Institute for Advanced Study & Wildlife Research Center, 

Kyoto University

Yamamoto Lab



Introduction / ラボ概要

We are tackling the mysteries of the evolution of intelligence through both cognitive research in captivity and fieldwork in natural environments with a variety of animal species. In particular, we are interested in social intelligence and our main research keywords are empathy, understanding others, cooperation, culture, and group-mindedness. Our research subjects and methods are diverse, dealing with a wide range of topics from hormones to socioecology with methodology of cognitive and behavioral experiments, drone observation, social network analyses etc. We are also working to realize a better harmoneous society between humans and non-human animals, regardless of whether they are wild, domestic, or companion animals.


Research subjects / 主な研究対象

chimpanzees, bonobos, Japanese macaques, horses, dogs, cats, elephants, etc.

チンパンジー、ボノボ、ニホンザル、ウマ、イヌ、ネコ、ゾウ etc.

Research places / 主な研究場所

Kumamoto Sanctuary (chimpanzees and bonobos), African fieldsites (wild chimpanzees and bonobos), monkey parks (wild Japanese macaques), Serra d'Arga and Cape Toi (feral horses), horse ranch, India (wild elephants), zoos, free-ranging dogs, dog nursery, dog/cat owners' home, etc.


News / ニュース

August 2024: Article publication (Brooks et al. 2024 PLOS ONE): Brooks, J., van Heijst, K., Epping, A., Lee S. H., Niksarli, A., Pope, A.,Clay, Z., Kret, M., Taglialatela, J., & Yamamoto, S. 2024) Increased alertness and moderate ingroup cohesion in bonobos’ response to outgroup cues. PLOS ONE, 19(8), e0307975. 「平和な」ボノボでも外集団刺激が集団内の集合性を高める

July 2024: Article publication (Brooks et al. 2024 iScience): Oxytocin homogenizes horse group organization. iScience (17)7, 110356 (2024). オキシトシンの経鼻投与によってウマの集団性が「均質化」される doi:

May 2024: Article publication (Paulet et al. 2024 Primates): Deep learning for automatic facial detection and recognition in Japanese macaques: illuminating social networks. Primates 65, 265-279. 機械学習を用いたニホンザルの自動顔検出と自動個体識別、および社会ネットワーク分析への応用

April 2024: Article publication (Hattori et al. 2024 Scientific Reports): Exogenous oxytocin increases gaze to humans in male cats. Sci Rep 14, 8953 (2024). 外因性オキシトシンはオスネコのヒトへの視線を増加させる   日本語解説

September 2023: Article publication (Kaigaishi & Yamamoto 2023 Primates): A report of stillbirth and subsequent maternal cannibalism observed in a free-ranging group of Japanese macaques at Awajishima, Japan

August 2023: Article publication (ManyDogs Project, ... Jim et al. 2023 Animal Behavior and Cognition): ManyDogs 1: A Multi-Lab Replication Study of Dogs’ Pointing Comprehension

July 2023: Article publication (Maeda & Yamamoto 2023 Animals): Drone Observation for the quantitative study of complex multilevel societies

2003年7月: 論文発表 (Maeda & Yamamoto 2023 Animals): 動物の複雑な社会をドローンを用いて研究する手法について、最新手法も含めて紹介する総説

July 2023: Article publication (Mendonca et al. 2023 Journal of Zoology): Examining the effect of sociodemographic factors on feral horses’ social networks

2023年7月: 論文発表 (Mendonca et al. 2023 Journal of Zoology): アルガ山の野生ウマの人口動態および社会ネットワークと、それにおよぼす人的影響の評価

June 2023: Article publication (Joyce et al. 2023 Primates): No food left behind: foraging route choices among free-ranging Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in a multi-destination array at the Awajishima Monkey Center, Japan

20232月: 論文発表 (Muramatsu & Matsuzawa. 2023 Animals): チンパンジーにおけるタッチモニタ課題を用いた1から19の数系列学習:2桁のアラビア数字の処理

February 2023: Article publication (Muramatsu & Matsuzawa. 2023 Animals): Sequence Order in the Range 1 to 19 by Chimpanzees on a Touchscreen Task: Processing Two-Digit Arabic Numerals 

December 2022: Article publication (Hattori et al. 2022 Animals): Changes in Cat Facial Morphology Are Related to Interaction with Humans

October 2022: Article publication (Lee & Yamamoto. 2022 New Ideas in Psychology): The evolution of prestige: Perspectives and hypotheses from comparative studies

October 2022: Article publication (Brooks et al. 2022 American Journal of Primatology): Testing the effect of oxytocin on social grooming in bonobos

October 2022: Article publication (Brooks & Yamamoto 2022 Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences): The evolution of group-mindedness: comparative research on top-down and bottom-up group cooperation in bonobos and chimpanzees

2022年6月: 論文発表 (Martin, Muramatsu, and Matsuzawa 2022 Animals): 動物園で暮らす霊長類を対象としたポータブル式タッチモニタ装置とソフトウェアの開発・導入

June 2022: Article publication (Martin, Muramatsu, and Matsuzawa 2022 Animals): Apex and ApeTouch: Development of a portable touchscreen system and software for primates at zoos

June 2022: Article publication (Mendonca et al. 2022 Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution): Population characteristics of feral horses impacted by anthropogenic factors and their management implications.

May 2022: Article publication (Pokharel, Sharma and Sukumar 2022 Royal Society Open Science): Viewing the rare through public lenses: insights into dead calf carrying and other thanatological responses in Asian elephants using YouTube videos.

May 2022: Article publication (Brooks et al. 2022 Hormones and Behavior): Oxytocin promotes species-relevant outgroup attention in bonobos and chimpanzees.

Dec 2021: Article publication (Yamamoto 2021 Psychologia): ‘Unwilling’ versus ‘unable’: Understanding chimpanzees’ restrictions in cognition and motivation. 

2021年12月: 論文発表 (Yamamoto 2021 Psychologia): 「できる」のに「しない」チンパンジー

Aug 2021: Article publication (Ringhofer et al. 2021 Scientific Reports): Horses with sustained attention follow the pointing of a human who knows where food is hidden. 

2021年8月: 論文発表 (Ringhofer et al. 2021 Scientific Reports): ヒトに注意を向けるウマは、ヒトの知識状態に応じた指差しを理解する

Jan 2021: Press release on publication (Brooks et al. 2021 PLoS One): Uniting against a common enemy: Perceived outgroup threat elicits ingroup cohesion in chimpanzees (

2021年1月:論文公表プレスリリース (Brooks et al. 2021 PLoS One): チンパンジーは外集団の脅威に対して仲間の結束を高めることを解明 -戦争と協力の共進化の可能性- (

Jan 2021: Press release on publication (Maeda et al. 2021 Scientific Reports): Aerial drone observations identified a multilevel society in feral horses (

2021年1月:論文公表プレスリリース (Maeda et al. 2021 Scientific Reports): 野生化したウマの重層社会をドローンからの観察により解明 (

Previous News / 古いニュース