

  1. L. Xie, A. Yoneda, D. Yamazaki, G. Manthilake, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, N. Guignot, A. King, M. Scheel, D. Andrault (2020), Formation of bridgmanite-enriched layer at the top lower-mantle during magma ocean solidification, Nature Communications 11, 1-10, [OPEN ACCESS]

  2. Y. Inubushi, T. Yabuuchi, T. Togashi, K. Sueda, K. Miyanishi, Y. Tange, N. Ozaki, T. Matsuoka, R. Kodama, T. Osaka, S. Matsuyama, K. Yamauchi, H. Yumoto, T. Koyama, H. Ohashi, K. Tono, M. Yabashi (2020), Development of an experimental platform for combinative use of an XFEL and a high-power nanosecond laser, Applied Sciences 10, 2224, [OPEN ACCESS]

  3. Z. Liu, C. McCammon, B. Wang, L. Dubrovinsky, T. Ishii, D. Bondar, A. Nakajima, Y. Tange, Y. Higo, T. Cui, B. Liu, T. Katsura (2020), Stability and solubility of the FeAlO3 component in bridgmanite at uppermost lower mantle conditions, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125,

  4. Y. Nishihara, S. Doi, S. Kakizawa, Y. Higo, Y. Tange (2020), Effect of pressure on temperature measurements using WRe thermocouple and its geophysical impact, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 298, 106348,

  5. Y. Nishihara, S. Doi, H. Hino, Y. Higo, Y. Tange (2019), Pressure effect on the electromotive force of the type R thermocouple, High Pressure Research,

  6. T. Katsura, Y. Tange (2019), A simple derivation of the Birch–Murnaghan equations of state (EOSs) and comparison with EOSs derived from other definitions of finite strain, Minerals 9, 745, [OPEN ACCESS]

  7. T. Ishii, R. Huang, R. Myhill, H. Fei, I. Koemets, Z. Liu, F. Maeda, L. Yuan, L. Wang, D. Druzhbin, T. Yamamoto, S. Bhat, R. Farla, T. Kawazoe, N. Tsujino, E. Kulik, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, T. Katsura (2019), Sharp 660-km discontinuity controlled by extremely narrow binary post-spinel transition, Nature Geoscience 12, 869-872,

  8. M. Nishi, J. Tsuchiya, Y. Kuwayama, T. Arimoto, Y. Tange, Y. Higo, T. Hatakeyama, T. Irifune (2019), Solid solution and compression behavior of hydroxides in the lower mantle, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124, 10231-10239,

  9. T. Arimoto, T. Irifune, M. Nishi, Y. Tange, T. Kunimoto, Z. Liu (2019), Phase relations of MgSiO3-FeSiO3 system up to 64 GPa and 2300 K using multianvil apparatus with sintered diamond anvils, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 295, 106297,

  10. N. Nishiyama, K. Fujii, E. Kulik, M. Shiraiwa, N.A. Gaida, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, A. Holzheid, M. Yashima, F. Wakai (2019), Thermal expansion and P-V-T equation of state of cubic silicon nitride, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39, 3627-3633,

  11. N. Tsujino, T. Yoshino, D. Yamazaki, M. Sakurai, W. Sun, F. Xu, Y. Tange, Y. Higo (2019), Phase transition of wadsleyite-ringwoodite in the Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4 system, American Mineralogist 104, 588-594,

  12. T. Irifune, T. Kunimoto, T. Shinmei, Y. Tange (2019), High pressure generation in Kawai-type multianvil apparatus using nano-polycrystalline diamond anvils, Comptes Rendus Geoscience 351, 260-268,

  13. D. Yamazaki, E. Ito, T. Yoshino, N. Tsujino, A. Yoneda, H. Gomi, J. Vazhakuttiyakam, M. Sakurai, Y. Zhang, Y. Higo, Y. Tange (2019), High-pressure generation in the Kawai-type multianvil apparatus equipped with tungsten-carbide anvils and sintered-diamond anvils, and X-ray observation on CaSnO3 and (Mg,Fe)SiO3, Comptes Rendus Geoscience 351, 253-259,

  14. S. Greaux, T. Irifune, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, T. Arimoto, Z. Liu, A. Yamada (2019), Sound velocity of CaSiO3 perovskite suggests the presence of basaltic crust in the Earth’s lower mantle, Nature 565, 218-221,

  15. J. Yamamoto, T. Yoshino, D. Yamazaki, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, J. Torimoto (2019), Thermal expansion of natural mantle spinel using in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction, Journal of Materials Science 54, 139-148,

  16. T. Ohuchi, X. Lei, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, T. Sakai, K. Fujino (2018), Semi-brittle behavior of wet olivine aggregates: the role of aqueous fluid in faulting at upper mantle pressures, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 173, 88,

  17. T. Pikuz, A. Faenov, N. Ozaki, T. Matsuoka, B. Albertazzi, N.J. Hartley, K. Miyanishi, K. Katagiri, S. Matsuyama, K. Yamauchi, H. Habara, Y. Inubushi, T. Togashi, H. Yumoto, H. Ohashi, Y. Tange, T. Yabuuchi, M. Yabashi, A.N. Grum-Grzhimailo, A. Casner, I. Skobelev, S. Makarov, S. Pikuz, G. Rigon, M. Koenig, K.A. Tanaka, T. Ishikawa, R. Kodama (2018), Development of new diagnostics based on LiF detector for pump-probe experiments, Matter and Radiation at Extremes 3, 197-206, [OPEN ACCESS]

  18. Y. Nishihara, T. Ohuchi, T. Kawazoe, Y. Seto, G. Maruyama, Y. Higo, K. Funakoshi, Y. Tange, T. Irifune (2018), Deformation-induced crystallographic-preferred orientation of hcp-iron: An experimental study using a deformation-DIA apparatus, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 490, 151-160,

  19. T. Ishii, R. Huang, H. Fei, I. Koemets, Z. Liu, F. Maeda, L. Yuan, L. Wang, D. Druzhbin, T. Yamamoto, S. Bhat, R. Farla, T. Kawazoe, N. Tsujino, E. Kulik, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, T. Katsura (2018), Complete agreement of the post-spinel transition with the 660-km seismic discontinuity, Scientific Reports 8, 6358, [OPEN ACCESS]

  20. T. Kubo, M. Kono, M. Imamura, T. Kato, S. Uehara, T. Kondo, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, T. Kikegawa (2017), Formation of a metastable hollandite phase from amorphous plagioclase: A possible origin of lingunite in shocked chondritic meteorites, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 272, 50-57,

  21. T. Ishii, D. Yamazaki, N. Tsujino, F. Xu, Z. Liu, T. Kawazoe, T. Yamamoto, D. Druzhbin, L. Wang, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, T. Yoshino, T. Katsura (2017), Pressure generation to 65 GPa in a Kawai-type multi-anvil apparatus with tungsten carbide anvils, High Pressure Research 37, 507-515,

  22. Z. Liu, M. Nishi, T. Ishii, H. Fei, N. Miyajima, T.B. Ballaran, H. Ohfuji, T. Sakai, L. Wang, S. Shcheka, T. Arimoto, Y. Tange, Y. Higo, T. Irifune, T. Katsura (2017), Phase relations in the system MgSiO3‐Al2O3 up to 2300 K at lower mantle pressures, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122, 7775-7788,

  23. T. Ohuchi, X. Lei, H. Ohfuji, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, T. Sakai, K. Fujino, T. Irifune (2017), Intermediate-depth earthquakes linked to localized heating in dunite and harzburgite, Nature Geoscience 10, 771,

  24. L. Xie, A. Yoneda, T. Yoshino, D. Yamazaki, N. Tsujino, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, T. Irifune, T. Shimei, E. Ito (2017), Synthesis of boron-doped diamond and its application as a heating material in a multi-anvil high-pressure apparatus, Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 093904,

  25. B. Albertazzi, N. Ozaki, V. Zhakhovsky, A. Faenov, H. Habara, M. Harmand, N. Hartley, D. Ilnitsky, N. Inogamov, Y. Inubushi, T. Ishikawa, T. Katayama, T. Koyama, M. Koenig, A. Krygier, T. Matsuoka, S. Matsuyama, E. McBride, K.P. Migdal, G. Morard, H. Ohashi, T. Okuchi, T. Pikuz, N. Purevjav, O. Sakata, Y. Sano, T. Sato, T. Sekine, Y. Seto, K. Takahashi, K. Tanaka, Y. Tange, T. Togashi, K. Tono, Y. Umeda, T. Vinci, M. Yabashi, T. Yabuuchi, K. Yamauchi, H. Yumoto, R. Kodama (2017), Dynamic fracture of tantalum under extreme tensile stress, Science Advances 3, e1602705, [OPEN ACCESS]

  26. S. Ono, T. Kikegawa, Y. Higo, Y. Tange (2017), Precise determination of the phase boundary between coesite and stishovite in SiO2, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 264, 1-6,

  27. N.J. Hartley, N. Ozaki, T. Matsuoka, B. Albertazzi, A. Faenov, Y. Fujimoto, H. Habara, M. Harmand, Y. Inubushi, T. Katayama, M. Koenig, A. Krygier, P. Mabey, Y. Matsumura, S. Matsuyama, E.E. McBride, K. Miyanishi, G. Morard, T. Okuchi, T. Pikuz, O. Sakata, Y. Sano, T. Sato, T. Sekine, Y. Seto, K. Takahashi, K.A. Tanaka, Y. Tange, T. Togashi, Y. Umeda, T. Vinci, M. Yabashi, T. Yabuuchi, K. Yamauchi, R. Kodama (2017), Ultrafast observation of lattice dynamics in laser-irradiated gold foils, Applied Physics Letters 110, 071905,

  28. D. Yamazaki, N. Tsujino, A. Yoneda, E. Ito, T. Yoshino, Y. Tange, Y. Higo (2017), Grain growth of ε-iron: Implications to grain size and its evolution in the Earth's inner core, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 459, 238-243,

  29. M. Ruiz-Lopez, A. Faenov, T. Pikuz, N. Ozaki, A. Mitrofanov, B. Albertazzi, N. Hartley, T. Matsuoka, R. Ochante, Y. Tange, T. Yabuuchi, T. Habara, K.A. Tanaka, Y. Inubushi, M. Yabashi, M. Nishikino, T. Kawachi, S. Pikuz, T. Ishikawa, R. Kodama, D. Bleiner (2017), Coherent X-ray beam metrology using 2D high-resolution Fresnel-diffraction analysis, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 24, 196-204,

  30. T. Yoshino, D. Yamazaki, Y. Tange, Y. Higo (2016), Short-period cyclic loading system for in situ X-ray observation of anelastic properties at high pressure, Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 105106,

  31. Z. Liu, T. Irifune, M. Nishi, Y. Tange, T. Arimoto, T. Shinmei (2016), Phase relations in the system MgSiO3-Al2O3 up to 52 GPa and 2000 K, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 257, 18-27,

  32. T.A. Pikuz, A.Ya. Faenov, N. Ozaki, N.J. Hartley, B. Albertazzi, T. Matsuoka, K. Takahashi, H. Habara, Y. Tange, S. Matsuyama, K. Yamauchi, R. Ochante, K. Sueda, O. Sakata, T. Sekine, T. Sato, Y. Umeda, Y. Inubushi, T. Yabuuchi, T. Togashi, T. Katayama, M. Yabashi, M. Harmand, G. Morard, M. Koenig, V. Zhakhovsky, N. Inogamov, A.S. Safronova, A. Stafford, I.Yu. Skobelev, S.A. Pikuz, T. Okuchi, Y. Seto, K.A. Tanaka, T. Ishikawa, R. Kodama (2016), Indirect monitoring shot-to-shot shock waves strength reproducibility during pump–probe experiments, Journal of Applied Physics 120, 035901,

  33. Y. Nishihara, K. Fuke, Y. Tange, Y. Higo (2016), Determination of pressure effect on thermocouple electromotive force using multi-anvil apparatus, High Pressure Research 36, 121-139,

  34. T. Kunimoto, T. Irifune, Y. Tange, K. Wada (2016), Pressure generation to 50 GPa in Kawai-type multianvil apparatus using newly developed tungsten carbide anvils, High Pressure Research 36, 97-104,

  35. T. Ishii, L. Shi, R. Huang, N. Tsujino, D. Druzhbin, R. Myhill, Y. Li, L. Wang, T. Yamamoto, N. Miyajima, T. Kawazoe, N. Nishiyama, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, T. Katsura (2016), Generation of pressures over 40 GPa using Kawai-type multi-anvil press with tungsten carbide anvils, Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 024501,

  36. K. Miyanishi, Y. Tange, N. Ozaki, T. Kimura, T. Sano, Y. Sakawa, T. Tsuchiya, R. Kodama (2015), Laser-shock compression of magnesium oxide in the warm-dense-matter regime, Physical Review E 92, 023103, [OPEN ACCESS]

  37. M. Nishi, T. Irifune, S. Gréaux, Y. Tange, Y. Higo (2015), Phase transitions of serpentine in the lower mantle, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 245, 52-58,

  38. V. Stagno, L. Bindi, Y. Shibazaki, Y. Tange, Y. Higo, H.-K. Mao, P.J. Steinhardt, Y. Fei (2014), Icosahedral AlCuFe quasicrystal at high pressure and temperature and its implications for the stability of icosahedrite, Scientific Reports 4, 5869, [OPEN ACCESS]

  39. K. Miyanishi, N. Ozaki, E. Brambrink, N. Amadou, A. Benuzzi-Mounaix, R. Cauble, A. Diziere, F. Guyot, M. Koenig, G. Morard, T. de Resseguier, A. Ravasio, R. Smith, Y. Tange, T. Vinci, H.G. Wei, R. Kodama (2014), Characterization of laser-driven ultrafast shockless compression using gold targets, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 043521,

  40. M. Nishi, T. Irifune, J. Tsuchiya, Y. Tange, Y. Nishihara, K. Fujino, Y. Higo (2014), Stability of hydrous silicate at high pressures and water transport to the deep lower mantle, Nature Geoscience 7, 224,

  41. H. Ichikawa, T. Tsuchiya, Y. Tange (2014), The P‐V‐T equation of state and thermodynamic properties of liquid iron, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119, 240-252, [FREE ACCESS]

  42. M. Nishi, T. Irifune, H. Ohfuji, Y. Tange (2012), Intracrystalline nucleation during the post‐garnet transformation under large overpressure conditions in deep subducting slabs, Geophysical Research Letters 39, L23302, [FREE ACCESS]

  43. F. Wang, Y. Tange, T. Irifune, K. Funakoshi (2012), P-V-T equation of state of stishovite up to mid-lower mantle conditions, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117, B06209, [FREE ACCESS]

  44. Y. Tange, Y. Kuwayama, T. Irifune, K. Funakoshi, Y. Ohishi (2012), P-V-T equation of state of MgSiO3 perovskite based on the MgO pressure scale: A comprehensive reference for mineralogy of the lower mantle, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117, B06201, [FREE ACCESS]

  45. V. Stagno, Y. Tange, N. Miyajima, C.A. McCammon, T. Irifune, D.J. Frost (2011), The stability of magnesite in the transition zone and the lower mantle as function of oxygen fugacity, Geophysical Research Letters 38, L19309, [FREE ACCESS]

  46. Y. Tange, E. Takahashi, K. Funakoshi (2011), In situ observation of pressure-induced electrical resistance changes in zirconium: Pressure calibration points for the large volume press at 8 and 35 GPa, High Pressure Research 31, 413-418,

  47. D. Yamazaki, E. Ito, T. Katsura, T. Yoshino, S. Zhai, H. Fukui, A. Shatskiy, X. Guo, S. Shan, T. Okuchi, Y. Tange, Y. Higo, K. Funakoshi (2011), Phase boundary between perovskite and post-perovskite structures in MnGeO3 determined by in situ X-ray diffraction measurements using sintered diamond anvils, American Mineralogist 96, 89-92,

  48. E. Ito, D. Yamazaki, T. Yoshino, H. Fukui, S. Zhai, A. Shatzkiy, T. Katsura, Y. Tange, K. Funakoshi (2010), Pressure generation and investigation of the post-perovskite transformation in MgGeO3 by squeezing the Kawai-cell equipped with sintered diamond anvils, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 293, 84-89,

  49. M. Yokoo, N. Kawai, K.G. Nakamura, K. Kondo, Y. Tange, T. Tsuchiya (2009), Ultrahigh-pressure scales for gold and platinum at pressures up to 550 GPa, Physical Review B 80, 104114,

  50. A. Akashi, Y. Nishihara, E. Takahashi, Y. Nakajima, Y. Tange, K. Funakoshi (2009), Orthoenstatite/clinoenstatite phase transformation in MgSiO3 at high‐pressure and high‐temperature determined by in situ X‐ray diffraction: Implications for nature of the X discontinuity, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114, B04206, [FREE ACCESS]

  51. Y. Tange, Y. Nishihara, T. Tsuchiya (2009), Unified analyses for P-V-T equation of state of MgO: A solution for pressure-scale problems in high P-T experiments, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114, B03208, [FREE ACCESS]

  52. Y. Tange, E. Takahashi, Y. Nishihara, K. Funakoshi, N. Sata (2009), Phase relations in the system MgO‐FeO‐SiO2 to 50 GPa and 2000°C: An application of experimental techniques using multianvil apparatus with sintered diamond anvils, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114, B02214, [FREE ACCESS]

  53. Y. Tange, T. Irifune, K. Funakoshi (2008), Pressure generation to 80 GPa using multianvil apparatus with sintered diamond anvils, High Pressure Research 28, 245-254,

  54. Y. Ueda, M. Matsui, A. Yokoyama, Y. Tange, K. Funakoshi (2008), Temperature-pressure-volume equation of state of the B2 phase of sodium chloride, Journal of Applied Physics 103, 113513,

  55. D. Yamazaki, E. Ito, Y. Tange, T. Yoshino, S. Zhai, H. Fukui, A. Shatskiy, T. Katsura, K. Funakoshi (2007), Phase boundary between ilmenite and perovskite structures in MnGeO3 determined by in situ X-ray diffraction measurements, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 34, 269-273,

  56. T. Katsura, S. Yokoshi, M. Song, K. Kawabe, T. Tsujimura, A. Kubo, E. Ito, Y. Tange, N. Tomioka, K. Saito, A. Nozawa, K. Funakoshi (2004), Thermal expansion of Mg2SiO4 ringwoodite at high pressures, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 109, B12209, [FREE ACCESS]

  57. S. Ono, K. Funakoshi, Y. Nakajima, Y. Tange, T. Katsura (2004), Phase transition of zircon at high P-T conditions, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 147, 505-509,

  58. T. Katsura, K. Funakoshi, A. Kubo, N. Nishiyama, Y. Tange, Y. Sueda, T. Kubo, W. Utsumi (2004), A large-volume high-pressure and high-temperature apparatus for in situ X-ray observation, ‘SPEED-Mk.II’, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 143, 497-506,

  59. Y. Tange, E. Takahashi (2004), Stability of the high-pressure polymorph of zircon (ZrSiO4) in the deep mantle, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 143, 223-229,

  60. S. Ono, Y. Tange, I. Katayama, T. Kikegawa (2004), Equations of state of ZrSiO4 phases in the upper mantle, American Mineralogist 89, 185-188,

  61. N. Nishiyama, T. Katsura, K. Funakoshi, A. Kubo, T. Kubo, Y. Tange, Y. Sueda, S. Yokoshi (2003), Determination of the phase boundary between the B 1 and B 2 phases in NaCl by in situ x-ray diffraction, Physical Review B 68, 134109,

in Japanese

  1. 桂智男, 丹下慶範 (2020), バーチ・マーナハン状態方程式の平易な導出と, 他の状態方程式との比較, 高圧力の科学と技術 30, 237-249, [FREE ACCESS]

  2. 尾崎典雅, 片桐健登, 丹下慶範, 宮西宏併, 末田敬一, 犬伏雄一, 富樫格, 籔内俊毅 (2020), 高強度レーザーショックと物質材料科学の融合に向けて, 高圧力の科学と技術 30, 216-224, [FREE ACCESS]

  3. 丸山茂徳, 戎崎俊一, 丹下慶範 (2018), ドライな還元地球の誕生と大気海洋成分の二次的付加で説明されるABELモデルと, 生命惑星誕生におけるABEL爆撃の重要性, 地学雑誌 127, 647-682, [FREE ACCESS]

  4. 宮西宏併, 尾崎典雅, 丹下慶範, 土屋卓久, 兒玉了祐 (2017), 酸化マグネシウムの相転移と融解, 高圧力の科学と技術 27, 137-143, [FREE ACCESS]

  5. 宮西宏併, 尾崎典雅, 丹下慶範, 木村友亮, 坂和洋一, 佐野孝好, 土屋卓久, 兒玉了祐 (2015), 超高圧下における酸化マグネシウムの屈折率計測, レーザー研究 43, 41-45.

  6. 尾崎典雅, 佐野孝好, 佐野智一, 木村友亮, 丹下慶範, 土屋卓久, 奥地拓生, 清水克哉, 坂田修身, 兒玉了祐 (2013), ハイパワーレーザーを用いた高エネルギー密度物質研究とその展望, レーザー研究 41, 25-32.

  7. 丹下慶範 (2011), 焼結ダイヤモンドアンビルを用いた川井式装置による高圧発生技術の開発と下部マントル鉱物学への応用, 高圧力の科学と技術 21, 221-229, [FREE ACCESS]

  8. 丹下慶範, 土屋卓久 (2010), スケールフリー統合解析のすすめ, 高圧力の科学と技術 20, 210-220, [FREE ACCESS]

  9. 桂智男, 舟越賢一, 西山宣正, 久保敦, 丹下慶範, 末田有一郎, 久保友明, 内海渉 (2003), 大容量高温高圧X線その場観察装置SPEED-Mk.II, 放射光 16, 352-357, [FREE ACCESS]


  1. Y. Tange (2013), Toward precise thermal/chemical modeling of lower mantel, SPring-8 Research Frontiers 2012, 96-97, [FREE ACCESS]

  2. Y. Tange (2010), Mineralogy of the lower mantle investigated using sintered diamond multianvil apparatus, SPring-8 Research Frontiers 2009, 114-115, [FREE ACCESS]

  3. 丹下慶範 (2010), P-V-T状態方程式に関するグローバルCOE国際サマースクール報告, 高圧力の科学と技術 20, 81-82, [FREE ACCESS]

  4. Y. Tange, T. Irifune (2007), Higher-pressure generation to simulate the Earth's deep interior, SPring-8 Research Frontiers 2006, 115-116, [FREE ACCESS]


  • The system MgO-FeO-SiO2 up to 50 GPa and 2000°C: An application of newly developed techniques using sintered diamond anvils in Kawai-type high-pressure apparatus

Ph.D., Tokyo Institute of Technology (March 2006)

  • 金・白金およびMgOの高圧X線回折実験と圧力スケールの考察, High-pressure XRD measurements of Au, Pt, and MgO: A discussion on pressure-scales

M.S., University of Tokyo (March 2002)

  • 高温高圧下におけるジルコンの安定性, Stability of zircon at high-pressures and high-temperatures

B.S., Tokyo Institute of Technology (March 2000)


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南海放送ラジオ, 2012年8月25日, 9月1日オンエア.