JOIDES Resolution Expedition 379T

– Extending High-Resolution Paleoclimate Records From the Chilean Margin to the Eemian

In July 2019, I participated in JR Expedition 379T as a shipboard downhole logging and physical properties specialist. The primary objective of this expedition is to study the oceanographic and hydrologic history of the northern margin of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the South American continent. During this expedition, we cored eight sites, recovering 2232 m of sediment cores.

Thomas Fire in Santa Barbara

Determining the Inbuilt Radiocarbon Ages of Charcoal 

In Feb 2019, I led a short field trip in Santa Barbara to collect charcoal associated with different vegetation communities generated by the Thomas Fire, which ignited on December 2017 in southern California. The objective of this work is to understand the potential uncertainties when using the radiocarbon age of charcoal to determine the age of wildfire events.

Course Field Trip in Muskegon Lake

Intro to Physical Oceanography

In Nov 2016, I participated in a course field trip in Muskegon Lake, Michigan, on the NOAA Great Lakes research vessel R/V Laurentian.

Northern Tibetan Tethyan Himalaya

– Stratigraphy Lower Cretaceous Sandstone

In the summer of 2012, I participated a field trip in southern Tibet. The primary objective of this field trip is for a regional geological survey and geological mapping. During this field trip, I collected Lower Cretaceous volcaniclastic sandstones from the Rilang Formation in the Babazhadong area for my bachelor thesis.