
What is YouRelax?

The most ancient medical arts or those aimed at well-being including traditional Chinese acupuncture, Ayurveda and Yoga are based on the principle of a continuous, coherent and harmonious energy flow that passes through all our tissues in order to maintain our body in the state of good health. Today physiology teaches us that every cell in our body keeps alive thanks to the continuous flow of energy between the inside and the outside of its cell membrane and that this electric potential varies according to the system, the organ, the meridian acupuncture or chakra system validating these ancient disciplines and making them "scientifically" understandable.

In this App we have collected all the frequencies that the researchers, in decades of studies, have identified for the described function and listening to them, providing the physiologically correct frequency, allows to maintain the correct harmony of the organs and physiological systems but also to obtain them rebalancing and re-harmonization.

The frequencies, to maximize their effectiveness, are made in pure sinusoidal form and, respecting a timing derived from the golden proportion of Fibonacci, each can be combined with a preferred ambient sound effect file or can be listened to without any combination, the effectiveness is not changed .

Subjecting our organism to these frequencies, which refer it to the physiologically correct ones, for a suitable period and with optimal modality, this will tune it with the received signal and will remain or can return to complete harmony.

The sound stimulus has the task of reminding the systems, organs, meridians, chakras, individual cells of their basic vibrational frequency and recalling them to the same frequency bringing a profound state of relaxation and psycho-physical well-being.

The sound stimulus is not a therapy and does not in any way replace any ongoing therapies.

The available frequencies have been classified according to the field of application. They are available individually or as a frequency cycle for each identified group.

The frequency cycle proposes, in sequence, all the frequencies listed in each group and is useful for a complete stimulation of the group and to bring it to the most correct state for the use of one of the specific frequencies and make its use even more effective. .

Each frequency reproduces in addition to the sound also a coherent luminous frequency, based on the device used.

Each audio file is about 15 minutes, we do not recommend listening to more than 4 files in a row, considering the induced relaxation it is also inadvisable to use while driving or while engaging in work that requires maximum attention.

For the best effectiveness it is advisable to listen to the tracks with adequate sound speakers, good hi-fi headphones with high efficiency or an high quality Home-Theater system.

Take your time and enjoy the multisensory sensations of YouRelax.

How To Install YouRelax

Press on this link and install the YouRelax application from the Apple Store. Yourelax is compatible with all iPhone and iPad devices.

YouRelax Video