Gala Dinner

Dear Participants of the Xth International Session of Young Scientific Staff „Food Science Development. Sustainable Future”, we would like to inform that gala dinner will take place on Thursday 11th May at 8:30 P.M. in the restaurant Restauracja Wilanów – Tajemniczy Ogród. The address is Stanisława Kostki Potockiego 27 (

Convenient public transport route: take the bus number 166 (direction: Pl. Hallera), 148 (direction: Wiatraczna), 193 (direction: Bokserska) or 401 (direction: Ursus-Niedźwiadek) from the bus stop ‘SGGW Rektorat 02’ and change at the bus stop Nowoursynowska to the bus number 317 (direction Wilanów). Bus number 317 departures from bus stop Nowoursynowska 02. Please find the map below. If you would like to go by TAXI, please be informed that restaurant is around 5 km from the conference venue.