
The 1st Workshop on Extended Reality for Knowledge Work (xrWORKS) aims to bring together researchers interested in using extended reality technologies for supporting knowledge work. This workshop aims to create a space where both academic and industry researchers can discuss their experiences and visions to continue growing the impact of XR in the future of work. Through a combination of position papers, in-person demonstrations, and a brainstorming session, we aim to reach a more complete understanding of the space and debate future research agenda.

"KnowledgeWork" follows the definition initially coined by Drucker (1966) where information workers apply theoretical and analytical knowledge to develop products and services. Much of the work might be detached from physical documents, artifacts, or specific work locations and is mediated through digital devices such as laptops, tablets, or mobile phones, connected through the Internet. Examples include architects, engineers, scientists, design thinkers, public accountants, lawyers, editors, and academics, whose job is to "think for a living".

Themes of the Workshop 

 Important Dates

Papers Submission:

Demo Proposal:

The workshop is planned as a full-day, fully in-person event. In the first half, we will have a keynote on the topic, followed by participants presenting and discussing their position papers on XR for knowledge work. In the second half, organizers and participants will demonstrate their prototypes with ideas and applications in this domain. The workshop will be closed with a brainstorming session to discuss the challenges and opportunities for XR in knowledge work and reflect on the workshop results and next steps.


Leonardo Pavanatto

Center for HCI, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech, USA

Verena Biener

Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany

University of Stuttgart, Germany

Snehanjali Kalamkar

Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany

Negar Nouri

Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany 

Jens Grubert

Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany

Doug Bowman

Center for HCI, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech, USA