
(Jun. 2024) 하지훈 박사과정 학생, 2024 이공분야학술연구지원사업(박사과정생연구장려금지원사업, 5천만원/2년) 선정!

(Jan. 2024) We are pleased to announce that our Ph.D. candidate, Jun-Soo Kim, has been awarded the Excellent Award by the Department of Electrical Engineering at POSTECH. This recognition comes as a result of his impressive research contributions, including publications in TPWRS, TSE, and TIE, all within just one year. Congratulations to Jun-Soo on this achievement!

(Dec. 2023) Dr. Ye-Eun Jang will join the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) as a Senior Researcher, starting from next February. A big congratulations! 

(Dec. 2023) Dr. Prasanth Ram J has been promoted to the position of Research Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at POSTECH, joining the esteemed faculty of our university. His promotion is a significant achievement in his academic career, reflecting his extensive work and publications in the field of PV system control and O&M, which have been featured in several prestigious journals. This appointment is also noteworthy as, at POSTECH with us, he will contribute to the enhancement and recognition of POSTECH's academic reputation and ranking among global universities, demonstrating the impact of his academic contributions.

(Oct. 2023) Both Dr. Youngjin Kim and Dr. Prasanth Ram J were featured in the list of the 2023 World’s Top 2% Researchers again. 

(Oct. 2023) Our paper on model predictive control of hydrogen energy storage systems has been selected as one of the most popular papers in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion in Aug. 2023.

(Sep. 2023) Our manuscript, focused on the design of Series-Parallel Overlapping Sub-array (SOPS) especially within the context of photovoltaic (PV) power generation under diverse shading patterns in soiled conditions, has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics .

(Sep. 2023)  Opened our new office for a group of our graduate students, situated in the ChangeUp Ground building in Pohang. With modern facilities, it offers a conducive environment for students to concentrate on their coursework and research .

(Sep. 2023)  Collaboration with Hyundai Motor Company produced a US patent as our student (Jonghyun Park) examined innovative ways using AI and numerical optimization to predict and control the temperatures of EV battery and motor.

(Aug. 2023) 김영진 교수, 2023년도 한국연구재단 국책연구본부 신규 전문위원(분야: 전력 IT)으로 선임

(Aug. 2023) Dr. Prasanth Ram J has achieved a significant milestone in his academic journey. His exceptional contributions and dedication to the Department of Electrical Engineering at POSTECH have earned him a distinguished position among the top three postdoctoral researchers. In recognition of his remarkable achievements, Dr. Prasanth Ram J has been honored with the prestigious BK Fellowship, spanning a one-year duration.

(May. 2023)  Invited to  the World Climate Industry Expo (WEC) to present our work on (1) Digital Twin Platform and (2) P2P Energy Transaction Platform with the fruitful collaboration with Inha University, Raon Friends, and Pluxity

(May. 2023)  Dr. Kim was invited as a member of the nationwide initiative for Carbon Free Energy (CFE) in Korea.

(Mar. 2023)  Our study with Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries on a real-world shipboard microgrid with a grid-forming inverter

(Dec. 2022) 김영진 교수,  국가과학기술자문회의  에너지 /환경 분야 전문위원으로 선발

(Nov. 2021)  Our paper on optimal control of hydrogen energy storage systems has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion.

(Oct. 2022)  Selected as the Best Research Project among the 50+ projects funded by Korea Electric Power Research Institute for the last three years

[IEEE TPWRS] Decentralized robust frequency regulation of multi-terminal HVDC-linked grids

[IEEE TPWRS] Optimal secondary control to suppress voltage fluctuations in an HVDC-linked wind farm grid

[IEEE Access] Optimal data-driven control of an LCC HVDC system for real-time grid frequency regulation

and [Energies] Analyses and comparisons of generic and user writing models of HVDC system considering transient DC current and voltages.

(Oct. 2022) Dr. Youngjin Kim and Dr. Prasanth Ram J were featured in the list of the 2022 World’s Top 2% Scientists released by Stanford University in the Single-year track. 

(Aug. 2022) Our paper on optimal real-time control of offshore wind farm voltages has been selected as one of the 50 most frequently accessed documents for IEEE Transactions on Power Systems in July, 2022.

(Jul. 2022) Our postdoc and Ph.D. candidates have been selected for the recipients of Best Oral Award in the International Council on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Conference 2022. Here are the topics and titles of their "FIVE" papers.

(May. 2022) Our Ph.D. candidate, Ye-Eun Jang, has received an NRF research grant for Ph.D. students. It is one of the most prestigious grants given to only a few Ph.D. students in all areas of science and engineering, encouraging them to lead advances in the mission of research. This grant will fund her studies on AI-based optimal operation of multi-energy systems for 2050 carbon neutrality. Congratulations!

(Apr. 2022) Dr. Kim has been appointed as the Jisan Chair Professor at POSTECH for his academic excellence.

(Apr. 2022)  Further improved our PHILS (power hardware-in-the-loop simulation) setup for the projects on Energy Cloud, Mobile Green Hub Station, LCC/VSC HVDC System, AC/DC Protection Relays, and PV Health Management, which includes: 

(Apr. 2022)  Invited as the Guest Editor for the Special Section in Energy Reports (IF: 6.87)

(Apr. 2022)  Invited as the Guest Editor for the Special Section in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (IF: 4.131)

(Mar. 2022) Dr. Jae-Young Park will join the Department of Energy ICT Convergence Research at the Korea Institute of Energy Research as a senior researcher, starting from this April. A big congratulations!

(Mar. 2022) Our M.S. student, Gi-Woong Han, received the Scholarship from Korea Electric Power Corporation for his academic achievements during the undergraduate and graduate studies. 

(Jan. 2022) Our Ph.D. candidate, Ye-Eun Jang, received the Excellent Award from the Graduate Student Research Competition in the Department of EE at POSTECH for her achievements (one TSG paper and two patents) only within 1.5 years. A big congrats to her!

(Dec. 2021) Selected as a Topic Chair of ECCE 2022 (No of Attendees: Approx. 2200) in the area of "Smart Grid & Utility Applications", including  the following sub-topics:

(Dec. 2021) Selected for the yearlong research project on electric power facility for a semiconductor factory, funded by Samsung Electronics,

(Nov. 2021) Selected for the yearlong research project on the development of DERMS applications, funded by SK E&S.

(Nov. 2021) Selected for the 3-year research project on the development of MMC-type energy storage systems based on Green Hub Station with renewable energy resources, funded by Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning.

(Nov. 2021) Our paper on optimal parameter estimation of organic PV cells has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics (in IEEE Electron Device Society)

(Nov. 2021) Our paper on HVDC system modeling and analyses has been accepted for publication in Energies.

(Oct 2021) Featured in the list of the 2021 World’s Top 2% Scientists released by Stanford University in the Single-year track. 

(Oct 2021) Invited to join the inaugural editorial board for Energy Conversion and Economics of IET

(Oct. 2021) Our paper on optimal voltage control in a wind farm has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

(Sep. 2021) Our paper on evaluation of digital protection relays has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (IF: 4.016, Instruments & Instrumentation: 11/64, 83.59%)

(Aug. 2021) Started working as an associate editor for IEEE Power Engineering Letters

(Jul. 2021)  Our paper on supplementary frequency regulators of DGs has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (IF: 8.96)

(Jul. 2021)  Our two papers,  led by Jae-Young Park and Ji-Hun Ha, respectively, have been selected as Best Papers in 2021 Summer Conf., KIEE. 

(July 2021) Our postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Prasanth Ram J, has been selected for the PIURI fellowship. A big congratulations!

(July 2021) Our postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Jae-Pil Ban, will join the Department of Electronic Engineering at Kumoh National Institute of Technology as an assistant professor, starting from this fall. A big congratulations!

(May 2021) Our Ph.D. student, Ye-Eun Jang, has been selected for the POSTECHIAN Fellowship. A big congratulations!

(May 2021) Successfully finished the 3-year project funded by KEPCO on P2P energy trading 

(Apr. 2021) Selected  for the 3-year research project funded by Ministry of Science and ICT

(May 2021) Successfully finished a three-year project on IEC 61850 process bus, funded by KETEP.  

(Apr. 2021) Having a seminar talk with Professor Jef Beerten on HVDC-linked power grids

(Mar. 2021)  Our paper on distributed state estimation has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (IF: 6.074)

(Feb. 2021)  Our paper on a reconfiguration technique for maximum power generation of a PV array  in the cloudy weather has been accepted for publication in Energy (IF: 6.082)

(Feb. 2021)  Selected as an Associate Editor for Power and Energy Society Section in IEEE Access

(Jan. 2021)  Selected as an Associate Editor for IEEE Systems Journal 

(Jan. 2021)  Our paper on HVAC system modeling and control using interconnected ANNs has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions in Smart Grid (IF: 8.267)

(Jan. 2021)  Selected for "ANOTHER" 3-year research project on the development of power HILS-based digital twin, funded by National Research Foundation of Korea

(Dec. 2020)  Our project on the optimal control of HVDC converters has been selected as the Best Research Project among 204 projects funded by KEPCO.

(Jul. 2020)  Our three papers,  led by Seung-Jun Han, Jun-Soo Kim, and Gi-Ho Lee, respectively, have been selected as Best Papers in 2020 Summer Conf., KIEE. 

(Nov. 2020)  Joined the 2020 China-Korea Joint Symposium on High Renewable Energy Penetration to Power System

(Oct. 2020)  Joining the KERI's research project on Adaptive VPP (virtual power plant)

(Oct. 2020)  Our paper on analyzing the noise discomfort of neighbors due to electrical appliances has been accepted for MDPI Sustainability (IF:2.576)

(Aug. 2020)  Our paper on new model of dynamic network reconfiguration has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions in Smart Grid (IF: 8.267)

(Aug. 2020) 한전공대 (가칭) 연구자문 위원 선정

(Jul. 2020)  Received the grade of "S" (higher than 95%) in the final evaluation for the project on "Coordination between Smart Grid and a Cluster of Smart Buildings (PI: Y. Kim, 12.2016 ~11.2019)" funded by the NRF

(May 2020) Our paper on optimal control of HVDC converters has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (IF:6.807), which is the most conservative and prestigious journal in the area of power systems.

(Apr. 2020) Selected for for the 4-year research project funded by Ministry of Science and ICT

(Apr. 2020) My single-authored paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (IF: 10.486). 

(Apr. 2020)  Dr. Kim has been invited as an associate editor of the Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (JEET) (IF: 0.715).

(Mar. 2020)  Dr. Kim has been invited as the guest editor of the special issue on "AI and Big Data Applications for Smart Buildings" in the journal of Energies (IF: 2.707).

(Mar. 2020)  3-D User Interface of BEMS for AI-based Control of Building Thermal Energy

 (Mar. 2020)  Our paper on optimal data-driven control of HVDC system has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access (IF:4.098)

(Feb. 2020)  Our paper on retail electricity pricing  via online supervised learning of demand response of HVAC systems has been accepted for publication in Applied Energy (IF:8.426, Rank: Top 7.3% in Energy)

(Feb. 2020)  Our paper on optimal solvers for two-stage microgrid economic dispatch  has been accepted for publication in Energies (IF:2.707).

(Jan. 2020)  Our paper on a new initialization method for input variables of neural networks has been accepted for publication in Information Science (IF:5.524).

(Nov. 2019)  Our paper  on optimal V2G  of mobile ESS has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (IF:3.347), one of top-tier journals in the area of  power grid.

(Nov. 2019)  Dr. Kim has been selected as the 2019 Best Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (IF: 10.486).

(Dec. 2019)  Our paper on optimal battery temperature control via the interconnection of multiple ANNs has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access (IF:4.098).

(Sep. 2019)  Our paper on decentralized conservative voltage regulation (DCVR) in an inverter-based MG has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access (IF:4.098).

(Sep. 2019)  Our paper, led by Jae-Young Park, has been selected as Best Paper in the 2019 Summer Conf., KIEE.   Congratulations!

(May 2019)  Our paper, led by Ye-Eun Jang, has been selected as Best Paper in the 2019 Spring Conf., KIEE.   Congratulations!

(Aug. 2019)  Attending the tutorial session on dynamic state estimation (DSE) in IEEE General Meeting, 2019 (Atlanta, GA)

(Jul. 2019)  Selected for the (2+3)-year research project on Digital Twin, funded by National Research Foundation of Korea

(Mar. 2019) The first SCI paper of our students, led by Byeong-Cheol Jeong, has been accepted for publication in Energies  (IF: 2.676). 

(Nov. 2018)  Our paper on optimal electricity pricing using game theory for reliable and cost-effective distribution network operation has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (IF: 7.364).

(Feb. 2019)  Our student (Byeong-Cheol Jeong) has been selected for the scholarship of Korea Electric Power Corporation. Congratulations!

(Feb. 2019)  Selected for the 4-year research project funded by National Research Foundation of Korea

(Dec. 2018)  Selected for the 3-year research project funded by Korea Electric Power Corporation 

(Jul. 2018)  Selected for the Research Collaboration (Energy, Robot, Mobility service, AI Sector) project sponsored by Hyundai

(Mar. 2018)  Selected for the 3-year research project funded by Korea Electric Power Corporation

(Apr. 2018) Our paper on mobile energy storage systems (MESDs) in distribution network has been accepted for IEEE EEEIC 2018 and IEEE I&CPS 2018.

(Feb. 2018) Our paper  on modeling and analysis of a new HVDC system has been accepted for publication in  IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (IF: 3.218).

(Feb. 2018) My single-authored paper (again!) on a VUF sensitivity matrix in unbalanced distribution network has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (IF: 5.680). 

(Dec. 2017) My single-authored paper on machine-learning-based DR with human sensing has been accepted for publication in  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IF: 6.764).

(Feb. 2018) Selected as the Best Lecturer for the Nano-IP at SNU in the year of 2017

(Dec. 2017) Invited to serve the Technical Program Committee for IEEE ISGT Asia 2018

(Nov. 2017) Invited as a speaker for the ECE Colloquium at UNIST  ( and the Nano-IP at SNU (

(Jun. 2017) Invited as a member of IEC Technical Committee 95 (COSD TC95) - Measuring relays and protection equipment

(May 2017) Invited to join the editorial board for IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (IF in 2016: 6.645, 5-yr IF: 8.315),  which is one of the most prestigious journals in the area of power grid. 

(May 2017) Made the contract for a yearlong project with Argonne National Lab. on distributed energy storage resources

- We will continuously seek the opportunities for international collaboration!

(Feb. 2017) Selected as the 13th popular article in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid