read text two lines into dict

(py36-venv) [zhuby1973@HansVM ~]$ cat

my_dict = {}

with open('./out.txt', 'r') as file_object:

for values in file_object:

values = values.split()

key = next(file_object, None)

if key is None:

# oops, we got to the end of the file early

raise ValueError('Invalid file format, missing key')

my_dict[key.strip()] = values

for key,value in my_dict.items():

print("bbbb.saveShare('{}', '{}', path='/')".format(value,key))

(py36-venv) [zhuby1973@HansVM ~]$ python

bbbb.saveShare('['']', 't6gt', path='/')

bbbb.saveShare('['']', '7128', path='/')

bbbb.saveShare('['']', '5l69', path='/')

bbbb.saveShare('['']', '56x2', path='/')

bbbb.saveShare('['']', 'zfea', path='/')

bbbb.saveShare('['']', '1773', path='/')
