Welcome ! You are on homepage of Konstantinos Charalampous, an aspiring mathematician

I aspire to pursue a research career in mathematics and mathematical sciences. I have completed my freshman year (with a 3.9/4 CGPA) at the University of Chicago, where I received a full scholarship for my undergraduate in mathematics, class of 2027. I was also offered admission at Imperial College London, University of Toronto, and University of Saint Andrews, Scotland, to study mathematics, class of 2027. I have been preparing for mathematical Olympiad since my early childhood. However, in June 2020, I started my advanced, rigorous mathematical education under the mentorship of Yaashaa P. Golovanov at his fundamental, yet advanced, and very rigorous mathematical program, Arnold-Marsden Mathematical Olympiad Circle (AMMOC). AMMOC is one of its kind math circle in the world that teaches compulsory UG level Analysis and Linear & Abstract Algebra courses to its high school students. I represented my country, Cyprus,  three consecutive times at IMO (2020 - 2022) and eventually won on Honourable Mention in most prestigious Olympiad -  International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO, 2022).

With my mentor Yaashaa P. Golovanov, I have been doing studies as described below -  

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