Layout : Unit #2 - Short Visit Apartment

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This compact layout is for a medium-term apartment in a city (perhaps 2 months). These are fairly typical small studio apartments in expensive cities like Melbourne.

This layout uses a width of 3.75m and a length of 8.4m (excluding balcony) {total area 31.5 sq.m}. As a medium-stay flat, this apartment is designed for 2 persons and allows for another 2 guests. The concept here is the king-size bed also being used as a work area and for other general usage. This idea borrows from the Japanese "tatami-style" living. Dining table can seat only 4 persons and the seats double up as guest beds.

The layout is basically a central walkway which divides the apartment. On one side are the utilities and equipment. On the other side are the human activity spaces.

Left to right - Toilet -&- desk, king-size-bed platform, desk -&- seating platform, dining table, seating platform.
These plans were created using SketchUp by Trimble. The measurement guide drawn into the wall area are 300mm blocks. All walls are 15cm thick. The internal floor-to-ceiling height is drawn to only 2.2m.

Description from left to right of the human activity spaces.

  • Bathroom / Toilet {width 240cm x depth 200cm}

  • Living space = Desk + King-size Bed + Desk {widths: 60cm + 180cm + 60cm}

  • Dining space = Single Bed + Dining Table + Single bed {widths: 90cm + 90cm + 90cm}

The King-size bed and the 2 Single beds are all tatami-platforms. Tatami is a soft flooring mat with a core of rice straw and a surface of woven rush stalks.

The King-size bed functions as a bed at night and a work/ general area in the daytime.

  • For sleeping, a futon is used atop the tatami together with pillows and duvet. A futon is a soft roll-away mattress with a core of cotton. In the daytime, the futon, pillows and duvet would be put away in a cupboard.

  • For working, a person would sit on the side of the bed facing the desks which are fixed to the wall. A hard cushion can be used for back support. This platform also serves as the sofa area.

The Single-size beds mostly function as seating benches for dining but they can become beds if needed.

Description from left to right of the Utilities and Equipment.

  • Kitchen Area : Cooking oven & hob, Work counter, Kitchen sink, Semi-stack for dishwasher and microwave oven.

  • Refrigerator & Pantry cupboard {60 cm}.

  • Clothing and Linen storage - Futon, pillows, duvet & linen {2x 60cm}, Clothes {2x 90cm}, & shoes {1x 60cm}.

  • Laundry area - a washing machine (floor) and clothes drier (wall hung).

Alternatives to Tatami

  • Because of the desks, a conventional king-size mattress should not be used because there is not enough space to change the sheets/ make the bed.

  • I do not recommend using vinyl/ PVC/ rubber mats as the top surface as they are sticky and they do not allow the air to flow/ permeate through any skin in contact with it. You might want to add a separate woven mat on top of that.

  • An alternative is to use 4 thin single-size mattresses: 2 at the bottom and 2 at the top. A thin single-size mattress is easily to handle for changing sheets. The sheets for the bottom mattresses do not need changing as often.

  • Another option is to use a vinyl/ PVC/ rubber mat at the bottom and a thin single-size mattress on top of that.

  • A main consideration is the hardness of the mattress. The tatami mat functions as seating as well as a surface for the futon.

  • So can you sleep on a tatami mat without a futon? Probably, as a guest for a night. But more than that, you would likely appreciate the comfort of a futon.


  • Luggage is meant to be stored under the beds

Unit #2b : A smaller Layout

This layout is for a smaller apartment and is minus one desk and minus one Single-size bed {total width is shorter by at least 140cm}. From left to right, the items are Desk {60cm}, King-size bed {180cm}, dining table {100cm}, Single-size bed {90cm}.

This layout uses more shared areas due to having less furniture. Here, there is only one desk area {on the left} and the dining seating uses one side the King-size bed platform. Due to the need for a bedside table {depth 40cm}, the useable dining table depth is 160cm {instead of 200cm} which is adequate for 2 diners on each side.

This layout is functional for 2 residents and capable to have 1 guest.