

[1] S. Wang and X. Lu et al., ”Limitations and challenges of MODIS-derived phenological metrics across different landscapes in pan-Arctic region”, Remote Sensing, in press.

[2] X. Lu , X. Cheng, X. Li, J. Tang et al., ”Seasonal patterns of canopy photosynthesis captured by remotely sensed sun-induced fluorescence and vegetation indexes in mid-to-high latitude forests: A cross-platform comparison”, Science of The Total Environment, vol. 644, pp. 439-451, Dec 2018.

[3] X. Lu , X. Cheng, X. Li and J. Tang, ”Opportunities and challenges of applications of satellite-derived sun-induced fluorescence at relatively high spatial resolution”, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 619-620, pp. 649–653, Apr 2018.

(in prep and in review papers are not listed here)


[1] X. Lu, “Remotely sensed phenological metrics in the Northern ecosystems”, 2017 Arctic Circle Assembly, in Reykjavik, Iceland. Oct 2017.

[2] X. Lu, “Photosynthesis phenology captured by satellite fluorescence in 15 Boreal Forests”, in 7th International Young Ecologist Forum in Shanghai, China. May 2017.


[1] Y. Liu, P. Pellikka, H. Li and X. Lu “A 17-month continuous detection of the volcanic plumes in tropopause-stratosphere from the volcanic SO2 erupted by Nabro in 2011”, ISPRS TC III Midterm Symposium, in Beijing, China. May 2018.

[2] X. Lu, S. Wang, X. Li and X. Cheng “Uncertainties of MODIS-derived phenological metrics of the pan-Arctic regions ”, EGU 2018 General Assembly, in Vienna, Austria. Apr 2018.