Internacional Seminar Yasunari Kitaura

Aikido Shihan

In Memoriam

Founder and president of the Aikikai of Spain Cultural Association

(Asociación Cultural Aikikai España)


  Spain Aikikai since 1967

Preserving the transmission and its immense legacy 

7 - 8  September 2024

Madrid, Spain

(Courtesy of Aikikai Foundation) 

Mitsuteru Ueshiba

Aikido Hombu Dojo-cho

Waka Sensei

Great-grandson of Aikido founder

O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba 

(Future IV Aikido Doshu)

(Courtesy of Aikikai Foundation) 

(Courtesy of Aikikai Foundation) 

Kitaura Shu

6º Dan, Shihan

President of ACAE

Son of Yasunari Kitaura Sensei 

7 - 8  September 2024

Madrid, Spain


This program may be subject to future changes due to organizational needs.

1,042 square meters of tatami mats laid out.

Saturday,  September 7

09:30h – 10:40h

Opening Ceremony.



Aikido Embukai

10:45h– 12:15h

Ueshiba Mitsuteru

Hombu Dojo-cho.

12:25h– 13:55h

Kitaura Shu

 Shihan, 6º Dan.


17:00h – 18:30h

Kitaura Shu

Shihan, 6º Dan.

18:40h – 20:10h

Ueshiba Mitsuteru

Hombu Dojo-cho.


Sunday, September 8

09:30h – 11:00h

Kitaura Shu

Shihan, 6º Dan.

11:10h – 13:10h

Ueshiba Mitsuteru

Hombu Dojo-cho.

13:12h – 13:17h

Shodo + Fue

13:17h – 13:22h

Farewell and Acknowledgments.

Please visit this website regularly to stay updated on any new information regarding the Memorial. 


Centro Deportivo Municipal Daoiz y Velarde

Plaza de Daoíz y Velarde, S/N, 28007 Madrid

General Access Routes :


Parking Plaza Daoiz y Velarde 

Avda. Ciudad de Barcelona, 162

By Subway:

By Bus:

Líneas: 8, 10, 24, 37, 54, 56, 57, 136, 141, 156, 310


Estación de Atocha 

Affordable Train and Bus Tickets:



Adolfo Suárez  Madrid - Barajas

Good flight Deals offers:



For finding budget accommodations for these dates, we suggest making advance reservations and utilizing services such as:

Hotel Offers in the Area:

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Vacacional Rentals in the Area

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Restaurants in the Area

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Bars in the Área

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Coffee shops in the Área

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