Excel XLOOKUP formula examples (.xlsx file)

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Hello! I am trying to match the first several digits in a 16 digit number to specific words (I have a mapping tab where the numbers coincide to specific words). The problem is sometimes its the first 4 digits, and other times its the first 6 digits. I can't do an xlookup for the first 6 digits because the in the case of the 4 digit identifiers, the next digits aren't always the same. Also, I don't think I can use approximate match because I that only uses smaller or larger matches.

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As for the rest of my questions: I performed xlookup from one workbook to another, and came across to these issues: Some of the blank cells became 0 some 1/0/1900, I am not sure why this is happening.

This tutorial will demonstrate how to perform a XLOOKUP on multiple sheets in Excel. If your version of Excel does not support XLOOKUP (or you are using Google Sheets), read how to use the VLOOKUP instead.

The XLOOKUP Function can only perform one lookup per set of data. If we want to perform a lookup among multiple sets of data that are stored in different sheets, we can nest another XLOOKUP in the 4th argument (i.e., if_not_found) of the XLOOKUP Function.

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2) How can I correctly use the wildcard match using xlookup to return the manufacturer name with the associated car name? for example it should return "BMW" in the manufacturer collum for the car "BMW X5".

Great practice for XLOOKUP, I never really get to use those optional parameters in the formula so it was fun to look at the data and how I could use those parameters to fill in those tricky N/A cells.

I added a color scale to my last column to really show those high and low gains/losses.

This was a good practice. I will admit, I had to look at the solution video only for the very last part in trying to return values for purchases and sales that were made after the desired date. It was definitely nice to learn the function of the extra data inputs in the XLookup.

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Initially, I expected the actual purchase date to be only a day or two after the desired purchase date. I had attempted a nested function to solve that problem. When the actual purchase date was years after the desired purchase date in some cases, I had to do some reading on the optional arguments within an xlookup. It was very informative!

sumit, your website is well of knowledge!!

 I have one question, when I opened our file in my excel & opening the fuction argument of xlookup in your formula it is giving e name error #Name

 & even in my other file the formulae not working pls suggest how to deal with it.

- [Narrator] Data can come from many different places. You'll often have multiple spreadsheets that when combined, would be more powerful. Being able to use Excel's XLOOKUP function will save you time as you join data sources. It's easily my favorite function in Excel. In this lesson, I'll show you how to combine data sources using XLOOKUP. In order to use XLOOKUP, you'll need two Excel tables with at least one column in common. The XLOOKUP function has three required pieces, The Lookup_value, the single cell I want to look up, the Lookup_array, or the column where I'll find it, and the Return_array, the column with data I want to return as a result. In the top left corner of Office.com, I'll select the app launcher, select all apps and open Excel. For this example, I'll open the Customers and Orders file. You can follow along by downloading it from the exercise files. This file has a sheet named Sales Order, which has a list of all the orders that have been placed. It lists all the Customer IDs, which have placed orders, but it would be more helpful to have the customer names. I have a second sheet in this workbook, Customer. This has a column for both Customer ID and Customer Name. I'll use XLOOKUP to bring the customer names over into my Sales Orders table. I'll return to Sales Order and add a new column, Company Name, to the right of Customer ID. This is where I'll populate the company names. I'll select cell E1, then the dropdown under Insert and then select Insert Table Columns to the left. I'll rename column one to be Customer Name by changing it in the Formula Bar. Now that there's a new column, it's time to start. I'll select cell E2, and in the Formula Bar, I'll enter equals Xlookup. When I start a cell using an equal sign, it signifies that the cell is a function and not simply a value. The function parameters are listed below the Formula Bar so I can readily know what to fill in. The first parameter is Lookup_value. I want to find the Customer ID, so I'll select the cell, D2. Excel recognizes it as the Customer ID column, and populates that in my XLOOKUP formula. Now I'll enter a comma into the Formula Bar to move on to the next parameter. Next, I'll enter the column where I want to find the Customer ID, the Lookup_array. This is in the Customer sheet, so while select its tab at the bottom. Notice that XLOOKUP stays in the Formula Bar as I move. I'll hover my cursor near the bottom of the Customer ID column header where it will change to an arrow and then select. This will populate the Customer ID column from the Customer's table as a second parameter in the XLOOKUP. It's where Excel will look for the Customer ID it found in the Sales Order sheet. Then, I'll enter a comma in the Formula Bar to fill in the last required value, the Return_array. When Excel finds the ID number from my Sales Order table in the Customer table, I want it to return the customer name that is connected to it. So I'll find the company name, column B, and we'll hover my cursor near the bottom of the header until the down arrow appears and then select. Now my XLOOKUP formula says take the Customer ID from the Sales Order table, look that up in the Customer sheet, and return the Company Name. I'll finish this XLOOKUP by closing the formula with a right parenthesis. Excel will take me back to the Sales Order table, where the customer name has populated. This is great. The XLOOKUP is complete. Joining two tables is essential for analyzing data in Excel. The next time you need to combine data from two spreadsheets, try using XLOOKUP. The more you practice using this function, the easier it is to use. You'll be amazed by what you can achieve.

Now, if you've spent any time in spreadsheets, you've probably heard mention of or are already using =VLOOKUP(). It is one of the most popular functions out there, but is also a bit mystifying if you don't use it on a regular basis.

When you frequently add rows or columns of data to your worksheets, you need to find a way of having your Excel formulas automatically refer to the new data area, instead of trying to find and change your formulas every time.

In large worksheets, you may frequently need to look up by using multiple indexes, such as looking up product volumes in a country/region. To do this, you can concatenate the indexes and perform the lookup by using concatenated lookup values. However, this is inefficient for two reasons:

A large number of controls (check boxes, hyperlinks, and so on) on worksheets can slow down opening a workbook because of the number of temporary files that are used. This might also cause problems opening or saving a workbook on a WAN (or even a LAN). If you have this problem, you should consider redesigning your workbook.

Defined names are one of the most powerful features in Excel, but they do take additional calculation time. Using names that refer to other worksheets adds an additional level of complexity to the calculation process. Also, you should try to avoid nested names (names that refer to other names). 17dc91bb1f

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