COM S 311: Introduction to Algorithm Analysis and Design 

Recitation Topics and Slides (Spring 2024)

week 2Big-O Notations   

week 3Asymptotic Notations and Algorithm Runtime Analysis    

week 4Algorithm Design and Runtime Analysis   

week 5Hashing and Divide-and-Conquer  

week 6Recurrence Tree and Master Theorem   

week 7Heaps (max/min heap, algorithm design based on heaps)  

week 8:  None (spring break)

week 9:  Graph Fundamentals - representations, cycles, BFS

week 10: BFS, bipartite graphs, shortest path

week 11: DFS - acyclic graphs, connected components, topological sort

week 12: DFS and Dijkstra Algorithm

week 13: Dijkstra and Minimum Spanning Tree

week 14: Dynamic Programming

week 15: Dynamic Programming and Complexity Class