I checked one of the shows I had mentioned, and they finally updated it on-demand "by network" with the four new episodes. However, yesterday, the fourth one was missing and now is only in "search" for pay. I know the fourth episode was "free" a few days ago because I watched it, and now it's gone. The second show is still all "pay", and only showing up in "search". However. episode 2 in "search" is free. Makes no sense, right? Also, sometimes when I go into "saved search" and click a show, I get an error message. Glad we're paying a huge amount of money for such poor service ): Quite pathetic to say the least.

None of this has been fixed. Still can't watch three episodes of that show unless we pay for something we have a subscription for. Our outrageous monthly bill is due tomorrow. We cringe every time we pay it. Also, our email hasn't worked correctly in over a year. And, now we get spam/scam emails supposedly from Xfinity. Happened two months in a row right after we paid our bill through "My Account". They refer to a problem with our account. Quite fed up.

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We used to be able to catch up on what we missed by accessing "On Demand", but now there are charges for seeing older episodes. Verizon is my largest utility bill and I have nearly every option available, but now they want to charge for free programming. What good is "On Demand" if you cannot catch up on shows that you missed without paying for them. Even the really current ones that are free are not up to date. This is just Verizon trying to compete with all the other options out there that charge for older episodes of popular shows and I am sick of it. I have a ROKU, Netflix and Amazon Prime, but don't think I should pay for programming on a regular service I pay a great deal for. I am so sorry I renewed my service and I am sorrier that Verizon cannot be a little better than it is - we are not getting what we paid for and I feel cheated.

It's not just Verizon. On demand content is negotiated between the service provider and the content owner (networks). The networks try to structure the On Demand content to optimize how much advertisement revenue they can get. Different providers get different deals and exclusives, which is why different providers have different on demand libraries. If you remember that the networks customers are the advertisers and not us viewers, you'll begin to understand why content isn't as freely available as consumers would like.

roaddog - I think what the OP is trying to get at is the fact that Verizon is charging for something that should be free because they are already subscribed to the channel/network that the content is on. Take Bar Rescue for example - I never had to pay to watch episodes on demand with other providers (nor would I) and now it seems like to watch any episdode on demand, I have to pay the standard $1.99 for SD or $2.99 for HD.

Admittedly, I so rarely watch on demand shows that I wouldn't know ... but in the past, the only ones available were usually the last few weeks. Once in a while, a network or individual show would have all of the past shows available but usually it was maybe 4 weeks of them. Are those not still available for free? If so, then the only think that has really changed is that Verizon has added a whole bunch of previous history that you can now pay for.

You never mentioned what shows. HOWEVER many shows are available On-demand both free and not free. Make sure you look for the show in the Free and premium section for the channel its on. searches often nastily bring up the pay for version first.

I ran into that problem when searching for an on demand show. Verizon apparently offers it for rent BUT if you have it in your package, and navigate to the right on demand folder, it would be free under that folder.

I am not sure if there are any specific shows that he is referring to but I am just referring to any show that is normally aired on a network that I am subscribed to....let's take Arrow on the CW for instance. That network is available in almost every package offered by Verizon and it's competitors. I am interested in said show but it is two seasons in so I want to watch it from the start of the series. But when I try to watch it on demand [Verizon], I am met with a very unpleasant rent/but each episode. Now I'll admit that while not every episode of Arrow was available on-demand on cable, I never once had to pay to watch previous episodes of it to catch up to the current season - that being said, I also have Netflix and I am able to watch shows like that on demand for only $7.99/ month versus $2.99 per episode.

I guess my main concern is if this is the case for most shows especially for shows on premium channels. Has anyone had experience with this? I am just wondering, for instance, if I am unable to watch GOT on Sunday nights on HBO and I forget to DVR it am I going to be able to watch it on demand with no additional fees? I would think that would be a deciding factor for at least a few individuals.

Just less then two years ago Comcast and CW signed a deal to add CW on-demand. Not sure if any others have been able to add it as it was an exclusive iniitally. Certainly is one of those that Verizon Does Not Carry.

I recently noticed that I am being charged per/episode ($2.99 each!) for shows I record from a channel I already pay for that is included with my package... Why? It also happens to be a local channel I could get even without satellite or cable, so I really don't understand 1) WHY I'm paying per episode and 2) HOW they can get away with charging you without telling you ahead of time that you will be charged or even asking you if you want to "buy" the episodes instead of watching them for free! It really seems like quite the money-making scam to me. I've been with Directv for 10+ years now and this is the first time I've ever had an issue. I've called twice (no help either time) they didn't even understand what I was talking about... 1st time - thought I was talking about ads popping-up, and the 2nd time - thought I couldn't access my recordings so they sent a "boost" to my receiver... I'm done! I really don't know what to do other then just completely cancel my service, and I really don't want to as I have a bundle deal with phone and Internet as well. Thanks for letting me vent. Is anyone else having this problem? It's strange because it will record between 2-10 episodes for free, no problem, then every once in awhile it will switch to a completely different channel and record 1 or 2 that I'm paying $2.99 each for! Crazy Right... Maybe it's just my outdated equipment, I've had for so long I think it's time to update. Thanks for any advice or info. you can offer.

Some networks have added PPV content to their On Demand library. Most noticeably this is for additional episodes of some series. Those networks are trying to capitalize on the binge walkers. The TV provider does not control that as that is additional optional PPV content as chosen by the network.

Thanks for the info. I wish they has a filter you could click on so it would only record the "free" episodes and ignore the pay-per-view ones. Customer service told me that I had NOT been charged for all those episodes, it was just an "option" to purchase them if I wanted too. THANK GOODNESS, @ $2.99 each I would've doubled my bill in two days. Yikes! I don't have the equipment serial numbers yet but I'll get them and post them later. Thanks again for your time and assistance. I really appreciate it.

Ever since the new On Demand menu launched I have noitced a change in the pricing of On demand episodes on channels that I subribe to as part of my normal FIOS TV package. I first noticed this with a recent episode of Teen Wolf on MTV that I had started watching for Free two days prior then when I was switched over to the new On Demand menu that same episode had to be purchased for $1.99 for me to continue watching it. Next the same issue happened with the latest episode of the Vampire Diaries on CW. Assuming this was a mistake I called customer service and was told that it was the Channel providers MTV and CW not Verizon that had made price change for the episodes but was also told that I could watch these same episodes for free online. So I logged into Myverzion account online and and found that all the curent episodes were in fact free. This makes no scense at all. Why am I being charged extra to watch content on my TV that is free online. This totally defeats the purposed of paying for cable. The fact that I have to pay extra to watch content on my TV that is now only available for free online is ridiculous. Im convinced that this a mistake that started when the new On demand menu was released. Also I have checked at a few friends and relatives houses over the holidays and was able the to watch the exact same content (current episodes) for free On Demand with Direct TV and Comcast. So imagine tonight when I sat down to watch the latest epsode of Grimm On Demand on NBC with FIOS and found that I had to pay $1.99. I begrudgingly got up off my sofa logged into Myverzion account and found the very same episode is free to watch online. Please fix this mistake or I will be switiching to Direct TV ASAP.

First the elimination of Fox and now I see I have to pay extra to watch TV shows on-demand (ABC, CBS etc...). Ridiculous. Like the cable service isn't expensive enough? Unfathomable. 

I see what you mean about Emerald City. The episodes were only available for pay per view at $1.99 for episodes 1 & 2 during the first 2 weeks but all available episodes are free up to episode 4 now with the exceptipn of episode 2 that you still have to pay for which still sucks. So to this date episode 2 has never been free. I generally dont like watching shows or trying to catch up on them unless I can watch all episodes in order. Otherwise I just watch on Hulu (which is what I did) or Netflix (Oops there I go again talking about cheaper viewing options working better than ovepriced cable). This is truly subpar for verizon. Even if this is the Channel carriers doing this, someone at Verizon should monitor this stuff for quality control issues and have the testicular or ovarian fortitude to tell them how stupid this is. ff782bc1db

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