What to bring

Typical food and drinks from your countries!

We will have traditional evenings during the project and basically every evening will belong to a different country. Unfortunately, we don’t have budget to reimburse you the expenses made for the things that you are bringing, but try to be creative and funny! You can bring typical costumes, ornaments, leaflets, posters, flyers, food, sweets, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks… and so on! There may be the possibility to cook something using the kitchen of the establishment.

Spread the Culture

For activities, you can bring with you: traditional games from your country or region, photos, cultural objects from your region/town only for the Intercultural exhibition evening. Beside, please bring cameras, if you have, to create videos and take photos or and laptops with editing software for photos, brochures and videos.

Also, you can show videos, photos, sing and dance traditional dances from your countries! We are counting on you to make these evenings as interesting as possible and promise to help you in any way that we can!!!


In April weather can be tricky in the mountains! Prepare for temperatures between 15 Celsius during the day and as low as 1-2 Celsius during nights. It is recommended to bring warm clothes for the outdoor activities and trips and especially for spending time outside during the night, when it gets colder and windy. It is not unusual for our region to have snow in April, so try to be prepared for that (mentally and physically).

Good shoes

and proper clothes for outdoors. The mountains of the area are very beautiful, so we might organize one hiking trip (8-9 hours, medium difficulty) with the entire group and it is mandatory to have proper hiking equipment if you wish to take part. More details about that will come in the weeks before the exchange because it is important to take into consideration the weather, temperature, amount of snow and other technicalities, before venturing on a hiking path. It is very possible that we will find snow on the mountain tops!

As well, we advise you to bring your own towels and whatever you need for taking shower, washing, etc.