get weather info and send email

# coding=gbk ## 注:linux服务器上不需要这一行,window需要

import csv

import time

import requests

import smtplib

from email.mime.text import MIMEText

from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

url = r'广州&key=xxxxxx'

# 获取当日时间 2019-11-10

today_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(time.time()))

def get_weather_data():

res = requests.get(url).json()

# res.encoding = 'utf-8'

result = res['HeWeather6'][0]['daily_forecast']

location = res['HeWeather6'][0]['basic']

city = location['parent_city'] + location['location']

names = ['城市', '时间', '天气状况', '最高温', '最低温', '日出', '日落']

with open('today_weather.csv', 'w', newline='')as f:

writer = csv.writer(f)


for data in result:

date = data['date']

cond = data['cond_txt_d']

max = data['tmp_max']

min = data['tmp_min']

sr = data['sr']

ss = data['ss']

writer.writerows([(city, date, cond, max, min, sr, ss)])


def send_email():

# 设置邮箱的域名

HOST = ''

# 设置邮件标题

SUBJECT = '%s日份天气预报信息,请查收' % today_time

# 设置发件人邮箱

FROM = ''

# 设置收件人邮箱

TO = ',' # 可以同时发送到多个邮箱

message = MIMEMultipart('related')

# --------------------------------------发送文本-----------------

# 发送邮件正文到对方的邮箱中

message_html = MIMEText("%s日份天气预报到账啦,请查收" % today_time, 'plain', 'utf-8')


# -------------------------------------添加文件---------------------

# today_weather.csv这个文件

message_xlsx = MIMEText(open('today_weather.csv', 'rb').read(), 'base64', 'utf-8')

# 设置文件在附件当中的名字

message_xlsx['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;filename="today_weather.csv"'


# 设置邮件发件人

message['From'] = FROM

# 设置邮件收件人

message['To'] = TO

# 设置邮件标题

message['Subject'] = SUBJECT

# 获取简单邮件传输协议的证书

email_client = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(host='')

# 设置发件人邮箱的域名和端口,端口为465

email_client.connect(HOST, '465')

# ---------------------------邮箱授权码------------------------------

result = email_client.login(FROM, '你的授权码')

print('登录结果', result)

email_client.sendmail(from_addr=FROM, to_addrs=TO.split(','), msg=message.as_string())

# 关闭邮件发送客户端

