XRezo manual

Main information

Difficulty level: high

Attention: if you are a beginner or are not well versed in BOM, perhaps the information on this site will help you. However, we do not make a 100% guarantee in understanding. You probably need to ask the other person to explain a lot.

First of all, this manual should drop all your questions. You may be scared at the sight of a gray head, a head with inscriptions. Or due to the fact that you can not find the eyebrows and other additions that are present in the set. To avoid problems, read this article.

First box

This is your first box, open it!

Second box

Second box

Course Info

You will learn how to solve errors. Therefore, you will not need to ask questions. Here is the solution to many problems that you may encounter. You will understand that you don’t need to complicate everything, because the head works much easier and simpler.

You need to read this. Because this resource was not created for beauty. You will be trained and understand what to eat.

Look at the previous image. This is what the first box looks like - a bag in hand and an image on the screen. Just click "Yes" to access the main folder.

It's advisable

Many questions will disappear on their own if you initially click on "Notecard" and read the contents.

How to use XRezo with BoM?

  1. Open all folders with content.

  2. Detach your previous head and alpha masks.

  3. Attach ONLY body alpha mask.

  4. Add your head (recommend Asymmetric separated from folders).

  5. You can use "Edit linked" and make ears visible.

  6. Use Emote hud 2.0.

  7. Wear skin s2 (s2 for asymmetric).

  8. Open "dops" and "brows" folder, use it.

  9. Use eyes from folder (open Eyes tex and Mesh Eyes folders).


Questions and Answers
