HIGHLIGHTING leading edge research in EXTENDED REALITY and the role it plays in ROBOTICS
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Thanks to the keen participation from the poster authors and the IROS audience (in-person and online), and the instructive talks from the speakers and panelists, the first XR-ROB workshop was a grand success! A big thank you to our sponsors and endorsers, and the IROS committee for allowing us to conduct the workshop this year.
Heartiest congratulations to the poster competition winners:
FIRST PRIZE of the Nvidia RTX A6000 went to Steven Jens Jorgensen and team for their contribution "Effective Virtual Reality Teleoperation of an Upper-body Humanoid with Modified Task Jacobians and Relaxed Barrier Functions for Self-Collision Avoidance".
SECOND PRIZE of the Nvidia RTX 3090 went to Frank Regal and team for their contribution "Augmented Reality Remote Operation of Dual Arm Manipulators in Hot Boxes".
THIRD PRIZE of $1000 from Microsoft went to Nonoka Nishida and team for their contribution "A Study towards Embodied Supernumerary Limbs - Effects of Embodiment Induction on Reducing Attention Demand and Improving Performance".
Through exciting talks, interactions, and poster presentations, the hybrid workshop seeks to bring together researchers from the worlds of XR and Robotics, from Mechanisms and Control, AI/ML, HCI, Ergonomics, Human Factors, with the twin goals of presenting the advances in XR technologies and discussing how XR can help address challenges in robotics.
It seeks to highlight the advances in the theoretical and experimental bases of perception, cognition, and behaviour in XR technologies, including MR environment and interaction design, data representation (virtual models, rendering, video, point-clouds, 3D reconstruction, ambient sensors), sensory substitution (tactile, auditory), natural gesture and intention understanding, real-time data transmission (bandwidth, latency, etc.), etc.
The workshop will address the aspects of XR-mediated interaction in robotics, e.g., XR in telesurgery, XR for robot learning, tele-health, rehabilitation, industry, teleoperation (disaster response, space, agriculture, etc.).
XR Technologies
XR interface design and usability
Biosensing (e.g., EEG, Eye-tracking, etc.) in XR
Haptics and Audition in XR
Cognitive and spatial perception in XR interaction
XR-based natural language, gesture, and intention recognition
Multi-user collaborative XR
Throughput and latency in XR
Embodiment and Presence in XR
XR Applications in Robotics
XR in Telepresence, Telexistence, and Telerobotics (space, agriculture, industry, etc.)
Software / hardware architectures for VR/AR in collaborative human-robot interaction
XR for robot tele-navigation (ground, aerial, marine) and tele-manipulation
AR/VR in telesurgery, tele-medicine, and rehabilitation robotics
Tele-haptics in XR
XR for robot learning-from-demonstration, imitation learning, transfer learning
Cognitive and physical ergonomics aspects of XR in robotics
Link to Extended Abstract pdf: FRI, October 14th, 2022 (AoE) *
3-min SPOTLIGHT video: MON, October 17th, 2022 (AoE) **
Presenter Name / Details Confirmation: TUE, October 18th, 2022 (AoE) ***
Workshop @ IROS 2022: SUN, October 23rd, 2022 (All Day, Japan Standard Time)
* The finalized versions of your extended abstracts should be uploaded to your personal spaces (google drive, arxiv, onedrive, etc.) and the link should be emailed to us at vicarios[at]iit(dot)it.
** Refer to "Posters & Details" page for information.
*** Includes confirmation of in-person vs. online poster, presentation mode for in-person presenter, and that the corresponding registration fees have been paid!
IIT, Italy
Nvidia, Switzerland
Waseda Univ., Japan
UNC-Chapel Hill, USA
Waseda Univ., Japan
Microsoft, Switzerland
Kyoto International Conference Center (ICC Kyoto)