Yanhui Zhu 

I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Iowa State University, where I am very fortunate to be advised by Dr. Pavan Aduri and Dr. Samik Basu. Prior to that, I received an M.S. in Data Science from the University of West Florida (UWF), where my advisor was Dr. Jia Liu.

Research Areas: Algorithms, Machine Learning Optimizations (esp., discrete/combinatorial optimization), Complex Networks Analysis, and Data Science. 


🏆  [April 2024] Received the "2024 ISU Department of Computer Science Publication Award".

📄  [April 2024] One paper accepted to IJCAI 2024.

🗣️  [Mar 2024] Invited graduate seminar, Dept. Math & Stats, University of West Florida.

📄  [Dec 2023] One paper accepted to IEEE Trans. on Big Data.

🗣️  [Aug 2023] Attended and present at UAI 2023, Pittsburge, PA.

📄  [May 2023] Two papers accepted to UAI 2023.

🎤  [Feb 2022] Gave a talk at MAA Florida section and FTYCMA, Feb. 18th-19th (Online).

🏆  [Feb 2021] Nominated as the "Excellent Graduate Student", University of West Florida.

🎤  [Feb 2020] Gave a talk at MAA Florida section and FTYCMA, Feb. 22nd-23rd, in Pensacola, FL.

Contributive Talks

Honors and Grants