The Polish Society of Food Technologists Warsaw

invites you to participate in:



Xth International Session of Young Scientific Staff

„Food Science Development. Sustainable Future”,


which will be held in:

Warsaw, May 11-12, 2023



Institute of Food Sciences of The Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS/ SGGW)

Section of the Young Scientific Staff of the Polish Society of Food Technologists (PTTŻ)

under the auspices of the Committee of Food Sciences and Nutrition of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN)

Session topics:

The conference will be divided into two sections: Polish and English. A maximum of two scientific reports (paper and/or poster) may be presented by each participant. Plenary lectures by foreign and Polish guests and free scientific workshops are scheduled for the conference. The abstracts of the speeches will be published in an abstract book. Based on the submitted reports, the Scientific Committee will select papers that can be published (after a positive review) in recognized scientific journals. Each participant of the conference has the opportunity to publish an article free of charge in the journal ŻYWNOŚCI. SCIENCE. TECHNOLOGY. QUALITY (20 MEiN points).

Meeting place:

The conference will be held on the campus of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences 

ul. Nowoursynowska 159c 

02-776 Warszawa 



The conference is co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Science under the agreement No. DNK/SP/549801/2022 as part of the funds allocated for activities disseminating science under the "Excellent Science" program (pol. Program Doskonała Nauka). The name of the project "XXVII Scientific Session of the Young Research Staff Section" (pol. XXVII Sesja Naukowa Sekcji Młodej Kadry Naukowej).