Dynamical Systems in the Life Sciences
July 13-15, 2023
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Dynamical Systems in the Life Sciences is a 3-day satellite workshop of the SMB Annual Meeting, focusing on mathematics of dynamical systems applied to various problems in modern life sciences. It takes place July 13-15, 2023 at the Ohio State University.
About the Workshop:
The workshop topic, its prominent participants and its timing (immediately prior to the SMB annual meeting in Columbus) provide an excellent opportunity for an important gathering of all levels of researchers in the area of mathematical biosciences, from established to aspiring investigators and students. This workshop aims to bring together mathematical biologists, including researchers from underrepresented groups, early career researchers, and researchers from R2 universities, to search for new and exciting connections for the future. Specific topics of discussion will include:
Biomechanical models
Cancer modeling
Coupled cell systems
Decision making
Free boundary problems with applications in cardiovascular and autoimmune disease
Homeostasis - theories and applications
Mathematical neuroscience
Network dynamics
Pattern formation
Stochastic models in biochemistry
Theoretical results inspired by models of infectious disease spread
In addition to invited talks, we will have two poster sessions for attendees not giving invited talks. The event will also encourage early-career attendees to become more engaged in the problems of theory of applied dynamical systems and its applications in modern life sciences. This will further promote the advancement of mathematical biology both from theoretical and applied perspective.
Plenary Speakers
Marty Golubitsky, The Ohio State University
Avner Friedman, The Ohio State University
Invited Speakers
Fernando Antoneli, Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Anastasia Bizyaeva, University of Washington
Janet Best, Ohio State University
Allie Cruikshank, Duke University
Judy Day, Applied BioMath
Ana Dias, University of Porto
Casey Diekman, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Allessio Franci, University of Liege
Punit Gandhi, Virginia Commonwealth University
Hayriye Gulbudak, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Abba Gumel, University of Maryland
Samuel Handelman, Eli Lilly & Co
Wenrui Hao, Penn State University
Mary Ann Horn, Case Western Reserve University
Bei Hu, University of Notre Dame
Paul Hurtado, University of Nevada Reno
Jiaxin Jin, Ohio State University
Kresimir Josic, University of Houston
Hye-Won Kang, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Jae Kyoung Kim, KAIST, South Korea
Yangjin Kim, Konkuk University, South Korea
Adrian Lam, The Ohio State University
Kang-Ling Liao, University of Manitoba, Canada
Yuan Lou, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Mike Reed, Duke University
Bjorn Sandstede, Brown University
Nourridine Siewe, Rochester Institute of Technology
John Tyson, Virginia Tech
Please click here for titles and abstracts.
Organizing Committee
Harsh Jain (University of Minnesota Duluth)
Grzegorz Rempala (The Ohio State University)
Yangyang Wang (The University of Iowa)
Email any questions to: hjain@d.umn.edu or yangyangwang@brandeis.edu
Email Grzegorz Rempala for Certificate of Participation at: rempala.3@osu.edu
Registration is now closed.
If you have been accepted in the workshop, please submit your title and abstract using this link by Friday, June 10th
Travel and accommodation information
Columbus, OH is serviced by John Glenn Columbus International Airport (CMH).
For accommodation information, click here.
Check-in instructions for OSU dorms can be found here, and under the Accommodations tab.
Parking Information: To arrange parking, please email osuinfo@campusparc.com or call their office during business hours at (614) 688-0000.
Talks will be held on the First Floor of the Smith Building on the OSU campus. Click this link for a campus map.
A key part of this workshop is to foster mentoring relationships across career stages and to expose early-career researchers and under-represented groups to new research opportunities. All junior researchers attending the workshop will have the opportunity to present their research in a poster session.
The organizers of this conference are committed fostering a welcome and inclusive environment. We will not tolerate discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), age, disability, genetic information or parental status. We invite participants to ask for necessary accommodations to ensure they can participate fully in the conference (for example, microphones for speakers, a lactation room, or a list of local child care providers).
We thank the following organizations for supporting this conference:
This conference is supported by funding from the National Science Foundation (Award ID 2310816) and The Ohio State University's Mathematics Department.
The top picture is of Jennings Hall at The Ohio State University, the erstwhile location of the MBI. Author: Wgehring91, Date: October 05, 2016, Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ohio_State_University_Jennings_Hall.jpg