Research and Publications
Research Interests:
A broad interest in the communication theory, signal processing, wireless networking, and security aspects of wireless communications, focusing on the technologies underpinning beyond 5G networks and the Internet of Things. Examples of specific research topics include:
Physical layer security
Wireless network security
Near-field communications
Ultra-reliable and low latency communications
Wireless-powered and backscatter communications
Semantics, effectiveness and goal oriented communications
IoT bushfire detection
Personal use of the following material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE or other publishers of the work concerned.
Google Scholar page: [link]
T. Q. Duong, J. Zhang, N. Yang, X. Zhou, and. V. Sharma (Eds.), "Physical Layer Security for 6G Networks", IET, 2024. [link]
T. Q. Duong, X. Zhou, and H. V. Poor (Eds.), “Trusted Communications with Physical Layer Security for 5G and Beyond”, IET, 2017. [link]
X. Zhou, L. Song, and Y. Zhang (Eds.), “Physical Layer Security in Wireless Communications”, CRC Press, 2013. [link]
Book Chapters
W. Liu, S. Durrani, and X. Zhou, “Wireless Powered Sensor Networks”, In: D. Jayakody, J. Thompson, S. Chatzinotas, S. Durrani (Eds.) Wireless Information and Power Transfer: A New Paradigm for Green Communications, Springer International Publishing AG, 2017. [link]
M. Maso, C. Zhong, X. Zhou and H. A. Suraweera, “Wireless-Powered Cooperative Relay Networks”, In: Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Wiley, 2017. [link]
Magazine, Tutorial and Survey Articles
C. C. Chan, S. A. Alvi, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, N. Wilson, and M. Yebra, "A Survey on IoT Ground Sensing Systems for Early Wildfire Detection: Technologies, Challenges and Opportunities", IEEE Access, Nov. 2024.
G. Khadka, M. Nemati, X. Zhou, and J. Choi, “Index Modulation in Backscatter Communication for IoT-Sensor-Based Applications: A Review”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Nov. 2022.
S. Yan, X. Zhou, J. Hu, and S. V. Hanly, "Low Probability of Detection Communication: Opportunities and Challenges", IEEE Wireless Commun., Oct. 2019.
W. Liu, K. Huang, X. Zhou, and S. Durrani, “Next Generation Backscatter Communications: Systems, Techniques and Applications”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Mar. 2019.
K. Huang and X. Zhou, “Cutting Last Wires for Mobile Communication by Microwave Power Transfer”, IEEE Communications Magazine, Jun. 2015.
Technical Journal Papers
M. Tatar Mamaghani, X. Zhou, N. Yang, A. L. Swindlehurst, and H. V. Poor, "Performance Analysis of Finite Blocklength Transmissions Over Wiretap Fading Channels: An Average Information Leakage Perspective", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Oct. 2024.
J. Liu, G. Yang, Y. Liu, and X. Zhou, "RIS Empowered Near-Field Covert Communications", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Oct. 2024.
S. Idrees, S. Durrani, Z. Xu, X. Jia, and X. Zhou, "Joint Active and Passive Beamforming for IRS-Assisted Monostatic Backscatter Systems: An Unsupervised Learning Approach", IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking, Sept. 2024.
A. Shafie, N. Yang, C. Li, X. Zhou, and T. Q. Duong, "Spectrum Allocation for Multiuser Terahertz Communication Systems: A Machine Learning Approach", IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Sept. 2024.
M. Tatar Mamaghani, X. Zhou, N. Yang, and A. L. Swindlehurst, "Secure Short-Packet Communications via UAV-Enabled Mobile Relaying: Joint Resource Optimization and 3D Trajectory Design", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Jul. 2024.
J. Guo, S. Durrani, X. Zhou, and Z. Fei, "Design and Performance Analysis of Cache-Enabled Multicast in UAV-Assisted Cellular Networks", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Jul. 2024.
Y. Wang, W. Liu, and X. Zhou, “Optimal Design of Splitting Receiver with Multiple Antennas”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Mar. 2024.
Z. Tang, N. Yang, P. Sadeghi, and X. Zhou, "Age of Information in Downlink Systems: Broadcast or Unicast Transmission?", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Jul. 2023.
Z. Tang, Z. Sun, N. Yang, and X. Zhou, "Age of Information of Multi-User Mobile-Edge Computing Systems", IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Jul. 2023.
M. Wu, X. Lei, X. Zhou, X. Tang, and O. A. Dobre, "RIS-Assisted Energy- and Spectrum-Efficient Symbiotic Transmission in NOMA Systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, May, 2023.
X. Ma, X. Lei, X. Zhou, and X. Tang, "Secrecy Performance Evaluation of Scalable Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems: A Stochastic Geometry Approach", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Apr. 2023.
M. Yebra, et al, "AFAC Conference: Report: Towards an Integrated Hi-tech Solution to Detect Small Fires", Australian Journal of Emergency Management, Oct. 2022.
X. Jia, X. Zhou, D. Niyato, and J. Zhao, “Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted Bistatic Backscatter Networks: Joint Beamforming and Reflection Design”, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Jun. 2022.
Y. Wang, W. Liu, and X. Zhou, “Splitting Receiver with Joint Envelope and Coherent Detection”, IEEE Communications Letters, Jun. 2022.
S. Idrees, X. Jia, S. Durrani, and X. Zhou, “Design of Intelligent Reflecting Surface (IRS)-Boosted Ambient Backscatter Systems”, IEEE Access, Jun. 2022.
Y. Cong, X. Wang, and X. Zhou, “Rethinking the Mathematical Framework and Optimality of Set-Membership Filtering”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, May 2022.
C. Li, S. Yan, N. Yang, and X. Zhou, "Truncated Channel Inversion Power Control to Enable One-Way URLLC with Imperfect Channel Reciprocity", IEEE Transactions on Communications, Apr. 2022.
Z. Tang, Z. Sun, N. Yang, and X. Zhou, “Whittle Index Based Scheduling Policy for Minimizing the Cost of Age of Information”, IEEE Communications Letters, Jan. 2022.
M. Wu, X. Lei, X. Zhou, Y. Xiao, X. Tang, and R. Q. Hu, “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Spatial Modulation for Symbiotic Radio”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Dec. 2021.
X. Jia and X. Zhou, “Power Beacon Placement for Maximizing Guaranteed Coverage in Bistatic Backscatter Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Nov. 2021.
X. Jia and X. Zhou, “IRS-Assisted Ambient Backscatter Communications Utilizing Deep Reinforcement Learning”, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Nov. 2021.
M. Yebra, et al, "An Integrated System to Protect Australia from Catastrophic Bushfires", Australian Journal of Emergency Management, Oct. 2021.
K. Shahzad and X. Zhou, “Covert Wireless Communications under Quasi-Static Fading with Channel Uncertainty”, IEEE Trans. Inf. Foren. Sec. 2021.
A. Shafie, N. Yang, S. Durrani, X. Zhou, C. Han, and M. Juntti, “Coverage Analysis for 3D Terahertz Communication Systems”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Jun. 2021.
Z. Sun, Z. Wei, N. Yang, and X. Zhou, “Two-Tier Communication for UAV-Enabled Massive IoT Systems: Performance Analysis and Joint Design of Trajectory and Resource Allocation”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Apr. 2021.
Y. Cong, X. Zhou and R. A. Kennedy, “Finite Blocklength Entropy-Achieving Coding for Linear System Stabilization”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Jan. 2021.
S. Idrees, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and D. Niyato, “Design of Ambient Backscatter Training for Wireless Power Transfer”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Oct. 2020.
S. Guo, X. Zhou and, X. Zhou, “Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in SWIPT Cooperative Wireless Networks”, IEEE Systems Journal., Sept. 2020.
N. Senadhira, S. Durrani, X. Zhou, N. Yang, and M. Ding, “Uplink NOMA for Cellular-Connected UAV: Impact of UAV Trajectories and Altitude”, IEEE Trans. Commun., Aug. 2020.
X. Jia and X. Zhou, “Performance Characterization of Relaying Using Backscatter Devices”, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Jun. 2020.
S. A. Alvi, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and D. T. Ngo, “Sequencing and Scheduling for Multi-User Machine-Type Communication”, IEEE Trans. Commun., Apr. 2020.
Y. Wang, W. Liu, X. Zhou, and G. Liu, “On the Performance of Splitting Receiver with Joint Coherent and Non-Coherent Processing”, IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 2020.
K. Shahzad, X. Zhou, and S. Yan, “Covert Wireless Communication in Presence of a Multi-Antenna Adversary and Delay Constraints”, IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., Dec. 2019.
J. Hu, S. Yan, X. Zhou, F. Shu, and J. Li, “Covert Wireless Communications with Channel Inversion Power Control in Rayleigh Fading”, IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech. Dec. 2019.
Y. Cong, X. Zhou, B. Zhou, and V. K. N. Lau, “Cooperative Localization in Mobile Wireless Networks with Asynchronous Measurements and Communications”, IEEE Access, Dec. 2019.
J. Guo, S. Durrani, and X. Zhou, "Monostatic Backscatter System with Multi-Tag to Reader Communication", IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., Oct. 2019.
S. Yan, Y. Cong, S. V. Hanly, and X. Zhou, "Gaussian Signalling for Covert Communications", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Jul. 2019.
X. Li, X. Zhou, C. Sun, and D. W. K. Ng, “Online Policies for Throughput Maximization of Energy-Constrained Wireless-Powered Communication Systems”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Mar. 2019.
J. Guo, X. Zhou, and S. Durrani, “Wireless Power Transfer via mmWave Power Beacons with Directional Beamforming”, IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., Feb. 2019.
S. Yan, B. He, X. Zhou, Y. Cong, and A. L. Swindlehurst, "Delay-Intolerant Covert Communications with either Fixed or Random Transmit Power", IEEE Trans. Inf. Foren. Sec., Jan. 2019.
K. Shahzad, X. Zhou, S. Yan, J. Hu, F. Shu, and J. Li, “Achieving Covert Wireless Communications Using a Full-Duplex Receiver”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. Dec. 2018.
S. A. Alvi, X. Zhou, and S. Durrani, “Optimal Compression and Transmission Rate Control for Node-Lifetime Maximization”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Nov. 2018.
S. Yan, X. Zhou, N. Yang, T. D. Abhayapala, and A. L. Swindlehurst, "Secret Channel Training to Enhance Physical Layer Security With a Full-Duplex Receiver", IEEE Trans. Info. Foren. Sec., Nov. 2018.
J. Guo, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and H. Yanikomeroglu, “Design of Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Enhanced Backscatter Communication”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Oct. 2018.
B. He, S. Yan, X. Zhou, and H. Jafarkhani, “Covert Wireless Communication with a Poisson Field of Interferers”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Sept. 2018.
S. A. Alvi, S. Durrani, and X. Zhou, “Enhancing CRDSA with Transmit Power Diversity for Machine-Type Communications”, IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., Aug. 2018.
Z. Abu-Shaban, X. Zhou, T. D. Abhayapala, G. Seco-Granados, and H. Wymeersch, “Error Bounds for Uplink and Downlink 3D Localization in 5G mmWave Systems”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Aug. 2018.
J. Hu, S. Yan, X. Zhou, F. Shu, J. Li, and J. Wang, “Covert Communication Achieved by a Greedy Relay in Wireless Networks”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Jul. 2018.
J. Yao, X. Zhou, Y. Liu, and S. Feng, “Secure Transmission in Linear Multihop Relaying Networks”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Feb. 2018.
J. Guo, S. Durrani, X. Zhou, and H. Yanikomeroglu, “Massive Machine Type Communication with Data Aggregation and Resource Scheduling”, IEEE Trans. Commun., Sep. 2017.
W. Liu, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and P. Popovski, “A Novel Receiver Design with Joint Coherent and Non-Coherent Processing”, IEEE Trans. Commun., Aug. 2017.
W. Liu, K. Huang, X. Zhou, and S. Durrani, “Full-Duplex Backscatter Interference Networks Based on Time-Hopping Spread Spectrum”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Jul. 2017.
L. Mucchi, L. Ronga, X. Zhou, K. Huang, Y. Cheng, and R. Wang, “A New Metric for Measuring the Security of an Environment: The Secrecy Pressure”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., May 2017.
B. He, S. Yan, X. Zhou, and V. K. N. Lau, “On Covert Communication with Noise Uncertainty”, IEEE Commun. Lett., Apr. 2017.
Y. Cong and X. Zhou, “Event-Trigger Based Robust-Optimal Control for Energy Harvesting Transmitter”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Feb. 2017.
Y. Huang, S. Durrani, P. Dmochowski, and X. Zhou, “A Proposed Network Balance Index for Heterogeneous Networks”, IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., Feb. 2017.
Y. Cong, X. Zhou, and R. A. Kennedy, “Finite-Horizon Throughput Region for Wireless Multi-User Interference Channels”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Jan. 2017.
J. Guo, S. Durrani, X. Zhou, and H. Yanikomeroglu, “Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying a Finite Cellular Network Region”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Jan. 2017.
J. Hu, Y. Cai, N. Yang, X. Zhou, and W. Yang, “Artificial-Noise-Aided Secure Transmission Scheme with Limited Training and Feedback Overhead”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Jan. 2017.
S. Yan, X. Zhou, N. Yang, B. He, and T. D. Abhayapala, “Artificial-Noise-Aided Secure Transmission in Wiretap Channels with Transmitter-Side Correlation”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Dec. 2016.
B. He, N. Yang, S. Yan, and X. Zhou, “Regularized Channel Inversion for Simultaneous Confidential Broadcasting and Power Transfer: A Large System Analysis”, IEEE J. Sel. Topics Signal Process., Dec. 2016.
J. Hu, N. Yang, X. Zhou, W. Yang, and Y. Cai, “A Versatile Secure Transmission Strategy in the Presence of Outdated CSI”, IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., Dec. 2016.
Z. Abu-Shaban, X. Zhou, and T. D. Abhayapala, “A Novel TOA-based Mobile Localization Technique under Mixed LOS/NLOS Conditions for Cellular Networks”, IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., Nov. 2016.
B. He, X. Zhou, and A. L. Swindlehurst, “On Secrecy Metrics for Physical Layer Security over Quasi-Static Fading Channels”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Oct. 2016.
Y. Huang, A. A. Nasir, S. Durrani, and X. Zhou, “Mode Selection, Resource Allocation and Power Control for D2D-Enabled Two-Tier Cellular Network”, IEEE Trans. Commun., Aug. 2016.
A. A. Nasir, D. T. Ngo, X. Zhou, R. A. Kennedy, and S. Durrani, “Joint Resource Optimization for Multicell Networks with Wireless Energy Harvesting Relays”, IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., Aug. 2016.
J. Hu, W. Yang, N. Yang, X. Zhou, and Y. Cai, “On-Off-Based Secure Transmission Design with Outdated Channel State Information”, IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., Aug. 2016.
W. Liu, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, H. Mehrpouyan, and S. D. Blostein, “Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks: Delay Analysis Considering Energy Costs of Sensing and Transmission”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Jul. 2016.
J. Yao, S. Feng, X. Zhou, and Y. Liu, “Secure Routing in Multihop Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks with Decoding-and-Forward Relaying”, IEEE Trans. Commun., Feb. 2016.
X. Xu, B. He, W. Yang, X. Zhou, and Y. Cai, "Secure Transmission Design for Cognitive Radio Networks with Poisson Distributed Eavesdroppers," IEEE Trans. Info. Foren. Sec., Feb. 2016.
W. Liu, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and P. Popovski, “Secure Communication with a Wireless-Powered Friendly Jammer”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Jan. 2016.
B. He, X. Zhou, and T. D. Abhayapala, “Achieving Secrecy without Knowing the Number of Eavesdropper Antennas”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Dec. 2015.
B. He, N. Yang, X. Zhou, and J. Yuan, “Base Station Cooperation for Confidential Broadcasting in Multi-Cell Networks”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Oct. 2015.
X. Zhou, “Training-Based SWIPT: Optimal Power Splitting at the Receiver”, IEEE Trans. on Veh. Tech., Sep. 2015.
Y. Cong, X. Zhou, and R. A. Kennedy, “Interference Prediction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with a General Mobility Model”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Aug. 2015.
J. Guo, S. Durrani, X. Zhou, and H. Yanikomeroglu, “Outage Probability of Ad Hoc Networks with Wireless Information and Power Transfer”, IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., Aug. 2015.
Y. Huang, S. Durrani, and X. Zhou, “Interference Suppression using Generalized Inverse Precoder for Downlink Heterogeneous Networks”, IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., Jun. 2015.
A. A. Nasir, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, “Wireless-Powered Relays in Cooperative Communications: Time-Switching Relaying Protocols and Throughput Analysis”, IEEE Trans. Commun., May 2015.
X. Zhang, M. R. McKay, X. Zhou, and R. W. Heath Jr., "Artificial-Noise-Aided Secure Multi-Antenna Transmission with Limited Feedback", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., May 2015.
J. Guo, S. Durrani, and X. Zhou, “Performance Analysis of Arbitrarily-Shaped Underlay Cognitive Networks: Effect of Secondary User Activity Protocols”, IEEE Trans. Commun., Feb. 2015.
J. Yang, S. Xie, X. Zhou, R. Yu, and Y. Zhang, “A Semiblind Two-Way Training Method for Discriminatory Channel Estimation in MIMO Systems”, IEEE Trans. Commun., Jul. 2014.
W. Saad, X. Zhou, Z. Han, and H. V. Poor, "On the Physical Layer Security of Backscatter Wireless Systems", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Jun. 2014.
H. Wang, X. Zhou, and M. C. Reed, “Coverage and Throughput Analysis with a Non-Uniform Small Cell Deployment”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Apr. 2014.
C. Cai, Y. Cai, X. Zhou, W. Yang, and W. Yang, “When Does Relay Transmission Give a More Secure Connection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks?”, IEEE Trans. Inf. Foren. Sec., Apr. 2014.
J. Guo, S. Durrani, and X. Zhou, “Outage Probability in Arbitrarily-Shaped Finite Wireless Networks”, IEEE Trans. Commun., Feb. 2014.
B. He and X. Zhou, “Secure On-Off Transmission Design with Channel Estimation Errors”, IEEE Trans. Inf. Foren. Sec., Dec. 2013.
X. Zhang, X. Zhou, and M. R. McKay, "Enhancing Secrecy with Multi-Antenna Transmission in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE Trans. Inf. Foren. Sec., Nov. 2013.
B. He, X. Zhou, and T. D. Abhayapala, “Wireless Physical Layer Security with Imperfect Channel State Information: A Survey”, ZTE Commun., Sept. 2013. (invited paper)
A. A. Nasir, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, “Relaying Protocols for Wireless Energy Harvesting and Information Processing”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Jul. 2013. (2016 IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific outstanding paper award)
M.-H. Chen, S.-C. Lin, Y.-W. P. Hong, and X. Zhou, "On Cooperative and Malicious Behaviors in Multi-Relay Fading Channels", IEEE Trans. Inf. Foren. Sec., Jul. 2013.
H. Pezeshki, X. Zhou, and B. Maham, “Jamming Energy Allocation in Training-Based Multiple Access Systems”, IEEE Commun. Lett., Jun. 2013.
H. Wang, X. Zhou, and M. C. Reed, “Physical Layer Security in Cellular Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Jun. 2013.
X. Zhang, X. Zhou, and M. R. McKay, "On the Design of Artificial-Noise-Aided Secure Multi-Antenna Transmission in Slow Fading Channels", IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., Jun. 2013.
C.-W. Huang, T.-H. Chang, X. Zhou, and Y.-W. P. Hong, "Two-Way Training for Discriminatory Channel Estimation in Wireless MIMO Systems", IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, May 2013.
W. Saad, X. Zhou, B. Maham, T. Başar, and H. V. Poor, "Tree Formation with Physical Layer Security Considerations in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Nov. 2012.
X. Zhou, B. Maham, and A. Hjørungnes, "Pilot Contamination for Active Eavesdropping", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Mar. 2012.
B. Maham, P. Popovski, X. Zhou, and A. Hjørungnes, “Cognitive Multiple Access Network with Outage Margin in the Primary System”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Oct. 2011.
X. Zhou, R. K. Ganti, J. G. Andrews, and A. Hjørungnes, "On the Throughput Cost of Physical Layer Security in Decentralized Wireless Networks", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Aug. 2011.
X. Zhou, D. Niyato, and A. Hjørungnes, "Optimizing Training-Based Transmission Against Smart Jamming", IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., Jul. 2011.
T. A. Lamahewa, P. Sadeghi, and X. Zhou, “On Lower Bounding the Information Capacity of Amplify and Forward Wireless Relay Channels with Channel Estimation Errors”, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Jul. 2011.
X. Zhou, M. R. McKay, B. Maham, and A. Hjørungnes, "Rethinking the Secrecy Outage Formulation: A Secure Transmission Design Perspective", IEEE Commun. Lett., Mar. 2011.
X. Zhou, R. K. Ganti, and J. G. Andrews, "Secure Wireless Network Connectivity with Multi-Antenna Transmission", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Feb. 2011.
X. Zhou and M. R. McKay, "Secure Transmission with Artificial Noise over Fading Channels: Achievable Rate and Optimal Power Allocation", IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., Oct. 2010.
X. Zhou, T. Lamahewa, P. Sadeghi and S. Durrani, "Two-way Training: Optimal Power Allocation for Pilot and Data Transmission", IEEE Trans. Wireless. Commun., Feb. 2010.
X. Zhou, S. Durrani, H. Jones, "Connectivity Analysis of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Beamforming", IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech., Nov. 2009.
X. Zhou, P. Sadeghi, T. Lamahewa and S. Durrani, "Design Guidelines for Training-based MIMO Systems with Feedback", IEEE Trans. Signal Processing., Oct. 2009.
X. Zhou, P. Sadeghi, T. Lamahewa and S. Durrani, "Optimizing Antenna Configuration for MIMO Systems with Imperfect Channel Estimation", IEEE Trans. Wireless. Commun., Mar. 2009.
Conference Papers
L. Lai and X. Zhou, “Power Adaptation for Goal-Oriented Communication over Fading Channels”, Proc. VTC-Spring, Singapore, Singapore, Jun. 2024.
M. Tatar Mamaghani, X. Zhou, N. Yang, A. L. Swindlehurst, and H. V. Poor, "On the Information Leakage Performance of Secure Finite Blocklength Transmissions over Rayleigh Fading Channels", Proc. ICC, Denver, CO, USA, Jun. 2024. (Best paper award)
M. Tatar Mamaghani, X. Zhou, N. Yang, and A. L. Swindlehurst, "Secure Short-Packet Transmission with Aerial Relaying: Blocklength and Trajectory Co-Design", Proc. Globecom, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023.
Z. Tang, N. Yang, P. Sadeghi, and X. Zhou, "Broadcast versus Distributed Short-Packet Transmission: An Age of Information Perspective", Proc. ICC, Rome, Italy, May 2023.
Z. Tang, N. Yang, X. Zhou, and J. Lee, "Average Age of Information Penalty of Short-Packet Communications with Packet Management", Proc. ICC, Rome, Italy, May 2023.
N. Senadhira, S. A. Alvi, N. Yang, X. Zhou, and S. Durrani, "Adaptive Multiuser Access for UAV-assisted IoT Monitoring Networks Under Bursty Traffic", Proc. ICC Workshops, Rome, Italy, May 2023.
A. Shafie, C. Li, N. Yang, X. Zhou, and T. Q. Duong, “An unsupervised learning approach for spectrum allocation in terahertz communication systems,” Proc. Globecom, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec. 2022. (Best paper award)
Z. Tang, N. Yang, P. Sadeghi, and X. Zhou, “The Age of Information of Short-Packet Communication: Joint or Distributed Encoding”, Proc. ICC, Seoul, South Korea, May 2022.
S. Idrees, X. Jia, S. Khan, S. Durrani, and X. Zhou, “Deep Learning Based Passive Beamforming for IRS-Assisted Monostatic Backscatter Systems”, Proc. ICASSP, Singapore, Singapore, May 2022. (invited paper)
Z. Tang, Z. Sun, N. Yang, and X. Zhou, “Age of Information Analysis of Multi-user Mobile Edge Computing Systems”, Proc. Globecom, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2021.
S. Khan, S. Durrani, and X. Zhou, “Transfer Learning Based Detection for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Communications”, Proc. PIMRC, Sep. 2021.
X. Jia, J. Zhao, X. Zhou, and D. Niyato, “Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Aided Backscatter Communications”, Proc. Globecom, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2020.
N. Senadhira, S. Durrani, X. Zhou, N. Yang, and M. Ding, “Impact of UAV Trajectory on NOMA-Assisted Cellular-Connected UAV Networks”, Proc. ICC, Dublin, Ireland, Jun. 2020.
S. A. Alvi, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and. D. T. Ngo, “Proportionally-Fair Sequencing and Scheduling for Machine-Type Communication”, Proc. ICC, Dublin, Ireland, Jun. 2020.
S. Idrees, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and D. Niyato, “A Retrodirective Wireless Power Transfer Scheme for Ambient Backscatter Systems”, Proc. ICC, Dublin, Ireland, Jun. 2020.
Z. Tang, Z. Sun, N. Yang, and X. Zhou, “Age of Information of Multi-Source Systems with Packet Management”, Proc. ICC Workshops, Dublin, Ireland, Jun. 2020.
X. Jia and X. Zhou, "Decode-and-Forward Relaying Using a Backscatter Device: Power Allocation and BER Analysis", Proc. Globecom, Waikoloa, HI, USA, Dec. 2019.
S. A. Alvi, X. Zhou, and S. Durrani, "Wireless Powered Machine-Type Communication: Energy Minimization via Compressed Transmission", Proc. PIMRC, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 2019.
K. Shahzad and X. Zhou, “Covert Communication in Backscatter Radio”, Proc. ICC, Shanghai, China, May 2019.
S. Yan, Y. Cong, S. Hanly and X. Zhou, “Is Gaussian Signalling Optimal for Covert Communications?”, Proc. ICC, Shanghai, China, May 2019.
X. Li, X. Zhou, D. W. K. Ng, and C. Sun, “Optimal Online Transmission Policy for Energy-Constrained Wireless-Powered Communication Networks”, Proc. ICC, Shanghai, China, May 2019.
S. A. Alvi, X. Zhou, and S. Durrani, “A Lifetime Maximization Scheme for a Senor Based MTC Device”, Proc. Globecom, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Dec. 2018.
J. Guo, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and H. Yanikomeroglu, “Backscatter Communications with NOMA”, Proc. ISWCS, Lisbon, Portugal, Aug. 2018. (invited paper)
J. Hu, K. Shahzad, S. Yan, X. Zhou, F. Shu, and J. Li, “Covert Communications with A Full-Duplex Receiver over Wireless Fading Channels”, Proc. ICC, Kansas City, MO, May 2018.
Z. Abu-Shaban, X. Zhou, T. D. Abhayapala, G. Seco-Granados, and H. Wymeersch, “Performance of Location and Orientation Estimation in 5G mmWave Systems: Uplink vs Downlink”, Proc. WCNC, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2018.
W. Liu, K. Huang, X. Zhou, and S. Durrani, “Time-Hopping Multiple-Access for Backscatter Interference Networks”, Proc. Globecom, Singapore, Singapore, Dec. 2017.
J. Hu, S. Yan, X. Zhou, F. Shu, and J. Wang, “Covert Communication in Wireless Relay Networks”, Proc. Globecom, Singapore, Singapore, Dec. 2017.
J. Guo, S. Durrani, X. Zhou, and H. Yanikomeroglu, “Machine-Type Communication with Random Access and Data Aggregation: A Stochastic Geometry Approach”, Proc. Globecom, Singapore, Singapore, Dec. 2017.
J. Guo, S. Durrani, X. Zhou, and H. Yanikomeroglu, “Underlay D2D Communication in a Finite Cellular Network with Exclusion Zone”, Proc. VTC-Fall, Toronto, Canada, Sept. 2017.
K. Shahzad, X. Zhou and S. Yan, “Covert Communication in Fading Channels under Channel Uncertainty”, Proc. VTC-Spring, Sydney, Australia, Jun. 2017.
S. Yan, B. He, Y. Cong, and X. Zhou, “Covert Communication with Finite Blocklength in AWGN Channels”, Proc. ICC, Paris, France, May 2017.
S. Yan, X. Zhou, N. Yang, T. D. Abhayapala, and A. L. Swindlehurst, “Channel Training Design in Full-Duplex Wiretap Channels to Enhance Physical Layer Security”, Proc. ICC, Paris, France, May 2017.
S. Yan, X. Zhou, N. Yang, B. He, and T. D. Abhayapala, “Correlation-Based Power Allocation for Secure Transmission with Artificial Noise”, Proc. Globecom, Washington, DC, Dec. 2016.
Y. Cong and X. Zhou, “Offline Delay-Optimal Transmission for Energy Harvesting Nodes”, Proc. Globecom, Washington, DC, Dec. 2016.
Y. Cong, X. Zhou, and R. A. Kennedy, “Rate-Achieving Policy in Finite-Horizon Throughput Region for Multi-User Interference Channels”, Proc. Globecom, Washington, DC, Dec. 2016.
Z. Abu-Shaban, H. Wymeersch, X. Zhou, G. Seco-Granados, and T. D. Abhayapala, “Random-Phase Beamforming for Initial Access in Millimeter-Wave Cellular Networks”, Proc. Globecom, Washington, DC, Dec. 2016.
Y. Huang, L. Bell, S. Durrani, X. Zhou, and N. Yang, “Effects of Load Dependent Dynamic Biasing and Association Order for Cell Range Expansion”, Proc. ICSPCS, Gold Coast, Australia, Dec. 2016.
J. Hu, Y. Cai, N. Yang, X. Zhou, and W. Yang, “Secure Beamforming Transmission with Limited Training and Feedback”, Proc. IEEE ICCC, Chengdu, China, Jul. 2016.
Y. Cai, X. Xu, B. He, W. Yang, and X. Zhou, “Protecting Cognitive Radio Networks Against Poisson Distributed Eavesdroppers”, Proc. ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016.
W. Liu, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and P. Popovski, “SWIPT with Practical Modulation and RF Energy Harvesting Sensitivity”, Proc. ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016.
M. M. Azari, S. Pollin, F. Rosas, B. Maham, and X. Zhou, “A Fair Opportunistic Relaying Algorithm Using an Adaptive Selection Region in Cooperative Networks”, Proc. European Wireless Conference, Oulu, Finland, May 2016.
Y. Huang, A. A. Nasir, S. Durrani, and X. Zhou, “Graphical Generalization of Power Control in Multiuser Interference Channels”, Proc. AusCTW, Melbourne, Australia, Jan. 2016.
W. Liu, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, H. Mehrpouyan, and S. D. Blostein, “Performance of Wireless-Powered Sensor Transmission Considering Energy Cost of Sensing”, Proc. Globecom, San Diego, CA, Dec. 2015.
Y. Huang, S. Durrani, and X. Zhou, “Interference Nulling for Offloaded Heterogeneous Users Using Marco Generalized Inverse Precoder”, Proc. ISCIT, Nara, Japan, Oct. 2015.
W. Liu, X. Zhou, and S. Durrani, “Wireless-Powered Friendly Jammer for Physical Layer Security”, Proc. WCSP, Nanjing, China, Oct. 2015. (invited paper)
A. A. Nasir, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, “Block-Wise Time-Switching Energy Harvesting Protocol for Wireless-Powered AF Relays”, Proc. IEEE ICC, London, UK, Jun. 2015.
A. A. Nasir, D. T. Ngo, X. Zhou, R. A. Kennedy, and S. Durrani, “Sum Throughput Maximization for heterogeneous Multicell Networks with RF-Powered Relays”, Proc. IEEE ICC, London, UK, Jun. 2015.
M. Darabi, B. Maham, W. Saad, and X. Zhou, “Buffer-Aided Relay Selection and Secondary Power Minimization for Two-Way Cognitive Radio Networks”, Proc. IEEE ICC, London, UK, Jun. 2015.
B. He, N. Yang, X. Zhou, and J. Yuan, “Confidential Broadcasting via Coordinated Beamforming in Two-Cell Networks”, Proc. IEEE ICC, London, UK, Jun. 2015.
C. Wang, S. Durrani, J. Guo, and X. Zhou, “Call Completion Probability in Heterogeneous Networks with Energy Harvesting Base Stations”, Proc. International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), Sydney, Australia, Apr. 2015.
B. He and X. Zhou, “On the Placement of RF Energy Harvesting Node in Wireless Networks with Secrecy Considerations”, Proc. IEEE Globecom Workshop on Trusted Communications with Physical Layer Security, Austin, TX, Dec. 2014.
B. He and X. Zhou, “New Physical Layer Security Measures for Wireless Transmissions over Fading Channels”, Proc. IEEE Globecom, Austin, TX, Dec. 2014.
J. Guo, S. Durrani, and X. Zhou, “Characterization of Aggregate Interference in Arbitrarily-shaped Underlay Cognitive Networks”, Proc. IEEE Globecom, Austin, TX, Dec. 2014. (“Best of Globecom” paper)
H. Chen, X. Zhou, Y. Li, P. Wang, and B. Vucetic, “Wireless-Powered Cooperative Communications via a Hybrid Relay”, Proc. IEEE ITW, Hobart, Australia, Nov. 2014.
H. Wang, M. C. Reed, X. Zhou, and W. Bai, “Performance Analysis of Asynchronous ABSF Configuration in Large-Scale Femtocell Networks”, Proc. Int. Symp. Wireless Personal Multimedia Commun. (PWMC), Sydney, Australia, Sep. 2014. (invited paper)
J. Yang, R. Yu, X. Zhou, and Y. Zhang, “An Improved Two-Way Training for Discriminatory Channel Estimation via Semiblind Approach”, to appear in Proc. IEEE ICC, Sydney, Australia, Jun. 2014.
A. A. Nasir, X. Zhou, S. Durrani, and R. A. Kennedy, “Throughput and Ergodic Capacity of Wireless Energy Harvesting Based DF Relaying Network”, to appear in Proc. IEEE ICC, Sydney, Australia, Jun. 2014.
X. Zhang, X. Zhou, M. R. McKay, and R. W. Heath Jr., "Artificial-Noise-Aided Secure Multi-Antenna Transmission in Slow Fading Channels with Limited Feedback", Proc. IEEE ICASSP, Florence, Italy, May 2014. (best student paper of the information forensic and security track)
M. Darabi, B. Maham, X. Zhou, and W. Saad, “Buffer-Aided Relay Selection with Interference Cancellation and Secondary Power Minimization for Cognitive Radio Networks”, Proc. IEEE DySPAN, Mclean, VA, Apr. 2014.
X. Zhou, M. Qiu, S.-C. Lin, and Y.-W. P. Hong, “On the Jamming Power Allocation and Signal Design in DF Relay Networks”, Proc. Asilomar Conf. Signals, Syst., Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2013.
X. Zhang, X. Zhou, and M. R. McKay, "Enhancing Secrecy with Sectorized Transmission in Decentralized Wireless Networks", Proc. IEEE SPAWC, Darmstadt, Germany, Jun. 2013.
H. Wang, X. Zhou, and M. C. Reed, “Analytical Evaluation of Coverage-Oriented Femtocell Network Deployment”, Proc. IEEE ICC, Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 2013.
H. Wang, X. Zhou, and M. C. Reed, “On the Physical Layer Security in Large Scale Cellular Networks”, Proc. IEEE WCNC, Shanghai, China, Apr. 2013.
B. He and X. Zhou, "Impact of Channel Estimation Error on Secure Transmission Design”, Proc. Australian Commun. Theory Workshop (AusCTW), Adelaide, Australia, Jan. 2013.
M. Mohammadi, H. A. Suraweera, and X. Zhou, "Outage Probability of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Cooperative Relaying”, Proc. IEEE Globecom, Anaheim, CA, Dec. 2012.
B. Maham, P. Popovski, and X. Zhou, "Opportunistic Interference Cancelation and User Selection in Cognitive Multiple Access Network”, Proc. IEEE SPAWC, Izmir, Turkey, Jun. 2012.
X. Zhou, M. Tao, and R. A. Kennedy, "Cooperative Jamming for Secrecy in Decentralized Wireless Networks”, Proc. IEEE ICC, Ottawa, Canada, Jun. 2012.
X. Zhou, T. Lamahewa, P. Sadeghi, and A. Hjørungnes, "Relaying Energy Allocation in Training-Based Amplify and Forward Relay Communications”, Proc. Australian Commun. Theory Workshop (AusCTW), Wellington, New Zealand, Jan. 2012.
X. Zhang, X. Zhou, and M. R. McKay, "Benefits of Multiple Transmit Antennas in Secure Communication: A Secrecy Outage Viewpoint", Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conf. Signals, Syst., Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2011. (invited paper)
C.-W. Huang, T.-H. Chang, X. Zhou, and Y.-W. P. Hong, "Two-Way Discriminatory Channel Estimation for Non-Reciprocal Wireless MIMO Channels", Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conf. Signals, Syst., Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2011. (invited paper)
X. Zhou, R. K. Ganti, J. G. Andrews, and A. Hjørungnes, "Secrecy Transmission Capacity of Decentralized Wireless Networks”, Proc. Allerton Conf. Commun., Control, Comput., Urbana, IL, Sept. 2011.
C.-W. Huang, X. Zhou, T.-H. Chang, and Y.-W. P. Hong, "Two-Way Training Design for Discriminatory Channel Estimation in Wireless MIMO Systems”, Proc. IEEE ICC, Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 2011.
X. Zhou, D. Niyato, and A. Hjørungnes, "How Much Training is Needed Against Smart Jamming?”, Proc. IEEE ICC, Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 2011. (best paper award)
D. Niyato, X. Zhou, A. Hjørungnes, P. Wang, and Y. Li "Hierarchical Coalition Formation Game of Relay Transmission in IEEE 802.16m", Proc. Int. Conf. Game Theory for Networks (GameNets), Shanghai, China, Apr. 2011. (invited paper)
X. Zhou, P. Sadeghi, T. Lamahewa, and A. Hjørungnes, "Optimal Flashy Transmission in Training-Based MISO TDD Systems”, Proc. Australian Commun. Theory Workshop (AusCTW), Melbourne, Australia, Jan. 2011.
S. Durrani, X. Zhou, and A. Chandra, "Effect of Vehicle Mobility on Connectivity of Vehicular Ad hoc Networks”, Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall, Ottawa, Canada, Sept. 2010.
X. Zhou, P. Sadeghi and T. Lamahewa, "Optimizing Training-based MIMO Systems: How Much Time is Needed for Actual Transmission?”, Proc. IEEE VTC-Spring, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2010.
X. Zhou, T. Lamahewa, P. Sadeghi and S. Durrani, "Optimizing Training-based Transmission for Correlated MIMO Systems with Hybrid Feedback", Proc. IEEE Globecom, Honolulu, HI. Nov. 2009.
X. Zhou, T. Lamahewa and P. Sadeghi, "Kalman Filter-based Channel Estimation for Amplify and Forward Relay Communications", Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2009.
X. Zhou and M. R. McKay, "Physical Layer Security with Artificial Noise: Secrecy Capacity and Optimal Power Allocation", Proc Int. Conf. on Signal Processing and Commun. Syst. (ICSPCS), Omaha, NE, Sept. 2009.
X. Zhou, S. Durrani and H. Jones, "Connectivity of Ad Hoc Networks: Is Fading Good or Bad?" Proc. Int. Conf. on Signal Processing and Commun. Syst. (ICSPCS), Gold Coast, Australia. Dec. 2008.
X. Zhou, T. Lamahewa, P. Sadeghi and S. Durrani, "Capacity of MIMO Systems: Impact of Spatial Correlation with Channel Estimation Errors", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Commun. Systems (ICCS), Guangzhou, China, Nov. 2008.
S. Durrani, X. Zhou and H. Jones, "Connectivity of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Random Beamforming: An Analytical Approach", Proc. IEEE PIMRC, Cannes, France, Sept. 2008.
X. Zhou, T. Lamahewa, P. Sadeghi and S. Durrani, "Designing PSAM Schemes: How Optimal are SISO Pilot Parameters for Spatially Correlated SIMO?", Proc. IEEE PIMRC, Cannes, France, Sept. 2008.
X. Zhou, S. Durrani and H. Jones, "Analytical Study of Connectivity in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Random Beamforming", Proc. Int. Conf. on Signal Processing and Commun. Syst. (ICSPCS), Gold Coast, Australia. Dec. 2007.
X. Zhou, Z. Shi and M. C. Reed, “Iterative Channel Estimation for IDMA systems in Time-varying Channels”, Proc. IEEE Globecom, Washington, DC. Nov. 2007.
X. Zhou, H. M. Jones, S. Durrani and A. Scott, "Effect of Beamforming on the Connectivity of Ad Hoc Networks", Proc. Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW), Adelaide, Australia. Feb. 2007.