Advantages of Russia

Features and advantages of the Russian Federation and Moscow

  • The largest country in the world, the area is 17 124 442 km² (square kilometers).

  • Russia is located simultaneously in Europe and in Asia.

  • The Russian Federation has borders with 16 states and this is the largest border in the world.

  • The country has 10 time zones, because it has a large length from West to East.

  • Russia has the largest reserves of natural gas, peat, wood, salt, drinking water, tin, zinc, titanium, niobium, nickel, iron ores, diamonds, silver.

  • The population is about 149 million people.

  • Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation with a population of more than 12 million people. It is a political, economic, tourist, sports and transport center of the country.

  • The Russian Federation has one of the lowest levels of real estate registration costs in the world. The size of the tax collection and state duty for the re-registration of real estate is much less than in European countries. And against the backdrop of the economic crisis that has been going on for several years, Russia has become almost half the price in dollar terms.