2nd Workshop on Locomotion
and Wayfinding in XR

Co-located with IEEE ISMAR 2024, Greater Seattle Area, USA - October 21, 2024

This Workshop on Locomotion and Wayfinding in XR is intended to initiate novel and deepen existing discussions between researchers and practitioners interested in the broad area of navigation in extended reality. While navigation is one of the most fundamental forms of user interaction required in almost every XR application, existing research still leaves a plethora of open research questions regarding the conceptual design, technical realization, and systematic evaluation of navigation interfaces for particular use cases. In addition, a growing challenge for the research community is the reproducibility of existing interfaces and evaluations, where recent meta analyses have shown deficiencies in terms of the descriptions of experimental setups, the scientific rigor of the underlying research processes, and the generalizability of results. 

This workshop gives researchers and practitioners the opportunity to present their current research on locomotion and wayfinding in two formats. The first format invites the submission of short papers to be presented at the workshop that will then be published in the IEEE digital library. The second format invites the submission of abstracts for lightning talks that focus on work in progress to be discussed at the workshop without a corresponding publication in the digital library.