Teaching Experience 

You can find my teaching statement here. 

thesis for advanced undergraduate, Auburn University, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, and Fall 2023

Description: I serve as the teaching assistant in this course, primarily holding an independent recitation session every week. My main task includes teaching programming and coding in R, reviewing course materials, and coaching students in data analysis for their thesis. Throughout the semester, I worked with students frequently to develop their projects (i.e., pinning down research questions, figuring out available datasets and research design, implementing data work, and debugging). An example of my course slides can be found here

field course for advanced undergraduate, University of Virginia, Fall 2018 and Fall 2019

Description: I worked as a teaching assistant for undergraduate students in this advanced field course. My primary task is to hold the weekly independent TA sessions (3 sessions per week). I usually developed my course materials to help students understand concepts and models and, most importantly, develop some economic intuition. Topics in this course include taxation, social insurance programs, and (some simple) welfare analysis. My previous teaching evaluation can be found here

University of Virginia, Spring 2020

University of Virginia, Fall 2020

Examples of Teaching Evaluations 

"Yiyu is an amazing TA and went above and beyond all expectations."

"Yiyu is very approachable and often made herself available outside her regular office hour. She really tried her best to help us with homework."

"Big thanks to Yiyu for being so available and adaptable to student needs. I definitely needed the assistance and she was always there and do her best to be helpful."

"Yiyu was a great person and worked hard as a TA. She made sure to answer all questions and explain until we understood."

"She had very clear explanations and was so well-prepared for each discussion!"

"I would recommend this course to others because it is important to understand how the public sector works and economic tools are an extremely valuable way of doing so. Also, this course is the chance to finally practice applying and using the economic tools and reasoning that we spent the past two years developing. We don't learn many new tools, but we get A TON of practice applying the tools already in our tool belt. This GREATLY deepened my understanding of these tools I had learned in past classes and has given me the ability to actually use and apply them in the future and beyond my life as a student."