
My research interests include dynamical systems, mathematical and computational neuroscience, multiple timescale dynamics, network dynamics and homeostasis. I am particularly interested in modeling and analyzing intrinsic neural dynamics in central pattern generators, brain rhythms associated with cognition, and sensory feedback control in complex adaptive biological systems, using geometric singular perturbation theory, bifurcation analysis, mathematical modeling and numerical simulations. In addition,  I also explore the role that network structure plays in determining what dynamics are possible within a system. 

Applications of interest include neural control of breathing and disorders such as opioid-induced respiratory depression, motor control in food-swallowing behavior in the sea slug Aplysia, neuromodulation, role of astrocytes in chemosensory control of respiration, speech perception, and homeostasis in biochemical networks.   

Current Funding

NIH R01DA057767: Five-year award for "CRCNS: Evidence-based modeling of neuromodulatory action on network properties", Yangyang Wang (PI), Alfredo Garcia at UChicago, 6/15/2022-4/30/2027

Recent and Upcoming Activities and Talks

Selected Past Activities

Co-organized a two-part minisymposium titled "Biological Rhythms and Motor Control" (with P. Thomas)

MS talk titled "Shape and timing: using variational analysis to dissect motor robustness"

Co-organized a three-part minisymposium titled "Homeostasis in Networks" (with M. Golubitsky)

     MS talk titled "Complex Bursting Patterns in an Embryonic Respiratory Neuron Model"  

     Co-organized CAMBAM Zoomposium titled "Multiple Timescales in Neuronal and Other Systems" (with J Rubin) 

     -->Recordings available on the CRM YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eODSNQoCbL0