
12. Max L. Prichard, Benjamin M. Spar, Ivan Morera, Eugene Demler, Zoe Z. Yan, and Waseem S. Bakr. “Directly imaging spin polarons in a kinetically frustrated Hubbard system,” arXiv:2308.12951 (2023), accepted in Nature.

11. Pavel E. Dolgirev, Kushal Seetharam, Márton Kanász-Nagy, Carsten Robens, Zoe Z. Yan, Martin Zwierlein, Eugene Demler, “Accelerating analysis of Boltzmann equations using Gaussian mixture models: Application to quantum Bose-Fermi mixtures,” arXiv:2304.09911 (2023), submitted

10. Zoe Z. Yan, Yiqi Ni, Alexander Chuang, Pavel E. Dolgirev, Kushal Seetharam, Eugene Demler, Carsten Robens, Martin Zwierlein. “Collective flow of fermionic impurities immersed in a Bose-Einstein Condensate,” arXiv:2304.07663 (2023), accepted in Nature Physics.

9. Lysander Christakis,* Jason Rosenberg,* Ravin Raj, Sungjae Chi, Alan Morningstar, David A. Huse, Zoe Z. Yan, and Waseem S. Bakr, “Probing site-resolved spin correlations of ultracold molecules in an optical lattice,” Nature 614, 64 (2023)

8. Zoe. Z. Yan,* Benjamin M. Spar,* Max L. Prichard, Sungjae Chi, Hao-Tian Wei, Eduardo Ibarra-García-Padilla, Kaden R. A. Hazzard, Waseem S. Bakr, “Two-dimensional programmable tweezer arrays of fermions,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 123201 (2022), featured as Editor’s Suggestion and selected for a synopsis in Physics Magazine.

7. Jason S. Rosenberg,* Lysander Christakis,* Elmer Guardado-Sanchez, Zoe Z. Yan, Waseem S. Bakr, “Observation of the Hanbury Brown and Twiss Effect with Ultracold Molecules,” Nat. Phys. 18, 1062 (2022).

6. Benjamin M. Spar, Elmer Guardado-Sanchez, Sungjae Chi, Zoe Z. Yan, Waseem S. Bakr, “Realization of a Fermi-Hubbard Optical Tweezer Array,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 223202 (2022), featured as Editor’s Suggestion

5. Tijs Karman, Zoe Z. Yan, Martin Zwierlein. “Resonant and first-order dipolar interactions between ultracold molecules in static and microwave electric fields,” Phys. Rev. A 105, 013321 (2022).

4. Zoe Z. Yan, Jee Woo Park, Yiqi Ni, Huanqian Loh, Sebastian Will, Tijs Karman, and Martin Zwierlein. “Resonant dipolar collisions of ultracold molecules induced by microwave dressing,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 063401 (2020), featured as Editor’s Suggestion and selected for a synopsis in Physics Magazine.

3. Zoe Z. Yan, Yiqi Ni, Carsten Robens, and Martin W. Zwierlein. “Bose polarons near quantum criticality,” Science 368, 190 (2020). 

2. Jee Woo Park, Zoe Z. Yan, Huanqian Loh, Sebastian A. Will, and Martin W. Zwierlein. “Second-scale nuclear spin coherence time of trapped ultracold 23Na40K molecules,” Science 357, 372 (2017).

1. Sebastian A. Will, Jee Woo Park, Zoe Z. Yan, Huanqian Loh, and Martin W. Zwierlein. “Coherent microwave control of ultracold 23Na40K molecules,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 225306 (2016), featured as Editor’s Suggestion and selected for a synopsis in Physics Magazine