
Major Research Interest: T cell quiescence 

T cells are considered as the master guardians that protect our body through distinguishing self and non-self and thereby govern the immune system during a human’s entire lifespan.  T cells are fated to firmly maintain the quiescent state prior to activation; however, little is known about the biology and factors that underlie this phenomenon.  As immunity is lifetime-regulated by a strict balance between quiescence and activation, deciphering the mechanism of T cells quiescence can provide a cornerstone for developing innovative therapeutics.  

For decades, T cell studies have solely focused on 1) activation, 2) differentiation, and 3) effector function. The research efforts have revealed the cell-extrinsic cues such as Signal 1 (cognate antigen through TCR), Signal 2 (co-stimulatory signals), and Signal 3 (stimulatory cytokines)  that accounts for the initiation of T cell activation and differentiation. However, this cell-extrinsic mechanism is insufficient to illustrate how most T cells normally sustain quiescence while inhibiting spontaneous activation. 

By utilizing genetically modified mice and state-of-the-art immunological and molecular biological techniques with multidisciplinary collaboration,  we primarily focus on these questions to find out fundamental mechanisms on the process of quiescence to activation transition in T cells.

Recently, we identified that BTG1/2-mediated intrinsic deadenylation is required for securing T cell quiescence (Science, 2020). This work describes the hitherto unknown mechanism by which quiescent T cells actively sustain the ground state through an intrinsic system prior to activation. 

mRNA destabilization by BTG1 and BTG2 secures T cell quiescence

BTG1 and 2 are mainly expressed in naive and memory T cells. We found out that BTG1/2 interact with PABP and the CNOT complex in order to promote mRNA deadenylation and degradation. In this way, BTG1/2 can direct the down-regualtion of mRNAs at global level to restrict mRNA abundance in quiescent T cells. In BTG1/2 conditional knockout mice, total RNA-seq of naive T cells showed a global increase in mRNA abundance in DKO T cells, which allows naive T cells easily to exit from the quiescent state. It infers that mRNA abundance in naive T cells have the proclivity to be up-regulated, but BTG1/2 actively degrade the bulk of cytoplasmic mRNA to maintain quiescent state. This mechanism is seemingly inefficient in terms of cost, but the availability of pre-synthesized mRNA provides a great benefit to quiescent T cells of a rapid response to activation signals.  Science (2020) Mar 13;367(6483):1255-1260.


1. 본 연구실은 면역 세포가 작동하는 근본적인 원리를 '휴지기'의 관점으로 탐구합니다.

2. 새로운 원리를 바탕으로 다양한 면역질환(암, 자가면역질환, 알러지, 비만 등)의 치료법을 개발하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

본 연구실은 1) 면역학, 2) 분자생물학, 3) 세포생물학, 4) 생화학, 5) 생물정보학을 포함하여 융복합적이고 다면체적인 생물학 연구를 수행합니다.

수행 중과제

1. 휴지기 관점에서 T 세포의 운명 재해석

2. 면역 질환 모델 연구 (염증질환, 자가면역질환, 알레르기, 당뇨병, 암)

3. 유전자가위를 이용한 혁신항암타겟 발굴 (CAR-T, 고형암 치료)

4. 알레르기성 질환 (아토피, 천식) 연구와 치료제 개발 

 #T cell quiescence

 #유전자가위 스크리닝




 #신약타겟 후보 유전자 발굴

 #아토피, 천식


