Teaching and Supervision
Received College’s Remote Teaching and Student Experience Commendation in 2021 for “outstanding organisation of course material, flipped learning and excellent remote delivery”
2020 - present ENGN2228 Signals and Systems, ANU
2016 - present ENGN3226/6626 Digital Communications, ANU
2018 - 2019 ENGN2228 Signal Processing, ANU
2012 - 2016 ENGN4536/6536 Wireless Communications, ANU
Research Supervision:
Three-Time Nominee for the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Supervision
Current Postdoc
Dr. Milad Tatar Mamaghani, 01/2023 – present, Topic: physical layer security
Dr. Chiu Chun Chan, 07/2022 - present, Topic: IoT bushfire detection (in a collaborative team with Prof. Salman Durrani and Dr. Sheeraz Alvi)
Current Students
Faiza Gul, ANU, 04/2024 - present, Topic: Federated learning
Cen Liu, ANU, 03/2024 - present, Topic: 6G wireless communication
Yu Li, ANU, 09/2023 - present, Topic: wireless security
Qingyang Zhuang, ANU, 02/2023 - present, Topic: IoT bushfire detection
Liangling Lai, ANU, 04/2022 – present, Topic: Goal-oriented communication
B. Eng. (Hon, R&D)
Jack Connell, ANU, 2024, Topic: IoT bushfire detection
Former Postdoc
Dr. Shihao Yan, 08/2015 – 01/2018, Now work at Edith Cowan University as a Senior Lecturer. [personal webpage]
Dr. Ali Nasir, 09/2012 – 08/2015, Now work at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals as an Associate Professor. [personal webpage]
Former Students
Xiaolun Jia, ANU, 01/2018 – 05/2021, Topic: Backscatter communications. Previously worked at Finisar Australia. Now work at Morse Micro.
Sheeraz Alvi, ANU, 07/2016 – 01/2020, Topic: Machine-to-machine communications. Now work at ANU as a research fellow and previously as an education staff member.
Khurram Shahzad, ANU, 05/2016 – 01/2020, Topic: Covert wireless communications. Previously worked at Charles Sturt University as a research associate. Now work at the Institution of Engineers Australia.
Wanchun Liu, ANU, 07/2014 – 07/2017, Topic: Energy harvesting wireless communications. Now work at University of Sydney as a research fellow (ARC DECRA Fellow).
Yirui Cong, ANU, 12/2013 – 10/2017, Topic: Communication and control in wireless mobile networks. Now work as an Associate Professor at National University of Defense Technology China.
Biao He, ANU, 08/2012 – 02/2016, Topic: Physical layer security. Previously worked as postdoc researcher at HKUST and UC Irvine and as a staff engineer at MediaTek USA. Now work as a staff engineer at Qualcomm USA.
Zhifeng Tang, ANU, 08/2019 – 01/2024, Topic: Low-latency communications (principal supervisor: Prof. Nan Yang). Now work at ANU as a postdoc research fellow.
Sahar Idrees, ANU, 03/2018 – 08/2023, Topic: Backscatter communications (principal supervisor: Prof. Salman Durrani). Now work at the Institution of Engineers Australia.
Zohair Abu Shaban, ANU, 06/2014 – 11/2017, Topic: Localization in cellular networks (principal supervisor: Prof. Thushara Abhayapala), Previously worked at University of New South Wales as a research associate. Now work at Cohda Wireless Pty Ltd Australia.
Yifei Huang, ANU, 03/2014 – 01/2017, Topic: Heterogeneous cellular networks (principal supervisor: Dr. Salman Durrani). Previous worked at Venture Consulting Australia as a telco specialist and at Vodafone Australia as a network strategist. Now work at Liberty Global as a Technology Senior Manager.
Jing Guo, ANU, 09/2012 – 04/2016, Topic: Stochastic geometry for wireless networks (principal supervisor: Dr. Salman Durrani). Now work as an Associate Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology, China. Previously worked as a postdoc researcher at the ANU.
He (Jackson) Wang, ANU, 11/2009 – 07/2013, Topic: Heterogeneous cellular networks (principal supervisor: Prof. Mark Reed). Now work at Samsung Research Centre in Beijing, China. Previously worked as postdoc researcher at UNSW.
Yanyan Wang, from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 09/2018 – 09/2019, Topic: Splitting receiver. Now work at Southwest Jiaotong University, China.
Keerthi Suresh, from IIT Madras, India, 07/2019 – 09/2019, Topic: Deep learning for modulation design. Now work at Konica Minolta, Japan.
Jinsong Hu, from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 07/2017 – 06/2018, Topic: Physical layer security (principal supervisor: Dr. Shihao Yan). Now work at Fuzhou University, China.
Xian Li, from Southeast University China, 11/2016 – 12/2017, Topic: Wireless powered communication. Now work at Shenzhen University, China.
Jianping Yao, from South China University of Technology, 09/2015 – 09/2016, Topic: Physical layer security. Now work at Guangdong University of Technology, China.
Xi Zhang, from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 07/2013 – 10/2013, Topic: Physical layer security, Now work at Huawei, China.
M. Eng.
Xiangjie Meng, ANU, 2015, Topic: Physical layer security.
Marwan Farhat, ANU, 2011, Topic: Cooperative communication with untrustworthy relays.
B. Eng. (Hon, R&D)
Jess Bridgart, ANU, 2023-2024, Topic: IoT bushfire detection (co-supervised with Ms. Qingyang Zhuang)
Arthur Zhao, ANU, 2023, Topic: IoT bushfire detection (co-supervised with Dr. Chiu Chan)
Stefan Rebel, ANU, 2023, Topic: IoT bushfire detection system (co-supervised with Dr. Chiu Chan)
Yixiang Yin, ANU, 2023, Topic: LoRa networking (co-supervised with Dr. Chiu Chan)
Nicholas Arnold, ANU, 2022, Topic: Wireless sensor networks for bushfire detection
Kurt Johnstone, ANU, 2022, Topic: Wireless sensor networks for bushfire detection
Devesh Bhogal, ANU, 2022, Topic: Physical-layer authentication
Zhengdao Zhou, ANU, 2021 – 2022, Topic: Car parking system using LiDAR
Patrik Rilko, ANU, 2021, Topic: Wireless sensing for fire detection
Harmanpreet Kaur, ANU, 2021, Topic: Wireless sensing for fire detection
Ryan Yong Ze Hung, ANU, 2021, Topic: Backscatter communications
Nikhil Kalele, ANU, 2021, Topic: USRP implementation of communication systems
Georgia Prout, ANU, 2021, Topic: Multicast Network
Hancheng Shao, ANU, 2021, S1, Topic: Key generation from wireless channels
Muhammad Nazafi Amthal Mohamad Shukeri, ANU, 2020 – 2021, Topic: Underwater communications
Daniel Leditschke, ANU, 2020, S2, Topic: Phone as a key localisation
Weicong Zhang, ANU, 2020, Topic: Deep learning for communication
Chi Weng Ma, ANU, 2020, Topic: Backscatter communications
Yue Ma, ANU, 2020, Topic: Signal detection and identification
Hyeok Sang Yu, ANU, 2020, Topic: Ethernet protocols
Maxwell Ashurst, ANU, 2020, S1, Topic: Deep learning for communications
Daniel Leditschke, ANU, 2020, S1, Topic: Deep learning for communications
Mazen El Husseini, ANU, 2019 – 2020, Topic: WiFi and Fixed Wireless in Australia
Snehil Thakur, ANU, 2019 – 2020, Topic: Aquaponics System
Nicola Armstrong, ANU, 2019, S2, Topic: splitting receiver
Yihui Zheng, ANU, 2019, Topic: backscatter communications
Zheyuan Sun, ANU, 2019, Topic: wireless cellular networks
Tian Qiu, ANU, 2018 – 2019, Topic: splitting receiver
Guanqing Li, ANU, 2018 – 2019, Topic: wireless cellular networks
Ahmad Raed Alamyar, ANU, 2018, Topic: wireless cellular networks
Yun Jiang, ANU, 2018, Topic: wireless cellular networks
Kun (Shasha) Ma, ANU, 2018, Topic: national broadband networks
Ian Rankine, ANU, 2017 – 2018, Topic: wireless cellular networks
Ruihua Jing, ANU, 2017, Topic: wireless cellular networks
Tonghui Liu, ANU, 2017, Topic: wireless cellular networks
Tianyu Cao, ANU, 2017, Topic: wireless communication security
Xiaolun Jia, ANU, 2016 – 2017, Topic: wireless communication security
Ben Schultz, ANU, 2016, Topic: wireless cellular networks
Emily Khor, ANU, 2016, Topic: wireless cellular networks
Mengjie Zhao, ANU, 2015, Topic: Spatial modelling of cellular networks.
Si Bao, ANU, 2015, Topic: heterogeneous cellular networks
Ahnaf Ahmed, ANU, 2015, Topic: Wireless information and power transfer
Xuran Li, ANU, 2015. Topic: Physical layer security
Yang Liu, ANU, 2014, Topic: Heterogeneous cellular networks
Tiange Shi, ANU, 2014, Topic: Physical layer security
Bin Zhu, ANU, 2014, Topic: Wireless information and power transfer
Tian Liang, ANU, 2014, Topic: Physical layer security
Congchi Zhang, ANU, 2013, Topic: Heterogeneous cellular networks.
Mengqi Xu, ANU, 2013, Topic: Physical layer security.
Min Qiu, ANU, 2012, Topic: Game theory in wireless communications.
Chen Ye, ANU, 2012, Topic: Game theory in wireless communications.