Choose Your Road

This is a Portfolio project for MLLL-3043-995 at the University of Oklahoma, Fall 2018.

Hello everyone and welcome to my Portfolio! My name is JT and I will be sharing some renditions of different fairy tales and myths that I really enjoyed while I worked through the semester.

Gehenna's Vineyard dives into the world of Noah from the Bible. This version of the story of the great flood looks into more detail regarding where the flood waters came up as well as how Noah found out grapes could be made into wine.

The Destiny of A King is my take on one of the stories from the Tales of Bidpai. This story is heavily influenced by the story of The King, the Falcon, and the Drinking-Cup. My version goes a step further from the original one, pursuing a more spiritual outcome than the original. Where does the King of a country go when he dies? And what role might the gods of a people play in determining the new King? Read this story to discover the answers!

St. Kavin's Blessing takes us to an early Ireland that is heavily influenced by faith. A loyal hunting dog misses a hunting trip and the Prince comes back home to find the nursery stained with blood. Was it man's best friend who caused the mess or was there someone else who was responsible? Read to learn more!

I hope you enjoy the stories and gain a bit of knowledge as you read through!

Click Here to visit my Blog for Mythology and Folklore.