your mistakes

These errors belong to the owners of the head.

Before you try to write a negative review - deal with your head. Below you will see common problems that you may have.

First fault

When you wear your head, you see these inscriptions. Texture layers will not be recognized.


Your viewer does not support technology BoM (Bakes on Mesh).

Solution to the problem

Download the latest version viewer.

Still won't work?

Delete all files of the previous viewer (except screenshots). Save the sky settings in another place, if you have them. Start load viewer with a clean slate.

Second fault

This error occurs when you are already using the skin and other universal layers.


Why did you wear separate parts besides your head?

Solution to the problem

Remove excess head, extra eyebrows.

Still won't work?

Detach your alpha masks. XRezo head works WITHOUT alpha.

Third fault

This head is a bento. The head can be distorted by the deformers of other bodies, heads. The head can be distorted by a shape.


Described above

Solution to the problem

Remove deformers, reload. Change shape.

Fourth fault

Hud flips over if you press past buttons.


You clicked on an empty seat.

Solution to the problem

Use emote Hud 2.0 or don't click on empty places.

Do you see windows with a script error?

Turn off the visibility of script errors.

FIVE fault

Head deformation after another bento head replacing.


You replaced avatar.

Solution to the problem

Reset your skeleton.

Do you still see this trouble?

Detach emote huds from another heads, change eye brows on it's own from folder.

Your help information

+ Symmetric head useless for a lot of customers. But some people prefer only that head version.

+ Open "dops" folder, open brows and other components.