
Yanhui Zhu 

Yanhui Zhu is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Iowa State University (graduating in Spring 2025), where he is advised by Dr. Pavan Aduri and Dr. Samik Basu. Yanhui received an M.S. in Data Science from the University of West Florida (UWF) in 2021, where his advisor was Dr. Jia Liu.

Research Areas: Theory and practice of algorithmic machine learning, including approximation algorithms and data-driven optimizations, as well as complex network analysis and data science.

His works have been published in prestigious conference proceedings and journals such as IJCAI, UAI, CIKM, ICML, and IEEE Trans. on Big Data (TBD), to name a few. He has collaborated with experts across various fields, including theoretical computer science, machine learning, medical sciences, geoscience, and environmental sciences. He is the recipient of the "2024 ISU Department of Computer Science Publication Award" from Iowa State University and the "HMCSE Graduate Students Research Grant" from the University of West Florida.  Additionally, he has consistently served as a program committee member for conferences and as a reviewer for journals.

I am on job market for faculty positions starting in Fall / Summer 2025.


📄  [July 2024] One paper accepted to CIKM 2024.

🏆  [April 2024] Received the "2024 ISU Department of Computer Science Publication Award".

📄  [April 2024] One paper accepted to IJCAI 2024.

🗣️  [Mar 2024] Invited graduate seminar, Dept. Math & Stats, University of West Florida.

📄  [Dec 2023] One paper accepted to IEEE Trans. on Big Data.

🗣️  [Aug 2023] Attended and present at UAI 2023, Pittsburge, PA.

📄  [May 2023] Two papers accepted to UAI 2023.

🎤  [Feb 2022] Gave a talk at MAA Florida section and FTYCMA, Feb. 18th-19th (Online).

🏆  [Feb 2021] Nominated as the "Excellent Graduate Student", University of West Florida.

🎤  [Feb 2020] Gave a talk at MAA Florida section and FTYCMA, Feb. 22nd-23rd, in Pensacola, FL.

Contributive Talks

Honors and Grants