
The Efficacy of Social Entrepreneurship Comics (Journal Business Ethics, FT50)

Social entrepreneurship is gaining increasing legitimacy as a form of ethical business practice and learning. We produced two SE focused comics and drawing upon multimedia theory we evaluated their efficacy (i.e., self efficacy, intent, passion, cognitive) via two randomized experiments and a qualitative study. Results demonstrate the promise of comics as an effective multimedia-based pedagogy in SE and ethical business teaching and learning.

NFT-Enabled Entrepreneurship (Journal of Business Venturing Insights)

This is the first article that theorizes how Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and related Web3 technologies enable a new type of entrepreneurship. It lays out the theoretical foundation of NFT-enabled Entrepreneurship (NFTE) and how it will revolutionize the future of entrepreneurship and knowledge production.

Social Entrepreneurship as Emancipatory Work (Journal of Business Venturing, FT50)

I developed an emancipatory social entrepreneurship perspective drawing on the experience and transformation of two former religious-based terrorists, and their social enterprise, a cafe chain, which has successfully emancipated 10 ex-terrorists.

Topic Modeling Social Entrepreneurship Narratives

Using topic modeling - a popular machine learning technique - we explored, classified and validated the change making strategies employed by 2,334 Ashoka social entrepreneurs.

How entrepreneurs evaluate int'l opportunities (Journal of International Business Studies, FT50)

This is a theory-building piece that explains how entrepreneurs evaluate international entrepreneurial opportunities. By studying early vs. late stage of internationalization of 15 firms, I coined "simple", "revised" and "complex" rules of evaluation and developed a process model of how smaller firms internationalize.



Entrepreneurship (social, international, technological)

Governance and public management

Editorship (excluding journal editor roles)

Books and Book Chapters

Book Chapters

Reports and Cases