Griffith Observatory

Place can be defined as: “A building or locality used for a special purpose”. [1]

Griffith Observatory is a public observatory, exhibit space and planetarium located in Los Angeles California.

The Griffith Observatory is home to the famous planetairum show.

Zeiss star projector projects incredible images of the stars and sky unto the life like dome.

Every planetarium show is accompanied by a real time storyteller who narrates each scene and makes the show come to life!

I personally have visted griffith observatory several years ago and would highly reccomend the planeteriaum show. It truly is a one of a kind expereince!

This place is signifcant becasue the founder Griffith J. Griffith wanted Los Angles to have a public space where all people could gather and marvel at the stars.

The Griffith Observatory has become a landmark of California, and is visisted by thousnads each year.

It was a bit of a gloomy day but I was still able to capture the beauty of the design of the observatory.

Here are two pictures that I personally took while visiting Griffith Observatory

The Griffith Observatory offers amazing views of California from the rooftop. On a nice day you can see the Hollywood sign!