Investigation #3

Use the clues below to discover the type of government being practiced. What do these clues tell you about this type of government?

Record your answers on your activity sheet. (You will need to make 3 copies of this worksheet - one for each investigtation).

What does this building represent?

This building is not in Washington, D.C. What does this building tell us about this country’s government? For more hints, click on the photo.

Who is this man?

This man, who is no longer alive, was not an American. What does this photograph tell us about the government of the country he ruled for many years?

What does this flag represent?

Why is there only one star? What does this flag tell us about this country’s government? For more hints, click on the flag.

What does this poster say?

There have been many ups and downs in the country. What does the poster state? What does this poster tell us about this country’s government? For more hints click on the poster.

Conclude your investigation on the type of governmental system being practiced. Record your answers on page 3 of your Activity Sheet. When you have finished, check your conclusions by visiting this page.