Music is food for the soul and an instant way to gain peace of mind. Researchers found out that listening to music can change brain function just like medication, particularly Celtic, Native American, Indian stringed instruments, flutes, and drums, as well as sounds of thunder, rain, and light jazz [1].

Acceptance is crucial for peace of mind. Accepting that there are few guarantees in the world and learning to tolerate uncertainty is a huge leap in the peace-of-mind stakes. Differentiate between what you can and cannot control.

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The more we like ourselves, the greater our peace of mind. We accept ourselves more and feel at ease in the world, no matter what situation we find ourselves in. We experience less insecurity, and as a result, our inner peace is heightened.

This is another vital component of peace of mind and wellness. When we practice congruence, we behave similarly to how we feel and think. When the way we see ourselves and the way the world sees us is the same, we are practicing congruence.

Problems arise when we see ourselves one way (for example, as a loving mother) but behave in ways that are at odds with how we would like to see ourselves (for example, neglecting our children because we are too busy). Finding ways to keep our inner ideals and how we behave similarly is one of the keys to peace of mind.

This is one of the best tips to achieve a calm state of mind. You have as much right to be here and to have an opinion as anyone else. When we become passive or submissive, we do ourselves a disservice.

Of course, this tip is easier said than done. After all, not everyone can speak their mind, especially when other people are around. So start small, maybe this involves telling your partner where you want to eat for dinner or what movie you want to watch.

Guilt is a negative emotion that removes peace of mind. Although it can motivate us (in the wrong way), it is still a toxic emotion. In fact, one study showed that it could literally weigh you down [4].

Why does everything need to be accomplished today? Often, we place unrealistic pressure on ourselves when there is no need to. Challenge your impatience, be mindful and enjoy life at the moment. This is how you can be calm and peaceful. But how can you slow down? Be deliberate in your actions and try not to rush.

Today is a beautiful spring/summer day with puffy clouds, temps in the 80s, and a touch of a breeze. However, just the other night we had a storm blow through that disturbed a calm, beautiful evening. The storm blew in with high winds, lightning, and thunder that woke me up and rattled the house. I went from a peaceful sleep to being awake and searching the weather app to see what was going on.

In life, I have found that there are three things that come my way to disturb me and get my eyes off of Jesus. When my focus is on Him, I have peace even in the midst of the storm. So today, I want to share with you the first thing that will try to destroy your peace, so you can be aware of it the next time a storm blows into your day and tries to steal your peace.

Allow His promises to bring peace and quiet in the midst of the storm. Look away from all that would distract you, and look to Jesus and His promises (Hebrews 12:2 Amplified). He keeps him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed or fixed on Him (Isaiah 26:3).

When we pray and give our cares to Him and follow this with thanksgiving and praise that He is handling it, then His peace settles down over both our heart and mind (Philippians 4:6-7). In this place of peace, God goes to work on the storm or problem. When we let go and let God do His work, peace returns and the storm settles down.

Cacao opens your heart, the gateway to hear your inner spirit and wisdom. You will experience the world of meditation at a higher spiritual level. Choosing to live with cacao means you are bringing peace to your mind and soul daily.

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Nirvana (Sanskrit: , nirva; Pali: nibbna) is "blowing out" or "quenching" of the activity of the grasping mind and its related unease.[1] Nirvana is the goal of many Buddhist paths, and marks the soteriological release from worldly suffering and rebirths in sasra.[2][3] Nirvana is part of the Third Truth on "cessation of dukkha" in the Four Noble Truths,[2] and the "summum bonum of Buddhism and goal of the Eightfold Path."[3]

In the Buddhist tradition, nirvana has commonly been interpreted as the extinction of the "three fires" (in analogy to, but rejecting, the three sacraficial fires of the Vedic ritual),[4] or "three poisons",[5][6][note 1] greed (raga), aversion (dvesha) and ignorance (moha).[6] When these fires are extinguished, release from sasra, the perpetual grasping activity of the mind, or the cycle of rebirth, is attained.

Nirvana has also been claimed by some scholars to be identical with anatta (non-self) and sunyata (emptiness) states though this is hotly contested by other scholars and practicing monks.[web 1][7][8][9][10] In time, with the development of the Buddhist doctrine, other interpretations were given, such as the absence of the weaving (vana) of activity of the mind,[11] the elimination of desire, and escape from the woods, cq. the five skandhas or aggregates.

Nirvana, the quenching of the burning mind, is the highest aim of the Theravada tradition. In the Mahayana tradition, the highest goal is Buddhahood, in which there is no abiding in nirvana. Buddha helps liberate beings from sasra by teaching the Buddhist path. There is no rebirth for Buddha or people who attain nirvana. But his teachings remain in the world for a certain time as a guidance to attain nirvana.

hnissaro Bhikkhu argues that the term nibbna was apparently derived etymologically from the negative prefix, nir, plus the root va, or binding: unbinding, and that the associated adjective is nibbuta: unbound, and the associated verb, nibbuti: to unbind.[web 4][29] He and others use the term unbinding for nibbana.[web 4][web 5] hnissaro argues that the early Buddhist association of 'blowing out' with the term arose in light of the way in which the processes of fire were viewed at that time - that a burning fire was seen as clinging to its fuel in a state of hot agitation, and that when going out the fire let go of its fuel and reached a state of freedom, cooling, and peace.[web 4]

L. S. Cousins said that in popular usage nirvana was "the goal of Buddhist discipline,... the final removal of the disturbing mental elements which obstruct a peaceful and clear state of mind, together with a state of awakening from the mental sleep which they induce."[38]

Peter Harvey has defended the idea that nirvana in the Pali suttas refers to a kind of transformed and transcendent consciousness (viana) that has "stopped" (nirodhena). According to Harvey this nirvanic consciousness is said to be "objectless", "infinite" (anantam), "unsupported" (appatihita) and "non-manifestive" (anidassana) as well as "beyond time and spatial location".[59][60] Rune Johansson's The Psychology of Nirvana also argues that nirvana could be seen as a transformed state of mind (citta).[61]

According to Christian Lindtner, the original and early Buddhist concepts of nirvana were similar to those found in competing ramaa (strivers/ascetics) traditions such as Jainism and the tradition of the Upanishads. It was not a purely psychological idea, but a concept described in terms of Indian cosmology and a related theory of consciousness.[76] All Indian religions, over time, states Lindtner evolved these ideas, internalizing the state but in different ways because early and later Vedanta continued with the metaphysical idea of Brahman and soul, but Buddhism did not.[77] In this view, the canonical Buddhist views on nirvana was a reaction against early (pre-canonical) Buddhism, along with the assumptions of Jainism and the Upanishadic thought on the idea of personal liberation.[78] As a result of this reaction, nirvana came to be seen as a state of mind, instead of a concrete place.[66] Elements of this precanonical Buddhism may have survived the canonisation, and its subsequent filtering out of ideas, and re-appeared in Mahayana Buddhism.[66][68] According to Lindtner, the existence of multiple, and contradicting ideas, is also reflected in the works of Nagarjuna, who tried to harmonize these different ideas. According to Lindtner, this lead him to taking a "paradoxical" stance, for instance regarding nirvana, rejecting any positive description.[66]

Nirvana is also described in Buddhist texts as identical to anatta (anatman, non-self, lack of any self).[7][8][9] Anatta means there is no abiding self or soul in any being or a permanent essence in any thing.[99][100] This interpretation asserts that all reality is of dependent origination and a worldly construction of each human mind, therefore ultimately a delusion or ignorance.[99][101] In Buddhist thought, this must be overcome, states Martin Southwold, through "the realization of anatta, which is nirvana".[101] 2351a5e196

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