Over 35 years ago, our founders Maty Ezraty, Chuck Miller, and Alan Finger were among the first yoga practitioners to bring ancient yogic teachings to the Western world. As pioneers in delivering authentic, sustainable yoga practices, we aim to share yoga with people from all walks of life.

In this detailed guide, yoga and meditation teacher Pierre Bonnasse reveals the simple movement, breathing, and awareness techniques of the Rishi Yoga tradition, passed down through generations of yogis in the Himalayas. He shows how to integrate Rishi Yoga into daily life for discovering and recognizing the Universal Self, or Pure Awareness, and unveiling the peace and joy inherent in each of us.

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This constantly evolving method incorporates the latest scientific research into functional movement, back care and therapeutic exercise. Particular attention is paid to correct spinal alignment and the strengthening of deep postural muscles to bring the whole body into balance. For this reason, Yogalates is suitable for all ages, safe for all fitness levels and can be modified for clients with existing injuries. It can be particularly beneficial for those suffering from back pain and postnatal women due to its focus on core strength and pelvic stability. As well as the use of yoga props such as bricks, belts and bolsters, Yogalates incorporates resistance bands (often used in physiotherapy) and hand weights to replicate the resistance training of the Pilates machines and further enhance strength, stamina and balance.

Yogic breathing techniques are an integral part of the method; calming the mind, soothing the nervous system and detoxifying the body. Sessions always conclude with a guided relaxation in one of several restorative yoga postures.

Meine Lieblingsplatform hierfr ist Insight Timer; hier kannst du Yoga Nidra in allen mglichen Sprachen und zu verschiedenen Themen ben. Ich selbst habe auch einige Yoga Nidra aufgenommen und auf kostenlos auf Insight Timer zur Verfgung gestellt.

Die Inhalte auf dieser Website sind kostenlos im Internet verfgbar und das soll auch so bleiben. Unsere redaktionelle Arbeit finanzieren wir ber Werbung. Links, die mit einem * gekennzeichnet sind, knnen bei Kauf/Abschluss auf der jeweiligen Website hinter dem Link zu einer Provision an uns fhren, weil wir fr den Link ein sogenanntes Affiliate-Programm nutzen. Dies beeinflusst aber die Redaktionsarbeit nicht, der Hinweis wre stets auch ohne den Affiliate-Link erfolgt. Fr den Kauf/Abschluss ber den Link sind wir natrlich dankbar.

This FREE practice is here to help you show up onto your yoga mat, even when it's difficult to do so. When you're navigating difficulties in life, making time and having the motivation for self-care can be harder. This short class is here to help you continue to look after yourself.

Join Erin in beautiful Eldorado Canyon for this FREE yoga nidra class in nature. This class requires nothing of you, but to lie down and enjoy stillness while being guided through a simple breath exercise and a body scan. This is perfect for a midday break or to unwind at the end of night. Allow the external world to melt away as you draw your senses inside to find peace and quiet within.

Even a short yoga practice can have tremendous benefits for your day. This FREE full-body and concise class, will stretch and strengthen your body, and give your body time to unwind. You can expect a rejuvenating class that gives you a moment to go inwards, challenges you enough, and nourishes you.

 Spotify playlist for A Little Goes a Long Way 

In this FREE unique yoga fusion class, Elise will lead you through a carefully choreographed sequence that includes all three planes of movement: sagittal, frontal, and transverse. Remember to use Elise's special Spotify playlist to accompany this innovative 30-minute movement session.

Spotify playlist for Mindful Movement 2

Need a quick yoga break? Whether it's morning, noon or night, this FREE 15 minute class will give you an opportunity to stretch and awaken your muscles, breathe deep, tune in, and rejuvenate. Class includes Cat Cow Breathing, gentle Crescent Moon variations, Tree Pose (Vrksasana), and a several other postures to help you feel revitalized. Enjoy!

Spotify playlist for 15 minute Yoga Reboot

Join Kristin, who has recovered from back surgery and thrived for over 20 years because of her yoga practice. Much of our back pain is due to stress, tight hamstrings, psoas, and gluteal muscles. This FREE 30 minute daily routine focuses on diaphragmatic breath and targeted yoga postures that educate, strengthen and release the tension causing back discomfort.

"Dear Body, You are a mystery to me. And instead of frustration, now I feel full of wonder, and appreciation. I love you." Hillary McBride. 

What if we approached weight loss in a different way? What if instead of body shaming, we honored our bodies? In this FREE class, Kristin will lead you through a 30 minute dynamic yoga with resistance flow and an embodiment meditation to stimulate the rest and digest benefit of our nervous system. Let's move, breathe, and honor our bodies towards health and wholeness.

Are you ready to feel the power and strength in your center? Get ready to strengthen your abs, your back, and your willpower! This FREE class focuses on building stability through your core with challenging ab exercises from Pilates, functional fitness, planks, bridges, and more. You'll sweat, maybe laugh a few times (hopefully not cry!) and feel stronger after just one session. Perfect standalone class or add on after yoga or cardio.

If you want to fit a complete and thorough yoga practice into 25--minutes, this FREE class is for you.

This riverside practice wakes everything up, has you move with your breath to start, gives you time to deepen into postures, and increases both your strength and flexibility. This strong, steady and challenging condensed class packs in everything you need in your daily yoga practice, with time to breathe through all of it and not feel rushed. You'll balance, flow, hold poses, twist, go upside down (if you choose to), and open your shoulders, hips, and heart, in less than half an hour. You'll build heat gradually to let go of any stress, and hit the reset button wherever you are in your day, finishing this class feeling strong and relaxed.

Spotify playlist for 25-Minute Full Body Yoga

This is a FREE short flow class to get you moving in the morning or wind down after a long day. We will be working a lot in tabletop and in Sunbird Pose for balance and strength while also focusing on the grace, ease and flow that is captivated by a hummingbird (sunbird). This beginner friendly class is perfect whether you're newer to yoga or experience and in the mood for a gentler yet thorough, full-body opening.

In our busy and fast-paced world it's important to take time to slow down, be present and nurture ourselves so that we can feel and be our best. This FREE slow-paced all-levels yoga class combines Hatha and Yin styles of yoga to help you reduce stress and tension in both your mind and body so that you can feel refreshed. Give yourself a much needed reset and notice how much better you feel. 

Grab a folded blanket + 1 or 2 yoga blocks or 2 folded towels for the Yin portion of this class. You may or may not need all these props, but it's good to have them handy in case. Enjoy!

No time for to get to the yoga studio before work? Elise has just the thing for you: a FREE quick, easy, effective morning practice to cleanse the aches from your body and energize you. Roll, shake, breathe and flow into the rest of your day!

Spotify playlist for Morning Quickie

"Der Newcomer unter den Online Yoga Studios punktet mit einem durchdachtem Konzept, einem gut strukturierten Angebot, einer groen Vielfalt an Stilen und Mglichkeiten, einem ausgeprgten Community-Gedanken und sehr viel Charme. Besonders gut gefllt uns die Filterfunktion, die auf nahezu jedes Yogabedrfnis eingeht. Mit der 14-tgigen kostenlosen Testphase geht man null Risiko ein und kann sich das Angebot in Ruhe ansehen. onlineyoga.ch definitiv eine Empfehlung wert!"

Die Versendung des kostenlosen Yoga Nidra Audios erfolgt ber meinen Newsletter. Nach der Immersion erhltst Du weiterhin regelmig Tipps und Neuigkeiten rund um Yoga und Meditation. Ich versende meinen Newsletter 2-3 Mal im Monat. In jedem Newsletter hast Du die Mglichkeit, Dich wieder auszutragen. Deine Anmeldedaten, der Versand und statistische Auswertungen werden ber ActiveCampaign in den USA verarbeitet. Hier findest du weitere Informationen zum Datenschutz. 17dc91bb1f

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