Xiang Fang's Homepage
About me
I'm a PhD student in the Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) department at UC San Diego, since 2024 Fall. My advisor is Professor Yufei Ding. I completed my undergraduate degree in math at Zhejiang University, China, and my master degree in mathematical finance at Columbia University (MAFN program). I spent three years in the PhD program in Statistics at UC Santa Barbara since 2021 Fall, before I dropped out and went to UCSD. My current research interests lie in quantum computing. This is my CV.
Email: x8fang@ucsd.edu
[MICRO'24] Surf-Deformer: Mitigating Dynamic Defects on Surface Code via Adaptive Deformation. Keyi Yin, Xiang Fang, Travis Humble, Ang Li, Yunong Shi, Yufei Ding.
[ASPLOS'25] QECC-Synth: A Layout Synthesizer for Quantum Error Correction Codes on Sparse Architectures. Keyi Yin, Xiang Fang, Yunong Shi, Travis Humble, Ang Li, Yufei Ding.
Tightness of Bernoulli Gibbsian line ensembles. Dimitrov, E., Fang, X., Fesser, L., Serio, C., Teitler, C., Wang, A., & Zhu, W. (2021), Electronic Journal of Probability, 26, 1-93.
Abraham Wald Memorial Prize, 2023.
Teaching Assistant, PSTAT 120A(2021 Fall, 2022 Winter), PSTAT 160A(2022 Spring), PSTAT 160B(2022 Fall), PSTAT 8(2022 Summer, 2023 Winter) , UCSB.
My Notes
Here are some of my notes. I'm more than happy to hear any question or suggestion about the notes.
Notes on Measure Theory for Probability. (updated Aug. 2022) It covers some topics in measure theory that constitute the foundation of probability theory, including measure, construction of measure space, measurable function, Lebesgue integration, product measure and Radon-Nikodym derivative, in a detailed manner.
Notes on Linear Algebra.(in progress) It covers vectors spaces, linear maps and matrice, and operator theories on finite-dimensional vector spaces and inner product spaces.