Welcome ! You are on homepage of Konstantinos Charalampous, an aspiring mathematician
I aspire to pursue a research career in mathematics and mathematical sciences. I have completed my freshman year (with a 3.9/4 CGPA) at the University of Chicago, where I received a full scholarship for my undergraduate in mathematics, class of 2027. I was also offered admission at Imperial College London, University of Toronto, and University of Saint Andrews, Scotland, to study mathematics, class of 2027. I have been preparing for mathematical Olympiad since my early childhood. However, in June 2020, I started my advanced, rigorous mathematical education under the mentorship of Yaashaa P. Golovanov at his fundamental, yet advanced, and very rigorous mathematical program, Arnold-Marsden Mathematical Olympiad Circle (AMMOC). AMMOC is one of its kind math circle in the world that teaches compulsory UG level Analysis and Linear & Abstract Algebra courses to its high school students. I represented my country, Cyprus, three consecutive times at IMO (2020 - 2022) and eventually won on Honourable Mention in most prestigious Olympiad - International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO, 2022).
With my mentor Yaashaa P. Golovanov, I have been doing studies as described below -
Algebra - Basic definitions, examples and theorems of Group, Rings, Fields. Application of these to Study of polynomials over ring of integers, cyclotomic fields, algebraic inequalities, geometry of complex numbers.
Classical Plane Euclidean Geometry
Combinatorics - Counting Principles, Pigeonhole Principle, Ramsey Theorem, Generating Function, Graph Theory and application to problems solving from various mathematical competitions.
Proof theoretic introduction to Calculus and Analysis.
fairly more advanced mathematics like Abstract Algebra, Calculus in Normed Linear Spaces, Topology, Classical Analysis and PDE at undergraduate level.
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