
Office open hours:

Monday 8.00 - 15.00

Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thurthday - 8.00-12.00

Friday - 8.00 - 16.00

Try Hypnosis now!

Hypnosis solutions for:

  1. Addictions and Bad habits
  2. Laziness
  3. Fears and anxiety
  4. Anger
  5. Stress reduction
  6. Pain relief
  7. Waight loss
  8. Radiant Health
  9. Confidence
  10. Motivation
  11. Creativity
  12. Success
  13. Money
  14. Perfect job
  15. Communication skills
  16. Memory and learning
  17. Finding love
  18. Family relations
  19. Hypnosis for Kids
  20. Happyness
  21. Inner potential discovery

Self-hypnosis technics

Hypnotherapy Ethics

During the hypnosis session hypnotist follows certain rules towards the client:

1. Do no harm. Hypnosis treatment provides powerful tools for tapping into the subconscious mind. First commitment of hypnotist is to make only positive changes in patients’ lives. If client's idea of a “positive change” differs from hypnotist, the hypnotist has a responsibility to refuse to perform therapy on that client.

2. If hypnotherapy is not working on a certain client, hypnotist stop treatment and refer the patient to another specialist. We do not waste client’s time and money! Not all patients will respond to hypnotherapy - accept this and move on!

3. Set reasonable, solid, productive, attainable goals. Many people expect hypnotist to wave a magic wand over them that forces them to accomplish their goals. The patients either should understand that they have to work toward their goal. Do not try to force change; doing so could be counterproductive. Long-term, wonderful effects may reveal themselves later, but most of the changes begin to happen within a few weeks.

4. Hypnotist always assign the homework to patients to get a measure of how invested they are in their own change, and to keep them moving toward their goal. If client has not made the hometask after the third session, it means obviously that client is wasting hypnotist's and his own time, and hypnotist have a right to terminate the hypnotherapy.

5. Hypnotist should contact with client's physician or ask about permission (a signed form or letter authorizing the treatment) from the client’s physician before moving forward when treating any medical condition with hypnosis.

6. Hypnotist treats people with honesty, care and respect. Hypnotist follows all state laws, human morality and common sense.

7. Hypnotist respect the process of the medical care, the physician or the psychotherapist. If another healthcare professional refers a client to hypnosis treatment of a specific problem, hypnotist should treat only that problem.

What to expect during Hypnosis session?

1. A general hypnotherapy session begins with a pretalk. This is where hypnotherapist explain how hypnosis works with the power of client's mind.

2. Next comes the induction, which is the initial attempt to drop the client into a light trance. Remember: client may be aware of everything that hypnotist say during the session and that’s okay.

3. After the induction, the hypnotherapist will conduct a deepening that drops the client into an even deeper trance, as the name suggests.

4. The hypnotherapist will then start therapy portion of the session which includes a suggestion for change.

5. Upon finishing the therapy, the hypnotherapist will suggest amnesia, which helps the client’s mind to forget the session.

6. Finally, the hypnotherapist will use trance termination to bring the client out of hypnosis.

However, each client is different, and so the therapy session might be changed depending on the client’s needs.

The cell phone must be turned off during the all session!

Cute tip: The more intelligent client is, the more easily he can be hypnotized!