For that reason, we recommend using another free SMTP server if you hit any issues, such as the free Gmail SMTP server or the SendGrid API. These SMTP servers are easier to get working and are just as free as Yahoo Mail (the Gmail SMTP server also supports 500 emails per day for free).

If you have a Yahoo Mail account, the Yahoo SMTP server lets you configure your email clients and websites to send emails using your Yahoo Mail account. For configuring an email client, you can also use POP3 or IMAP to import your Yahoo Mail emails to your email client to send and receive emails from the client.

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Edit: Emails to my Yahoo takes ages to load in my iOS Mail app, even when manually forcing refreshing, and sending emails from my Yahoo in iOS results in most of them not actually being sent despite being shown as successfully sent in the iOS Mailbox.

For the last 3 days my yahoo mail account hasn't been receiving new mail on my iPad - and won't let me send. However I am getting Facebook updates on my iPad, and can get yahoo mail updates on my Samsung android phone. Does anyone know what's happened? Sure it's something simple, but I am like an old nanna with technology and need help please?!!! Thanks.

6. Take the generated password and sign in to the pop up window on the device that is asking for the password and the device will be able to then connect to the Yahoo server and the customer should start to see the device getting mail.

It is possible to utilize Yahoo Mail's web portal and Yahoo Mail account settings to send, receive, organize and manage emails using another email client such as Outlook if you are a user of the service. There is a single application for managing several Yahoo Mail server settings. You may find the SMTP, POP3, and IMAP settings for your selected email software here.Yahoo Mail SMTP SettingsPOP or IMAP for receiving the email doesn't affect your SMTP server settings for outgoing mail. When you add a Yahoo account to your email client, you'll often find the SMTP settings under the Yahoo Mail settings area. Sending a message to Yahoo Mail requires the following information to be entered into the email client: Option Description SMTP Host: SMTP Port: 465-SSL or 587-SSL SMTP Username: Your full email address ( SMTP Password: Generate App Password

Most desktop, mobile, and online email programs and services are compatible with these email settings for Yahoo (for example, Outlook and Gmail). All your emails and Yahoo folders will display in both places when you've set up your Yahoo account in your favorite email client.Clean Your InboxUse Clean Email with your Yahoo Mail Inbox to keep it clean and organized.

Avoid using POP, if possible. By design, it deletes messages from the server after they're downloaded to your email client. That means messages are available only on the device to which they were downloaded. IMAP, by contrast, syncs messages with the server, so if you use three devices to connect to your Yahoo Mail account, all three display the same messages.

The protocol is used to send emails between SMTP clients (the email program you use) and SMTP mail servers (it moves from one server to the next until the destination is reached).

So how are my attachments sent?

To help you send attachments along with your email text, the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) protocol is used. MIME encodes all the non-text data into the text format before it is transferred across SMTP relay servers.

How is IMAP different from POP?

The main difference between POP and IMAP is that an IMAP account stores all its mail on the email server instead of downloading your emails. While this allows easy access, you need to have a reliable internet connection to use an IMAP account effectively.

Friendly FYI. Yahoo and ymail are pretty bad from a security and privacy standpoint. Maybe you've had the account forever, but I'd recommend a gmail or outlook account over Yahoo any day. I'd use a yahoo mail account for junk and nothing more.

So I'm trying to utilize the smtp, mime, and tls packages for Tcl to be able to allow my program to send e-mails via external mail servers such as the gmail server ( and yahoo server ( I have an issue arising:

And it gave me the option to change the security settings for "less secure apps" to allow my program to utilize the mail server. So I did, then my code worked just fine. What I don't understand is why gmail is blocking my attempts to send an e-mail; why it considers my attempt "less secure" thereby forcing me to lower the security settings on the e-mail account prior to sending emails from it. Perhaps my understanding is off, but I believe I'm using tls? And isn't tls more secure than ssl? Why does gmail have tls port if I can't connect to it anyway?

Incoming connections to the IMAP server at require SSL. The outgoing SMTP server,, requires TLS. Use port 465, or port 587 if your client begins with plain text before issuing the STARTTLS command.

Maybe your outgoing SMTP server has been abused by spammers in the past, and has ended up onsomebody's public or private blacklist. Here are a couple of sites where you can check the reputation of your mail host by IP address:

This is quite likely to be related to your deliverability problems. Try an address at Hotmail -- I bet they bounce it, too. I'm in the same boat with my own ISP -- they changed IP allocations, and from that point on Hotmail started rejecting all my email. My ISP, like yours, came up clean on Spamhaus, but suspicious according to Sendmail.

Another option to consider is that your ISP may be blocking your outbound email. Many ISPs (including my own which is AT&T) block connections to any smtp server other than their own. They use this as a measure to block potential spammers among their clients so they can monitor outbound mail from their network. You should check with your ISP's help docs to see if this is their policy. If so, they should have information on how to set up your outbound mail to make this function.

Windows 10, version 2004 installed 10/30/20 on my computer. Following this update my Outlook will no longer make a connection to the email server. Send/receive fails with the following message:

I know it seems ridiculous, and I was cursing yahoo (or Yahoo!, as I learned) the entire time, but it works after all the workarounds (routing mail through a different ip, server, whatnot) and checking or tweaking extra stuff (DKIM, Domain Keys, SPF records) doesn't...

I had (and have) the same problem - I just 'inherited' an IP in the datacenter for my new mailserver and it was probably an IP from which some spam / crap was sent to Yahoo so it was banned. There are 3 solutions:

I had this problem with sending emails to Yahoo when one of our offices got a new internet connection and a new IP address. It seemed that a previous "owner" of the IP address had used it for something that got them banned from the Yahoo mail servers.

As a result, after doing the same thing you did and not getting any help from Yahoo, we set up a Send Connector (in Exchange) so that any emails going to @yahoo.* would be routed through a different mailserver that Yahoo DID accept mail from.

I was going to suggest something very similar to Farseeker. What I've done in the past is to set up IIS SMTP on a new server, configure a new SMTP connector on my Exchange 2003 server for, give it a lower cost then my default SMTP connector, configure the new Yahoo SMTP connector on Exchange to use my IIS SMTP server as a smarthost, configure my smarthost to allow my Exchange server to relay through it and, viola, my emails are then delivered to Yahoo successfully.

Help! ... I now use Yahoo Mail accounts on Thunderbird.I keep getting a window pop-up: "Server has disconnected." and Thunderbird stops working.This has been going on for over a month and I thought re-addressing AuthO2 thru Yahoo Accounts would have stopped these pop-up windows, but nope. This is frustrating as I use Thunderbird for our business as well as personal. I have to constantly reboot Thunderbird to get it working again for around 10 minutes before it goes down again & I have to re-boot.What's going on here? The complete message in window pop-up reads:[ Server has disconnected. The server may have gone down or there may be a network problem. ]I've never had this problem with Gmail accounts or Verizon accounts before we transferred accounts to Yahoo & I've been using Thunderbird for over 25 years.Please help, as I need a stable e~mail program for our business. Would appreciate it & thank you in advance.goCaT

Are you accessing the server from multiple devices simultaneously?You can try to reduce the "Maximum number of connections to cache" for any of the affected Yahoo account(s). The option is in Account Settings - Server Settings - Advanced.Mine is set to a value of 3, which works for Yahoo.

Well Christ1, in safe mode w/ networking enabled, Thunderbird loaded & I got Thunderbird pop-up window: "Failed to connect to server"I checked Firefox & go to 'Homepage' but no bookmarks would load either: "We can't connect to server at..."What does this mean as far as determining whether anti-virus is the culprit?

Hello again Christ1,I had to locate an Ethernet cable to set up wired connection.I did as you asked and I get the same result in Safe Mode.After a few minutes and clicking on different file folder emails, the same Thunderbird window pops up:[ "Server has disconnected." ]

The other thing I checked: Thunderbird disconnects for a few minutes at a time & then starts working again. I can work with it for a while and then [ "Server has disconnected." ] pops up, so I work on stuff for a few minutes and re-click on a folder and it's working again for a while.It just won't stay connected continuously is the problem. ff782bc1db

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