Ingredients Information

Here's some useful information

on the typical ingredients in your everyday products

along with natural ingredients we use in our products,

and for those of you who like to know

what's in the stuff you eat/use/buy, this will

be a good resource.

and just so you know....

All of Yellowstar*Essentials organic formulations and blends have:

  • NO chemically synthesised/pesticides/germicides/weedicides/fungicides

  • NO mineral phosphates, SLS/SLES, ALS, propylene glycols or lanolin

  • NO animal products or animal testing of any product

  • NO GMO/GEO ingredients (genetically modified/engineered organisms)

  • NO use of artificial fertilisers or growth hormones

  • NO petroleum/tar derivative processing/blending, chlorides or filler/obliques

  • NO artificial colours, formalin or synthetic fragrances

  • NO other harmful; excipiants/extractants, harsh industry chemicals or synthetics

  • NOR any ingredients from a non-complementary process or unnatural seed/source.

Some of the ingredients that you'll find in Yellowstar*Essentials products

(besides therapeutic grade essential oils: ):

Plants and related materials used in dietary supplements and natural cosmetics. Choose one to learn more and it will open another page from Herbal Gram

Here's a link to an article I wrote for Associated Content

Information on Ingredients for Natural Products

April 1, 2009 by yellowstaressentials

I’ve compiled a list of the top five resources for consumers who are looking to find out what exactly is in those products you’re using and what to look for when purchasing ‘natural’ products.

See more at

Some important information on ingredients;

What ingredients are in your body care?

(Extract from "The Organic Advisory Line" 1992)

alkaline substances:

Alkaline substances are often used in skin and hair care products to neutralise excess amounts of acid within a product. A common alkali used in such a way is ammonium chloride, which has been cited to cause skin rashes. This substance is also used in the making of fire extinguishers.

artificial fragrances:

Over the past century success in reproducing the natural aromas in the form of synthetic fragrances has today formed an industry in itself. It is important to understand that the chemicals easily invade the body through inhalation and not only through what we eat. When we consider that a fragrance can represent a cocktail of up to 200 chemicals, all personal care items that contain artificial fragrances are nothing short of a recipe for disaster. Why then are they used? Cost is the primary reason. To cite a simple example, the natural rose oil can cost thousands of dollars per kilogram, whereas a low quality chemical substitute can be added at less than 1% of the price.

mineral phosphates:

Home used products such as shampoos and cleaning products account for almost 30% of phosphates in our sewerage system. Phosphates strongly contribute to the outbreak of the highly toxic blue green algae, a substance that is poisoning our waterways and killing marine life. Toxic blue green algae is 10 times more lethal than strychnine and 200 times more lethal than cyanide.

added enzymes:

Enzymes are protein molecules that maintain the life process within a living organism. Unfortunately the crude industrial methods that are prevalent nowadays such as intensives heat treatments often render a product lifeless. As a consequence, enzymes need to be added to generate a rebirth for the product. It could be dangerous to allow a substance to enter the human body in a lifeless form, as it has not been created to handle such an event. For example, the junkfood that we are often persuaded to eat would be rather difficult to eat if it were not treated with added enzymes prior to our consumption. We are very proud to say Organic Formulations Skin, Body and Hair Care require no added enzymes, as all of our products contain the life force that can be found in nature itself.

bleaching and brightening chemicals:

Bleaching and brightening chemicals have little or no place in an effective home care product. They are used simply as a marketing tool to highlight (brighteners) or remove (bleaches) colours in order to persuade the consumer that they have purchased a superior product. The most common bleaches are chlorine and peroxide, each having its own destructive effect on the environment and our health.


As the word suggests, fillers are used to add size or weight to a product to give a ' value for money 'impression. Organic Trader™ refuses to make such concessions and is committed to supplying people with effective products rather than persuasive appearances.

tar derivitives:

Coal tar is used to seal wooden light poles, to make roadways and is used in many of our personal care items (commonly used in the making of artificial colours). Coal tar has an element called PAH that is suspected to be carcinogenic. Anti-dandruff shampoo contain tar derivatives and is said to that after just one hair wash it is possible to absorb as much PAH as a coal oven worker after a full days work. Coal tar is widely known to cause cancer in animals and can be the cause of skin rashes and hives. It is often used in the personal care industry as a solvent

artificial colours:

Colours are another in a long line of chemicals witnessed in modern society that are fundamentally used to attract more consumer dollars and nothing more. Often such constituents as FD & C yellow or FD & C green could be used to make a product appear as though it contained the natural ingredients of honey or seaweed for example. Two examples are FD & C blue no.1 which has been shown to cause tumours in animals and FD & C red no.40 which is made from carcinogenic substances. Both considered safe when released on the market yet later were found to have detrimental side effects.