fake image of someone’s life. It sometimes makes me feel that their life is perfect when it is not.” (Girl, age 15)

The Pew Research Center found that more than 50 percent of 13- to 17-year-olds go online several times a day. Teenage girls have the highest usage at just over 140 minutes per day. This data does not include time used for academic purposes (Coppes, 2019).

Social media use is the norm of today. Kids and adults use it alike, for entertainment, creating and maintaining friendships, sharing interests and ideas, exploring identities, and developing relationships with family. However, adolescents are using social media constantly, multiple times a day, including during academic and personal responsibilities. Think about your own child, how often do you see them on their cell phone or laptop? Do you know what they are doing? Do you know who they are talking to?

It is important to stay informed about the types of social media your child is using. Social media apps are continually changing, with new apps being created frequently. Staying up to date on the apps your child uses may help you monitor and navigate the potential dangers of social media.

What Your Kids are Using

Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and TikTok are some of the most popular social media sites today. Social media is always evolving, and as parents, you'll want to familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of the latest social media apps.

As you can see from the figure.....

85% of adolescents use YouTube

72% of adolescents use Instagram

69% of adolescents use Snapchat

51% of adolescents use Facebook

32% of adolescents use Twitter

**TikTok is another more recent app that many adolescents use today.

If you are interested in learning about specific social media apps popular today check out this video!

The video provides a brief overview of how to use the app as well as the history behind it.

Apps discussed:

  • Facebook

  • YouTube

  • Instagram

  • TikTok

  • LinkedIn

  • Pinterest

  • Reddit

  • Snapchat

  • Twitter

  • Discord