Selected Publications

Full publication list: Google Scholar


Yanhui Zhu, Samik Basu, A. Pavan.

In 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'24), to appear

Yanhui Zhu, Samik Basu, A. Pavan.

In International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'24), to appear.

Yanhui Zhu, Fang Hu, Lei Hsin Kuo, and Jia Liu.

In IEEE Transactions on Big Data (2024).


Guanyu Nie*, Yanhui Zhu*, Yididiya Y. Nadew, Samik Basu, A. Pavan, and Christopher John Quinn. 

In Proceedings of the 39th Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI'23)

( * equal contribution, alphabetical order. )

M. R. Padmanabhan, Yanhui Zhu, Samik Basu, and A. Pavan. 

In Proceedings of the 39th Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI'23)

Guanyu Nie, Yididiya Y. Nadew, Yanhui Zhu, Vaneet Aggarwal, and Christopher John Quinn

In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'23)


Jianchao Cai, Kai Xu, Yanhui Zhu, Fang Hu, and Liuhuan Li. 

In Applied Energy (2020).

Fang Hu, Yanhui Zhu, Jia Liu, and Liuhuan Li.

In Applied Soft Computing (2020).