What Do you need to know?

Review our list of Frequently Asked Questions below. If you have any further queries, please email: daytime@yjp.jaina.org. Thanks!

How Do I Register?

You can register by going to the following link: https://goo.gl/67Tysh.

How Do I Book My Hotel?

You can book your hotel by click here: Book My Hotel

How can I get there?

You may drive there if you are a local. If you are flying in then you can have a shuttle arranged to and from the airport for arrival and departure. -place link for the form of the flight for shuttle service.

What is the Dress Code?


  • Daytime: Business Casual
  • Nighttime: Your Best Garba Garb


  • Daytime: Business Causal
  • Nighttime: The Scariest Creative Costume!


  • Daytime: Business Casual

How long is the retreat?

3 days and 2 nights. October 27-October 29th, 2017

What are the requirements, if any for the sessions?

There are no official requirements. We, do, however request that you be present at all of the sessions and activities for, both, your benefit as well as others' so they may benefit from your participation.

Do I need to bring anything additional for the sessions?

No, you will be provided everything you need at the retreat for the session.

Who can come to the retreat?

Anyone, who is interested in learning more about Jainism or getting a new experience. The age range of acceptance is 24+.

When does the retreat start?

October 27th, 5Pm. If you need additional times please refer to our event mobile app (https://guidebook.com/g/yjpretreat2017) or our website link (https://sites.google.com/view/yjpretreat2017/retreat/schedule) for reference and easy accessibility.

Do I have to stay at the hotel?

It will be in your benefit if you do but not mandatory.

Can special diets be catered for?

Yes, this will be asked when you register. We've taken all diets into consideration. (Jain, Jain vegan, vegan, Jain vegetarian, and vegetarian).

What does the food menu look like for the weekend?

We will have all different types of cuisines from Mexican, chaats, to good old Indian.

What is the estimated cost of the entire retreat?

Flight: $200-$300

Hotel 3 day stay ~ $300 ($109 per night)

Registration Cost - $129

Extras: anything outside of the retreat for entertainment $100+

What is the difference between a Conference and a Retreat?

Conferences usually have a more formal or business casual atmosphere. At conferences, participants are more so on the receiving end of information or knowledge from speakers without formal opportunities to further explore these topics with each other. There is conventionally more time given during conferences to foster interaction between participants and speakers rather than between participants.

In a retreat, it is the rich conversations between participants that fosters greater exposure to new ideas and perspectives. The space of a retreat is designed for participants to connect deeper with each other as well as the speakers. A retreat still maintains professional candor and the quality of content is that of conference.

Who do I contact for further information?

Contact details for specific purposes can be found on the Connect Page of the website.