Yongsung Lee, Ph.D.
Co-director, 3 Revolutions Future Mobility Program
Institute of Transportation Studies
University of California, Davis
office: +1-530-752-1072
email: yshlee at ucdavis.edu
CV | Google Scholar | ORCID | Github
My research aims to deepen the understanding of the behavioral mechanisms underlying individual and community activity-travel patterns, contributing to the development of smart, sustainable, equitable, healthy, and resilient cities. To achieve this, I work with both big data (e.g., passively collected via smartphone apps) and small but rich data (e.g., transportation surveys). My current research topics include:
Emerging mobility services and technology: Investigating attitudes, adoption patterns, usage frequency, substitution/complementarity relationships, and social/environmental impacts of innovations such as ridehailing, bikesharing, e-scooter sharing, and autonomous vehicles—all enabled by advanced information and communication technology.
Remote activities facilitated by information and communication technology: Examining temporary changes in work arrangements, shopping channels, social interactions, and recreational activities during the pandemic, as well as their longer-term implications for sustainable transportation and social inequality post-pandemic.
Shifting values and lifestyles among young adults: Exploring how the attitudes, values, and lifestyles of millennials and Generation Z differ from those of previous generations at the same age, with a focus on their implications for travel multimodality, residential location choices, and the spatial distribution of households and jobs within cities.
To understand the implications of these societal transformations, I integrate theories, frameworks, and analytical approaches from fields such as land use and transportation interaction, travel behavior, urban economics, machine learning, and transport geography. My research leverages novel data sources, employs innovative analytical methods, and emphasizes effective communication tools. Furthermore, I bring my research into the classroom to enhance the learning experience for students.