

  • MBA Graduate - School of Economics and Management, UESTC

    • Management Information Systems

  • Business Undergraduate - - School of Economics and Management, UESTC

    • Advanced Programming Language (C, Java,Python)

    • Service Science and Management (Mathematics Foundations)

    • E-Commerce Payment and Security

    • Database Principles

    • Online Finance

    • Online Payment and E-Banking

    • E-Commerce Security

    • E-Commerce and Modern Logistics

  • Internet+ Program Undergraduate - - School of Computer Science and Engineering, UESTC

  • Undergraduates from all schools - - School of Computer Science and Engineering, UESTC

  • Online MOOC Course

Supervisor of Students and Thesis Advisor

  • School of Economics and Management

    • 2 PhD (co-supervisor, one defended, one is expected to defend in 2019)

    • 9 MBA

    • 3 Master of Software Engineering Graduates

    • 14 Undergraduates

  • School of Information and Software Engineering

    • 1 Master (co-supervisor, is expected to defend in 2020)

    • 1 Undergraduate

  • School of Computer Science and Engineering

    • 2 Undergraduates (expected to defend in 2019)

    • Several Master of Software Engineering Graduates (co-supervisor)