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Rethinking Feature Backbone Fine-tuning for Remote Sensing Object Detection

Yechan Kim, JongHyun Park, SooYeon Kim, and Moongu Jeon

Submitted, -, - 2024  [JCR23-IF=4.000] (SCI) [PDF]

Learning to Remove Bad Weather: Towards Robust Visual Perception for Self-Driving

Younkwan Lee, Yechan Kim, Jongmin Yu, and Moongu Jeon

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (R-AL) with ICRA 2022, Early Access, February 2022  [JCR22-IF=5.200] (SCI) [PDF]

Imbalanced Image Classification with Complement Cross Entropy

Yechan Kim, Younkwan Lee, and Moongu Jeon

Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL), Vol. 151, pp. 33-40, November 2021  [JCR21-IF=4.757] (SCI) [PDF] [GitHub


Perception-Friendly Video Enhancement for Autonomous Driving under Adverse Weather Conditions

Younkwan Lee, Yeongmin Ko, Yechan Kim, and Moongu Jeon

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022  [PDF]

Self-Supervised Attribute-Aware Refinement Network for Low-Quality Text Recognition

Younkwan Lee, Hyeongjun Yoo, Yechan Kim, Jihun Jeong, and Moongu Jeon

European Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ECCVW), 2020 [PDF]