Arnold Marsden Mathematical Olympiad Circle (AMMOC

Permeating Mathematical Rigor !

AMMOC is an "online-only" specialized mathematical school with the vision to create mathematicians, physicists, and computer scientists in same way as mathematical circles (working physically) in USSR, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and other eastern European nations did. To achieve our vision AMMOC is on mission "to teach elementary mathematics from advanced standpoint and advanced mathematics from elementary standpoint" to pupils of middle and high-school. With our vision and mission in mind, the contents of seminars at AMMOC are as "ancient and rigorous" as Axiomatic Euclidean Geometry, Algebraic properties of Integers, and "introductorily as modern" as Group, Rings, Integer Polynomials, Fields,  Vector Spaces, Mathematical Theory of Graphs, Games and Generating Functions, Algebraic Number Theory, rigorous Calculus/Analysis, Functional Equation, Galois Theory, Riemann Surfaces, Knot Theory, Metric Topology and Theory of Classification of Surfaces

Following are protégés of inaugural class of AMMOC 2020-2023. 

Tisya Rawat, Caltech class of 2027, BS in Math and Physics  with full scholarship

Konstantinos  University of  Chicago, class of 2027, BS in Math and Logic theory, with full scholarship

Adelina Patlatii Univ. of Toronto, class of 2026, BS in Math and Compter science with full scholarship

Sarthak D. Dattatray learning advanced math at AMMOC

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